NEAT is Next.js, Express.js, Apollo, and Typescript.
Set up the following environment variables, replacing ${username}
, ${password}
, ${db-host}
, and ${db-port}
with the values appropriate for your environment:
export GATEWAY=http://localhost:31112
export APPS_URL=http://localhost:9090
export USER_INFO_URL=http://localhost:10000
export DE_DB_URL='postgres://${username}:${password}@${db-host}:${db-port}/de?sslmode=disable'
export PERMISSIONS_URL=http://localhost:9080
export METADATA_DB_URL='postgres://${username}:${password}@${db-host}:${db-port}/metadata?sslmode=disable'
I port-forward access to the OpenFaaS gateway, apps
service, user-info
service, and permissions
service with kubectl:
kubectl port-forward svc/apps 9090:80 &
kubectl port-forward svc/user-info 10000:80 &
kubectl port-forward svc/permissions 9080:80 &
kubectl -n openfaas port-forward svc/gateway 31112:8080 &
First off, run npm install
in the top-level directory. The run npm run dev
after setting the aforementioned environment variables and forwarding the ports listed above. nodemon
should get fired up, watching for changes in the server
directory. Hit the address it prints out when everything is up and running to load the default next.js route. Hit /graphql
to load up the graphql client served up through express with apollo.