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##Homework Repository

  1. Repository Setup;
  2. Do Your Homework;
  3. Submit Your Homework.

Repository Setup

You only need to do this once, not every time you're submitting homework!

  • Fork this repository
    • 'Forking' creates a personal, 'forked' copy of this repository on your Github account.
    • Hit the Fork button in the top right-hand corner of this page.
  • Clone your forked repository to your computer
    • 'Cloning' takes your 'forked' repository on GitHub and creates a local copy - or 'clone' - on your computer.
    • Make sure you're browser is open to your forked version of this repository on Github (eg{{YOUR_USERNAME}}/WDI15_Homework).
    • Hit the Clone or Download button in the top right-hand corner of the page and copy the URL to your clipboard.
    • Open your computer's terminal to the directory in which you intend to store your homework.
    • git clone url_of_your_fork_on_github (where url_of_your_fork_on_github is the URL you copied after hitting 'Clone or Download', above).
  • Add an upstream remote repository
    • Creating an upstream repository links the local repository on your computer to this repository on Github
    • cd WDI15_Homework
    • git remote add upstream
    • git pull upstream master

Do your Homework

You should put each night's homework in a new folder within the appropriate directory of your homework repo. So, for day two, where you have two tasks ("Calculator" and "Strings"), you might do something like this:

  1. Open Terminal/iTerm2;
  2. Go to your local homework repo (eg, cd Projects/general-assembly/WDI15_Homework);
  3. From here, go to the folder matching your name within that repo, and the appropriate week (eg, groucho_marx/week_01);
  4. Create new folders for each of the day's homework tasks: (eg mkdir calculator and mkdir strings);
  5. Create the files necessary to complete the homework in their respective directories;
  6. Get to it!

Submit Your Homework

You need to do this every time you're submitting homework.

  • Commit your work to your local repository progressively
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE_GOES_HERE"(where YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE_GOES_HERE is your description of the work you are committing)
  • Push your changes to your forked repository
    • git pull
    • git push origin master
  • Once you're finished, submit a pull request for me to accept your homework
    • In the pull request comment, tell me the following:
      • How difficult did you find this (out of 10)? 0 being no problems at all, 10 being impossible;
      • Was there anything that you struggled with?;
      • Is there anything that you'd like some further information on?;
      • Roughly how long did it take?

If you don't mention anything in the Pull Request comments, we will assume you had no problems at all with it!