- venture kitchen testimonial
- changed slogan
- changed link for testimonials
- added fixed blurry background
- Content now takes up available space, footer at the bottom
- LT testimonial
- Added new cv links instead of file
- Zoom level on mobile is messed up -> Made header smaller on mobile
- made by: as link to github project
- updated cv
- Restyling of landing page
- New colors, new button styles
- All projects can now be shown by clicking on the projects headline 3 times
- Bio Icon (Stylize my face? mb also favicon?)
- 404 working with deployment
- scenario manager project
- vue3 upgrade
- better image src inclusion
- egl project
- updated packages
- website-wide styles with responsive scaling
- updated packages
- scenario manager
- cover images now in 16:10 format
- cards
- 3 projects look shitty in 2x2 format
- new color scheme
- svg loading of icons
CV on website
repair favicon
Header not sticky
include old projects (mechanics, thesis)
basis for unit and e2e tests
Code snippets images: [Image: three manipulation nodes vs one node] [Image: formulas08 vs formulas01 tabbed interface vs dropdown, first row vs result only] -> Done
scale bio images to 48x48px
new images for legal, mail, address
make ul font size on legal 14px
vertical-align: middle for img on legal, 1px padding-bottom
#name larger: 200px
redo pattern: 830 height
merge images phoenix hover and tooltip
create nice illustration for querybuilder
Legal: align content with header
phoenix: include tooltips, hover-effects to illustrate affordances/microinteractions
fix weird cell heights in project preview
Replace Bootstrap with Grid CSS
project: text-image under each other
revisit sticky header paradigm
404 for not accessible content
"Back"-Functionality and design at "Johannes Schweig"
Orientation for the user, e.g. "Phoenix" centered in header?
remove require from all entries/*
scrolling up when visiting a different route
port to react -> ported to vue
Rework favicon
UseTree projects: name methods that I used, compared with methods of the other team
phoenix: write UCD process like, name methods in all phases of the process, make up the rest (Design Research, User Research, Sketches, mockups, paper prototyping, 1st evaluation)
phoenix: delete design critic of itunes
Review newly written projects
Include section: Artwork/Layout with posters I co-designed
Rewrite alt tag for impaired users (description of the image)
image margins bottom with 1 column layout are too low -> .entry-img 15px padding
Allow thesis download (generate new version)
create download icon for thesis
Include image of condat evaluation
build collage of projects as preview-img
icon for artwork
check images for resolution (800x600 max)
- Add animations for content on landing page: it is way to much work to chain together these animations