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File metadata and controls

43 lines (40 loc) · 1.59 KB


Useful code snippets for data analysis


  1. How to extract mouse data from 10x ATAC fragments file from mixed species expts:
zcat fragments.tsv.gz | awk '{if($1~/mm10/) {x=$0; gsub("mm10_","",$x); print $x}}' > mm10_fragments.tsv #Extract mouse reads
mload samtools; bgzip mm10_fragments.tsv #gzip file
mload tabix; tabix -f -p bed -0 mm10_fragments.tsv.gz #Create tabix
  1. Replace substring with another substring in a string. E.g. Replace Day2 with Day5 in al file names in a folder:
for i in $(ls); do echo ${i//Day2/Day5}; done
  1. List files not matching a regex pattern:
ls !(*<pattern>*)
  1. Convert multi-line list into comma separated string
ls * | paste -s -d ,

E.g. to convert a list of fastqs to cellranger list of samples do :

for i in 2 3 4; do awk -F'/' '{print substr($4,0,33)}' <(ls ../fq/Morris_ntt/*SI-NA-H$i*) | sort | uniq | paste -s -d , >> fq_id; done

Parse CSV in bash and run bedtools on pairs of files:

while IFS=, read -r col1 col2; do echo $col1-$col2; bedtools intersect -a bedfiles/$col1 -b bedfiles/$col2 | bedtools sort -i - > temp/$col1-$col2; done < file_list_pairs


  1. To unbuffer python job output, run as python -u <python_script>
  2. To run a bash command inside a running slurm job srun --ntasks-per-node=1 --jobid=<job_id> <command>


  1. Save data to pickle file
import pickle
with open('my_file.pkl', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(data, f)
  1. Check if scipy sparse matrix is the right format, this is helpful when jumping around scipy versions <mtx_name>.check_format()