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open-gitdiff.vim opens git diff using quickfix, fzf, vim-quickui, ...

Require vim8+

Installation and Setups

Install using vim-plug

" optional dependencies
Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'skywind3000/vim-quickui'
" command completion for :GitDiff2Paths
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

Plug 'jiangyinzuo/open-gitdiff.vim'

let g:open_gitdiff_exclude_patterns = ['\.pdf$', '\.jpg$', '\.png$']
let g:open_gitdiff_qf_nmaps = {'open': '<leader>df', 'next': '<leader>dn', 'prev': '<leader>dp'}

let command_def = 'command -nargs=* '
if v:version >= 901
    " open_gitdiff#comp#Complete is implemented with vim9class
    let command_def .= '-complete=custom,open_gitdiff#comp#Complete '
exe command_def . 'GitDiffAll call open_gitdiff#OpenAllDiffs(<f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'GitDiffThisTab call open_gitdiff#OpenDiff("tabnew", <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'GitDiffThis call open_gitdiff#OpenDiff("enew", <f-args>)'

exe command_def . 'FZFGitDiffTab call open_gitdiff#select("tabnew", function("open_gitdiff#fzf#view"), <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'FZFGitDiff call open_gitdiff#select("enew", function("open_gitdiff#fzf#view"), <f-args>)'

exe command_def . 'QuickUIGitDiffTab call open_gitdiff#select("tabnew", function("open_gitdiff#quickui#listbox#view"), <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'QuickUIGitDiff call open_gitdiff#select("enew", function("open_gitdiff#quickui#listbox#view"), <f-args>)'

exe command_def . 'QfGitDiff call open_gitdiff#select("enew", function("open_gitdiff#quickfix#view"), <f-args>)'

command -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,fugitive#LogComplete GitDiff2Paths call open_gitdiff#open_diff_by_path(<f-args>)


The above commands accept 0-N arguments, which are passed to git diff command. <commit>, <commit>..<commit> or --cached --staged can be used (see git-diff docs). The following <f-args> are valid:

" Commands can be replaced to any command defined above.
:QuickUIGitDiffTab path/to/file
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~1 HEAD
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~1
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~1..
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~2..HEAD~1
:QuickUIGitDiffTab --staged
:QuickUIGitDiffTab --staged master
:QuickUIGitDiffTab master --cached
:QuickUIGitDiffTab master --cached -- path/to/file

You can customize git diff command with g:open_gitdiff_cmd:

" default git diff command
let g:open_gitdiff_cmd = 'git diff --name-status -C'
" the following values are also valid
" let g:open_gitdiff_cmd = 'git diff --name-status'
" let g:open_gitdiff_cmd = 'git diff --name-only'

Open git diff Directly

:GitDiffAll opens all git diffs. GitDiffAll :GitDiffThisTab opens the current file in new tab.
:GitDiffThis opens the current file in current window.

:GitDiff2Paths opens and diffs the two paths in current window.

View git diff in FZF

:FZFGitDiffTab lists git diff in fzf window, then open the selected diff in new tab.
:FZFGitDiff lists git diff in fzf window, then open the selected diff in current window.

You can customize fzf window option with g:open_gitdiff_fzf_window:

" default value
let g:open_gitdiff_fzf_window = { 'width': 0.8, 'height': 0.7 }

Enable fzf preview (require python3 in $PATH):

" default value
let g:open_gitdiff_fzf_preview = 1

View git diff in QuickUI

:QuickUIGitDiffTab lists git diff in vim-quickui listbox, then open the selected diff in new tab.
:QuickUIGitDiff lists git diff in vim-quickui listbox, then open the selected diff in current window.


View git diff in Quickfix

:QfGitDiff lists git diff in quickfix, then open the selected diff in current window.

You can use g:open_gitdiff_qf_nmaps to customize the keymaps in quickfix window for opening git diffs.

Commands in gitdiff Buffer

In gitdiff buffer, :OpenFile/:OpenFileTab/:OpenFileVsp/:OpenFileTop can open the origin file and lcd to git rev-parse --show-toplevel. You can use :diffthis after :OpenFileVsp or :OpenFileTop.


Delete All gitdiff Buffers


Custom viewers

You can define your own viewer function with open_gitdiff#open_diff function. The viewer function has 3 parameters:

function MyViewer(gitcmd, arglist, prompt)

gitcmd is a string that stores the git diff command, may be 'git diff --name-status -C HEAD~1 HEAD'.
arglist is a list that stores the arguments of git diff command, may be ['HEAD~1', 'HEAD'].
prompt is a string that can be used as a title. The possible value may be'HEAD~1..HEAD'.

See autoload/open_gitdiff/fzf.vim, autoload/open_gitdiff/quickfix.vim and autoload/open_gitdiff/quickui/listbox.vim as examples.

open_gitdiff#open_diff(line) parses the {line} and opens git diff. line should be a output line of git diff --name-status or git diff --name-only.

Issues and pull requests for new viewer are welcomed.

Other Helps

:h open-gitdiff-vim