- What browsers to support (Think we can drop IE10)
- Separate css files for pub specific colors?
- Should we create a 'common' css file wh/ will include all the pub colors + more features (e.g. for more highly designed pages)?
- What breakpoints should we use? (Maybe look at GA to determine common screen sizes)
- Container width?
- Do we want to build an icon library or use a public one? Like IBM's
- What are the max-min text sizes for h1-h6, p? See rucksack dynamic font-size
- Any update on the report / research Megan and her team is doing on LF's client base?
- How are we going to test our updates and what metrics will determine a winner
- Will all these items be the same across each pub? (Primary, secondary text color), (Container width), (h1-h6, p font size)
- What catchy name should we give this system / product? [Tulip, Ratio, _ ]
List of items for each team to try to accomplished (broken down by 'General', 'Devs', 'Designers', 'Backlog')
- What is each pub's Primary color, Secondary color, Pub link Hover color
- Container width (Does new #10 look kind of wide for desktop reading?)
- For h1-h6, p font size (so that styles match let's consider current ja.com site for font-sizes, etc)
- Research best css library to copy from
- Look at GA to determine common screen sizes (so we can figure out breakpoints)
- Look into what's obligatory on OPIUM's forms (e.g. remove field_wrapper, etc)
- Set up w/ Parcel or Gulp if we are not using already? (add purgeCSS, autoprefix, cssnano,
npm run build
to--public-url ./
, etc)
- What are each pub's font-family(ies)
- What are each pub's primary colors Emma has posted most here
- What are each pub's secondary colors
- What are each pub's hover colors
- What are LF's general success, error, warning, info colors
- What are LF's general primary/secondary text colors
- < hr > styles (h-(1-4) (for height on HRs))
- Checkboxes styles
- Radios styles
- Dark theme (for after hours)
- Consider using '.text-tiny, .text-sm, .text-md, .text-lg, .text-xl...'
- Create a mockup of promo / OF with comments about what we (w/in LF) call each section (eyebrow, hero, form, subhead, Y/NO call to actions)
- Get naming conventions down. (ie. eyebrow, hero, form, subhead, Y/NO call to actions, primary/secondary-color/text). All this being organized will make on boarding/talking amongst the team easier.
- Click to copy code on style guide (See: any public styleguide a lot have them)
- Slack integration
- Make components trigger by flags/booleans in JS object
let LFCoolAppName.config = {
popUp: true,
twoStep: true,
ImageZoom: false
LF Production - Should we post things here?
New #10 Checklist
Updates to #10
LF Pub Icons
LF Meta data