I have PGP as an option here but I really don’t care if you don’t.
PGP isn’t great and statistically speaking you’re probably using gmail or some other providor that definitely reads your emails, in which case I’m not sure what difference it makes anyways. If you still want to go through the hassle you can learn how to use PGP here.
Skiff mail users do not need to use PGP through this contact method, it is automatically encrypted dead.
Right now I’m using Skiff for their superior free tier but I would change to Proton if I’m willing to pay at some point in the future. The future is now hahahahahaha.
Proton Mail users do not need to use PGP it is end to end encrypted by defaulta amongst other Proton Mail users.
diff --git a/images/contact/protonmail.png b/images/contact/protonmail.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3fd561
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/contact/protonmail.png differ