assumes that the address 0x85dA99c8a7C2C95964c8EfD687E95E632Fc533D6
has been premined with
enough value to do the load test. If you'd like to use a different key
when generating the load, the argument --private-key
can be used to
specify another private key for running the load test.
# Send EOA transactions
polycli loadtest --chain-id 100 --verbosity 700 --mode t --concurrency 250 --requests 120 --rate-limit 1900 --to-random=false --summarize=true
# Send ERC 20 transfers
polycli loadtest --chain-id 100 --verbosity 700 --mode 2 --concurrency 250 --requests 200 --rate-limit 700 --to-random=false --summarize=true --send-amount 0x1
# Send ERC 721 transfers
polycli loadtest --chain-id 100 --verbosity 700 --mode 7 --concurrency 250 --requests 120 --rate-limit 700 --to-random=false --summarize=true
At the end of each test a line will be printed like this:
11:32PM INF rough test summary (ignores errors) firstBlockTime=2023-03-15T23:32:25Z lastBlockTime=2023-03-15T23:32:46Z testDuration=21 tps=476.1904761904762 transactionCount=10000
This will give a sense of how long the process took and how many transactions per second were observed. It can be useful to observe the details of each block. The command polycli monitor
can be used to
observe the blocks as their mined to look for any irregularities or unexpected behaviors in block production.