Constantly ping (every 10s) an AWS-hosted API, tracking and notifying when an outage is detected.
A CDK based stack spins up an API gateway with a route called "checkin". This route calls a lambda which stores the number of checkins per reporter and last time seen in a dynamodb table. Another dynamodb table is populated when an outage is detected, noting how long and how many missed checkins. Also, a notice is raised to an SNS topic when an outage occurred. I simply manually subscribed this to my e-mail to be notified when an outage is resolved, but any amount of automation could be added downstream of SNS.
These dynamodb tables can be queried using a "query" route.
See also server code.
- A simple script that can run on an ESP32 is here.
- A simple python version of the client script is here.
npm install
cdk deploy
This is inspired by an idea shared in, but instead of having the device send an e-mail, I wanted to have a cloud-hosted data store with this information.
The ESP32 code is based on the example in
Much of the CDK and Lambda approach is directly influenced by what I learned in a great tutorial from