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File metadata and controls

174 lines (123 loc) · 5.19 KB


PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to the HEAD of the source tree

If you are using a released version of Kubernetes, you should refer to the docs that go with that version.

The latest 1.0.x release of this document can be found [here](

Documentation for other releases can be found at

CoreOS Multinode Cluster

Use the master.yaml and node.yaml cloud-configs to provision a multi-node Kubernetes cluster.

Attention: This requires at least CoreOS version 695.0.0, which includes etcd2.


  • Provision the master node
  • Capture the master node private IP address
  • Edit node.yaml
  • Provision one or more worker nodes


Attention: Replace <ami_image_id> below for a suitable version of CoreOS image for AWS.

Provision the Master

aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name kubernetes --description "Kubernetes Security Group"
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name kubernetes --protocol tcp --port 22 --cidr
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name kubernetes --protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name kubernetes --source-security-group-name kubernetes
aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id <ami_image_id> \
--key-name <keypair> \
--region us-west-2 \
--security-groups kubernetes \
--instance-type m3.medium \
--user-data file://master.yaml

Capture the private IP address

aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-id <master-instance-id>

Edit node.yaml

Edit node.yaml and replace all instances of <master-private-ip> with the private IP address of the master node.

Provision worker nodes

aws ec2 run-instances \
--count 1 \
--image-id <ami_image_id> \
--key-name <keypair> \
--region us-west-2 \
--security-groups kubernetes \
--instance-type m3.medium \
--user-data file://node.yaml

Google Compute Engine (GCE)

Attention: Replace <gce_image_id> below for a suitable version of CoreOS image for Google Compute Engine.

Provision the Master

gcloud compute instances create master \
--image-project coreos-cloud \
--image <gce_image_id> \
--boot-disk-size 200GB \
--machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--zone us-central1-a \
--metadata-from-file user-data=master.yaml

Capture the private IP address

gcloud compute instances list

Edit node.yaml

Edit node.yaml and replace all instances of <master-private-ip> with the private IP address of the master node.

Provision worker nodes

gcloud compute instances create node1 \
--image-project coreos-cloud \
--image <gce_image_id> \
--boot-disk-size 200GB \
--machine-type n1-standard-1 \
--zone us-central1-a \
--metadata-from-file user-data=node.yaml

Establish network connectivity

Next, setup an ssh tunnel to the master so you can run kubectl from your local host. In one terminal, run gcloud compute ssh master --ssh-flag="-L 8080:" and in a second run gcloud compute ssh master --ssh-flag="-R 8080:".

VMware Fusion

Create the master config-drive

mkdir -p /tmp/new-drive/openstack/latest/
cp master.yaml /tmp/new-drive/openstack/latest/user_data
hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -joliet-volume-name "config-2" -joliet -o master.iso /tmp/new-drive

Provision the Master

Boot the vmware image using master.iso as a config drive.

Capture the master private IP address

Edit node.yaml

Edit node.yaml and replace all instances of <master-private-ip> with the private IP address of the master node.

Create the node config-drive

mkdir -p /tmp/new-drive/openstack/latest/
cp node.yaml /tmp/new-drive/openstack/latest/user_data
hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -joliet-volume-name "config-2" -joliet -o node.iso /tmp/new-drive

Provision worker nodes

Boot one or more the vmware image using node.iso as a config drive.
