Project about nested loops and Functions in C
Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
All of the following files are programs written in C:
Filename | Description |
0-putchar.c |
Prints Holberton |
1-alphabet.c |
Prints the alphabet in lowercase |
2-print_alphabet_x10.c |
Prints 10 times the alphabet, in lowercase |
3-islower.c |
Checks for lowercase character |
4-isalpha.c |
Checks for alphabetic character |
5-sign.c |
Prints the sign of a number |
6-abs.c |
Computes the absolute value of an integer |
7-print_last_digit.c |
Prints the last digit of a number |
8-24_hours.c |
Prints every minute of the day |
9-times_table.c |
Prints the 9 times table, starting with 0 |
10-add.c |
Adds two integers and returns the result |
11-print_to_98.c |
Prints all natural numbers from n to 98 |
100-times_table.c |
Prints the n times table, starting with 0 |
101-natural.c |
Computes and prints the sum of all the multiplies of 3 or 5 below 1024 |
102-fibonacci.c |
Prints the first 50 Fibonacci numbers, starting with 1 and 2 |
103-fibonacci.c |
Finds and prints the sum of the even-valued terms |
104-fibonacci.c |
Finds and prints the first 98 Fibonacci numbers |