This project employs Convolutional Neural Networks to decipher Bengali graphemes, as part of the Bengali.AI challenge on Kaggle,
A report of our most important findings is available at Report Bengali Competition.pdf.
The data can be downloaded directly from Kaggle to any/most systems. This required the package kaggle
to be installed, which can be done with pip install kaggle
. On Google Colab this is installed by default.
To retrieve the data, the username and API key need to be provided. These can be obtained from -> account -> Create New API Token, which downloads a json file with the username and key. Set these before running the script with os.environ['KAGGLE_USERNAME'] = 'username from file'
and os.environ['KAGGLE_KEY'] = 'kaggle key from file'
Finally, retrieve the data with the command python CNN/
, which can be executed from a Jupyter Notebook using !python CNN/
or from Python code using os.system('python CNN/')
This gives:
os.environ['KAGGLE_USERNAME'] = 'username from file'
os.environ['KAGGLE_KEY'] = 'kaggle key from file'
os.system('python CNN/')