Project tested on Ubuntu 20.04. The project involves the following:
Filename | Description |
0-preprocesso | Runs a C file through the preprocessor and saves the result into another file |
1-compiler | Compiles a C file but does not link |
2-assembler | Generates the assembly code of a C code and saves it in an output file |
3-name | Compiles a C file and creates an executable named cisfun |
4-puts.c | Prints exactly "Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle" . Use the function puts |
5-printf.c | Prints exactly with proper grammar, but the outcome is a piece of art . You're not allowed to use the function puts |
6-size.c | Prints the size of various types on the computer it is compiled |
100-intel | Generates the assembly code (Intel syntax) of a C code and save it in an output file |
101-quote.c | Prints exactly and that piece of art is useful" - Dora Korpar, 2015-10-19 |