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1. Introduction

What is computational media?

  • What is programming?
  • How can I apply programming to _____________?
  • As a ____________, why would I want or need to write software?
  • Can programming be an expressive medium?
  • Why are we introducing programming through drawing?
  • Example projects for Inspiration

book - Code as Creative Medium

Programming language discussion

p5.js in the context of the browser

  • Landscape of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Other JS frameworks
  • Server-side vs. client-side
  • What is the difference between p5 and JavaScript?

Participating in an open-source community

Getting started, your first program

  • recommendation: read chapters before watching videos
  • play with the sketches discussed in the chapters as you read.

book - Getting Started with p5.js

tutorials: Drawing

p5.js references


Additional viewing / reading:

More on p5

More on computational drawing

More on the Internets

Your Coding Journey


  • learning to think like the computer
    • thinking in numbers
    • understanding flow, order of operations
  • making the invisible visible
    • time
    • state


  • buy hard-copy of books. highlight, write margin notes, add bookmarks. make it yours.
  • draw pictures of what you've learned
  • re-mix and experiment with sketches
  • create your own summary sheet of p5js terms as you use them
  • if you get stuck, document the issues
    • duplicate your sketch, add issues as comments
    • bring your sketch to class and ask for help

1. Recap, Explore and Experiment - Introduction

Let's recap, explore, and experiment with the concepts introduced in this session.

  • draw a rough schematic of what you've learned so far about p5js
  • after you finish these exercises redraw with any new insights

So far our sketches define functions setup and draw. The function setup is called once when we hit the play button, and the function draw is called repeatedly until we hit the stop button. Also we haved used functions defined by the p5js library, like ellipse and rect, to draw shapes on the canvas.

In these exercises we'll explore

  • "states" that stick around (fill and stroke)
  • how to create buttons to run code
  • how to use console.log to debug your code
  • the behavior of alpha value for colors
  • how to define your own functions

For these sketches no drawing is done in the function draw. Drawing will be triggered by clicking on buttons. When nothing is drawn the canvas will start out white.

Ex 1.1 play sketch draw_rect

sketch - draw_rect Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.

  • if your screen is too small to allow viewing the sketch and this page at the same time, print out this page as you explore the sketch.
  • buttons will appear below canvas

This sketch defines buttons that can be used to draw on the screen. Here's the code that defines one of the buttons and its action:

  createButton('backg 240').mousePressed(function() {

We'll get into details of how to create your own button later. For now we'll use buttons to explore p5js drawing behavior.

  • play the sketch, click on the buttons in different orders and note behavior


  • did you notice that sometimes the left rect can be white or gray?

    • if the answer is not clear bring as question to class
  • what are possible ways to represent color for the function fill

    • check out the reference for fill

> Try

  • try adjusting the colors specified in calls to function fill

Ex 1.1 explore sketch draw_rect_print

In this sketch the function console.log is added so that we can follow the execution of the code called by the buttons in the console. We are not using the p5js function print to avoid some bugs/issues.

sketch - draw_rect_log Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.

Code that uses the function console.log to help debug:

  createButton('backg 240').mousePressed(function() {
    console.log('calling background');

> Try

  • setting different colors for each shape, eg:
    • fill(100)
    • fill(100,20)

In p5js a color can be represented in a number of ways. Here are a few:

  • color name, eg: 'white', 'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue'

  • gray scale number, eg: 0 (white), 128 (gray), 255 (black)

  • red, green, blue, alpha, eg: 255, 0, 0, 100 is full red with medium alpha setting. Alpha is optional.

Ex 1.1 explore sketch draw_rect_alpha

In this sketch alpha values are used to modify the intensity of colors.

sketch - draw_rect_alpha Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.

This sketch uses the Red, Green, Blue, Alpha format for colors. The values Red, Green, Blue and Alpha are numbers between 0 and 255. The alpha value can range from 0 (no alpha, white color), to 255 (full value of the color components). For example, alpha value 127 will mix an even amount of the background color with the fill color. Alpha value 20 will give a very light tint of the fill color on the background.

> Try

  • clicking each button repeatedly and observe the layering of the colors

  • low values of alpha eg. 10, and compare to medium alpha value eg. 100

Ex 1.1 explore sketch draw_rect_createSpan

In this exercise a few other functions are added to explore the p5js canvas coordinate system, shapes, and color.

sketch - draw_rect_createSpan Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.


Move the mouse on the canvas and observe the values displayed below the canvas.

  • when do the numbers change and when don't they change?

  • what is the lowest value for mouseX within the canvas area?

  • what is the largest value for mouseX within the canvas area?

  • what value in the code will change the width of the canvas?

