- install swagger (5f2ec6e7)
- josend slack app (94d815ac)
- add examples for slack endpoints (f216dda9)
- create swagger for slack enpoints (78c26cd9)
- add parse in the front of the functions (15941480)
- move parse airdropSol body to slack service (45549b89)
- move sendSol parse body to slack service (85108175)
- add dto to SlackCommandDto filename (105f8244)
- remove lint (4d1e7bff)
- update developer documentation (61d5f87a)
- add pr rules (7a2b4b67)
- create env variables for docker compose setup (730233b7)
- create docker compose setup (504c8618)
- save the solana RPC URL in env variables (a8e8b1c9)
- use solana localhost for local dev (c4f50085)
- inject solana transaction instance (1143b03f)
- inject solana and solana transaction into blockchain model (c4263c06)
- complete the unit tests of solana service (3f57ef0c)
- implement get balance in wallet service (ee6a8fb4)
- implement check balance endpoint in slack controller (ffea2f36)
- install throttler (9a9945c9)
- install csurf (e7820ab4)
- install helmet (a6ff30a4)
- install bull (171cd87f)
- create developer readme (5710c250)
- add redis (0860d331)
- set rate limit (a9a04259)
- enable csrf protection (522b986d)
- enable cors protection (1e4514a6)
- use helmet (60d675d3)
- remove slack service (d400bf89)
- remove wallet controller (ca99ccfe)
- put the functionality of slack service into queue (bc40ca32)
- add redis path to env variables (ea166aa3)
- inject BullModule (f136b83f)
- provide slack processor in slack module (3178d49a)
- database to mongodb (25166aca)
- mock slack queue (ee97ba7f)
- add Commit Message Format (386f25f7)
- create airdropSol in slack controller (88c27d7e)
- implement airdropSol in slack service (67b972b7)
- slack sendSol uses getOrCreate function of wallet (bf269dee)
- implement get or create a wallet (5664ad5f)
- remove wallet airdrop (5ffd0a87)
- complete sendSol in slack service (a90984ad)
- only collect coverage from services and controllers (b3273cef)
- create slack response content (29daf60d)
- return 200 response with error content (0a98f23e)
- sendSolDto to slackCommandDto (4676aaf1)
- airdrop to airdropSol (e6e1cafa)
- show the steps to update app version (533a8cb4)
- install changelog (b2c9ff31)
- remove bcrypt and install cryto-js (234e158c)
- install bcrypt (0059bfe0)
- install @nestjs/config (fe2a5f4c)
- install mongoose (f6e74b55)
- install @solana/web3.js (c7ef7702)
- complete send SOL in slack service (b2333a4c)
- pass username through the URL to create wallet (1971fc90)
- send SOLs (1dd5b773)
- import wallet service in slack service (02d3c29e)
- create a function to get a wallet (bc80aac0)
- init slack service and send sol function (e979d7dc)
- complete send-sol endpoint (95e21b3e)
- init slack controller and send-sol endpoint (5a15a56c)
- init slack module (b77aaad0)
- encrypt the secret key with username, createAt and env nonce (78afba8b)
- add createAt to wallet schema (14a2af16)
- provide default env variable (a320075f)
- make wallet controller 100% test covered (4495103a)
- validate sol number (50bac50a)
- get solana network from env variable (c9040423)
- make walletService 100% test cover (df4ab46f)
- remove web3 functions from walletService to solanaService (ae8f95a1)
- import solana module (a662d895)
- create solana service (b4026efb)
- vscode config importModuleSpecifier to relative (dce9539a)
- airdrop a SOL on devnet (6fc78ce5)
- add public to wallet schema (7fde7f4e)
- create an endpoint for airdropping (87ca67b1)
- encrypt and decrypt using AES (5df38a12)
- save a test wallet to local db (50d846f0)
- create wallet schema (0a3102de)
- connect to database (7bfc25a7)
- configure env variables (a926e616)
- create a wallet (03d8ccf8)
- expose the port 3030 (bc29f5a7)
- init wallet (ef36f397)
- remove app controller and service (a4e6ae98)
- rename SolanaModule to BlockchainModule (b6c3ae5a)
- walletModule to wallet.module (55272b52)