Convert a GEDCOM file to a format for display in network visualization.
The display may be of limited value for large trees as it takes a long time to arrange into a useful structure.
Output files can be used in display tools such as:
- Cytoscape:
- GraphViz:
- Dendroscope (for Newick):
Display version number then exit.
--format= graphml or dot or json or newick
Type of output file produced. Default is graphml. Newick format is experimental.
JSON is not available for including "all" or "branch".
--include= all, ancestors, descendents, branch
Which people to include in the output. Default is all.
If choosing anything except "all", the personid option is required to select a person. "branch" means both ancestors and descendents of a single person.
In dot format output, reverse the direction of the parent to child links in order to flip the orientation of the whole graph.
Increase the size of the connecting lines in DOT format output. Can be included multiple times for extra thickness.
The id of the person to select for output. Used in combination with the iditem option. By default this is the the individual xref in the gedcom file and so may be given as for example as @i42@ or I42 or just 42.
--iditem= xref or user specified such as EXID, REFNUM, etc.
The tag in the gedcom file used to match the specified person. Default is xref which is the gedcom individual identifier. When using a non-xref tag, the given personid value must match exactly the value in the gedcom file. The match makes use of the readgedcom function find_individuals so an id name such as may be used or for a custom event such as event.extraref If more than one match is found the first (unordered) one is taken.
Include birth and death years with the names.
Location containing the library file. The path is relative to the program being used. An absolute path will not work. Default is the same location as the program (".").
Minimal usage gedcom-filename > file.graphml
Producing a file for Graphviz --format=dot gedcom-filename >
# then making an image
dot -Tpng -o file.png
# or an svg for in-browser
dot -Tsvg -o file.svg
Output of the branch containing person with GEDCOM XREF @I15@ --include=branch --personid=15 gedcom-filename > file.graphml
The ancestors of person with EXID of 432 --format=dot --include=anc --personid=432 --iditem=exid gedcom-filename >
- Requires python 3.6+
- Copy Python file and supporting style file(s).
- also requires gedcom library
- A loop in a family might be trouble
- Might not escape all non-Latin characters
- complain or abort if more than one individual is found via personid/iditem
- allow multiple personid/iditem to help select the desired person