  • what color values are reported for different areas on the canvas?

Ex 1.2 explore sketch draw_shapes_body

sketch - 1.2 draw_shapes_body Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.

Click on the buttons and observe the actions and the messages that appear in the console. In the body of the mousePressed function you can call as many other functions as you wish.

  • buttons Rect and Circle, note no fill color set

  • button Shapes draws 3 shapes:

  createButton('Shapes').mousePressed(function() {
    print('drawing shapes');
    // fill(red, green, blue, alpha)
    fill(255, 0, 0, 20); // Red, alpha 20
    rect(0, 100, 200, 200);
    // fill(red, green, blue, alpha)
    fill(255, 255, 0, 20); // Yellow, alpha 20
    circle(200, 200, 200)
    // fill(red, green, blue, alpha)
    fill(0, 255, 0, 20); // Green, alpha 20
    rect(200, 100, 200, 200);

Ex 1.2 explore sketch draw_shapes_func

sketch - 1.2 draw_shapes_func Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.

Click on the buttons and observe the actions and the messages that appear in the console.

Let's look at the definition of function draw_shapes:

function draw_shapes() {
  // fill(red, green, blue, alpha)
  fill(255, 0, 0, 20); // Red
  rect(0, 100, 200, 200);
  // fill(red, green, blue, alpha)
  fill(255, 255, 0, 20); // Yellow
  circle(200, 200, 200)
  // fill(red, green, blue, alpha)
  fill(0, 255, 0, 20);  // Green
  rect(200, 100, 200, 200);

Unlike the functions we've seen so far (eg. print, createButton etc), function draw_shapes is not part of p5js library. function draw_shapes and it's definition is written for this exercise. The name is choosen to be descriptive of what the function supposed to do. You are encouraged to write functions to break up your code into meaningful units. I prefer to use the underscore characters in names I create to distinguish them from built-in p5js/javascript names.

In this sketch function draw_shapes is called from the button 'Shapes' defined in the function setup:

function setup() {
  createButton('Shapes').mousePressed(function() {
    print('calling draw_shapes');
  • You choose the name for your functions to describe the intent of the code
  • A function name must begin with a letter (upper or lower case), followed by any number of letters, numbers or underscore characters.


  • what happens if you repeatedly click on button Shapes? why?

  • what happens if you click on buttons Rect or Circle after button Shapes? why?

Ex 1.2 explore sketch draw_shapes_ui

sketch - 1.2 draw_shapes_ui Open this sketch in a separate window so that you can play it and read this page at the same time.

About this sketch:

  • added function create_ui and function update_ui
  • code is re-used from previous sketch to display mouse location and canvas color

> Try

  • add or change shapes drawn in function draw_shapes

  • add other buttons to draw other shapes

What have you learned?

What's next?

  • wouldn't it be cool if we could animate our drawing?
  • or create patterns with our shapes?
  • next up animation and variables!

DOM functions createButton, createSpan, select

  • curious about functions createButton, createSpan, select? (if not, ok to skip this section)

  • these are DOM functions

  • DOM means Document Object Model - how the browser refers to visual elements on the page

  • functions createButton, createSpan, and select manage DOM elements

  • function createButton creates a button element on the page

  • function createSpan creates a container for text, spans are layed out on a line

  • function select is used to referred to an element by it's id

  • elements may be assigned an id which is later used to reference them

  • an id is descriptive text you make up

  • the canvas itself is DOM element!

  • in future sessions we'll see how to adjust layout of DOM elements

to make a button

  • copy paste code for createButton
  • change button title and body
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  // createButton('title-for-button-')...
  createButton('backg 240').mousePressed(function() {
    // Code to run when button pressed, the "body"
  }); // End of createButton

to display a value

  • copy paste code for createSpan and select
  • replace parameter to id, select and html
  // setup code
  // first parameter 'imouseX' is id for span
  // replace with your string

  // draw code
  // replace string imouseX with your id
  // parameter '#imouseX' is id for span. character # is required
  select('#imouseX').html('[mouseX='+mouseX+'] ')

Getting Started with p5.js book sketches

Sketches from the Getting Started book.
You are invited to remix and combine them to further explore.

add color
change shapes
have fun ...

  • Chapter 2 Starting to Code

Ex_02_01 Draw an Ellipse
Ex_02_02 Make Circles

  • Chapter 3 Draw

Ex_03_04 quad tri
Ex_03_06 circles touch
Ex_03_09 arcs
Ex_03_17 alpha circles
Ex_03_19 beginShape
Ex_03_20 Two Creatures
Ex_03_99 Robot 1: Draw

sketch - Ex_03_20 Two Creatures ui -remix-