I manage my dotfiles using chezmoi.
This repo includes configs for macOS and my riced up i3 (I use arch btw…)
I mainly use Doom Emacs, but I also maintain my Neovim configured with some bling just in case I need to pop up an editor for a quick edit in the terminal. Speaking of the terminal, I use alacritty. It’s fast. In it, I live at all times inside tmux.
To configure neovim I use fennel. In order to compile fennel whenever a source changes, I use a little chezmoi hook hack to run a Rakefile.
I use solarized on almost everything.
- tmux/tmux: terminal multiplexer
- junegunn/fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder
- eradman/entr: Run arbitrary commands when files change
- BurntSushi/ripgrep: search directories for a pattern
- ggreer/the_silver_searcher: A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- chmln/sd: Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
- ast-grep/ast-grep: A CLI tool for code structural search, lint and rewriting
- sachaos/viddy: Modern watch command
- theryangeary/choose: A human-friendly and fast alternative to cut and (sometimes) awk
- sharkdp/hyperfine: A command-line benchmarking tool
- vifm/vifm: a file manager with curses interface, which provides Vim-like environment for managing objects within file systems
- sxyazi/yazi: terminal file manager
- jhspetersson/fselect: Find files with SQL-like queries
- sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to ‘find’
- multiprocessio/dsq: Commandline tool for running SQL queries against JSON, CSV, Excel, Parquet, and more.
- stedolan/jq: Command-line JSON processor
- PaulJuliusMartinez/jless: command-line JSON viewer, reader, explorer, searcher
- mgdm/htmlq: Like jq, but for HTML
- antonmedv/fx: Terminal JSON viewer
- BurntSushi/xsv: A fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust.
- wayned/rsync: fast incremental file transfer
- rclone/rclone: rsync for cloud storage
- twpayne/chezmoi: Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
- sniptt-official/ots: share end-to-end encrypted secrets with others via a one-time url
- Wormhole - share files with e2e encryption and a link that automatically expires
I use a ZSA Moonlander, you can find (and fork) my layout on Oryx