Github provides great collaboration tools. You can do a lot of great things without ever touching a command line, or git (or even knowing what git is). Below we describe some very basic workflows. There is a lot more great help available at -- especially the Bootcamp and Collaborating sections. Note that many of these help articles do expect you to use git on the command line. But for simple workflows, you should not have to.
- Press the "New repository" button
- Check the box to "Initialize this repository with a README"
- Visit to create and edit markdown files
- Authorize with your github account
- Click on the icon for your repository (it is normally at the top.
- Click "+New File" button
- Edit your file. Explore, it is very simple and elegant
The screenshot below is from
- Go to repository page on github
- Click the "Admin" tab
- Go to the bottom and click "Delete this repository"
- Enter the name of the repository when prompted