Closed issues:
1.25 (2016-12-26)
1.24 (2016-12-24)
Fixed bugs:
- OOM exception using startFixedUpload #14
Closed issues:
- SpeedTestReport : getTransferRateBit() #19
- java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor #17
- Connection error (Permisssion denied) #16
Merged pull requests:
1.23 (2016-10-19)
Closed issues:
- Cannot resolve symbol HttpFrame #15
1.22 (2016-10-18)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE on onUploadCompleted #13
1.21 (2016-10-04)
1.2 (2016-10-04)
Closed issues:
- How to display result in KBps and Mbps? #10
- Setting TextView text inside onDownloadPacketsReceived() #7
1.16 (2016-08-30)
1.15 (2016-08-27)
1.14 (2016-08-26)
1.13 (2016-08-26)
1.12 (2016-08-26)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Upload timeout Android #4
1.11 (2016-05-19)
1.10 (2016-05-18)
1.09 (2016-05-13)
1.08 (2016-05-13)
1.07 (2016-05-12)
1.06 (2016-05-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Calculate Upload/Donwload speed during testing #1
1.05 (2016-04-01)
1.04 (2016-03-31)
1.03 (2016-03-31)
1.02 (2016-03-07)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator