diff --git a/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry.csproj b/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry.csproj
index 35979e6..1e0a553 100644
--- a/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry.csproj
+++ b/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry.csproj
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- 1.1.1
+ 1.1.2
Tobias Beckhoff
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung - JGU Mainz
Opinionated extensions to observe ASP.NET Core applications via Azure Monitor and OpenTelemetry.
diff --git a/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDVAspNetCoreOpenTelemetryExtensions.cs b/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDVAspNetCoreOpenTelemetryExtensions.cs
index 346b18d..eb89a1a 100644
--- a/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDVAspNetCoreOpenTelemetryExtensions.cs
+++ b/libraries/JGUZDV.AspNetCore.Extensions.OpenTelemetry/src/JGUZDVAspNetCoreOpenTelemetryExtensions.cs
@@ -29,114 +29,117 @@ public static WebApplicationBuilder AddJGUZDVOpenTelemetry(this WebApplicationBu
// Create a logger to give some startup information. As OpenTelemetry and Azure Monitor is very 'quiet', these
// are the only informations we will get during startup.
- var sp = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();
- var loggerFactory = sp.GetRequiredService();
- var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("JGUZDV.AspNetCore.OpenTelemetry.Extensions");
+ using (var sp = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider())
+ {
+ using var loggerFactory = sp.GetRequiredService();
- // Get OpenTelemetry section from appsettings.
- var settings = builder.Configuration.GetSection("OpenTelemetry");
+ var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("JGUZDV.AspNetCore.OpenTelemetry.Extensions");
- // Its okay if there is no OpenTelemetry settings node, but we will display a warning because this may not be indended.
- if (!settings.Exists())
- {
- logger?.LogWarning("The JGUZDV OpenTelemetry library is included, but there are no settings to configure it. No telemetry will be sent.");
- return builder;
- }
+ // Get OpenTelemetry section from appsettings.
+ var settings = builder.Configuration.GetSection("OpenTelemetry");
- // As this is the most important option to get OT working, we will "fail fast" here with an appropriate message if it is missing.
- // @see also ValidateAndSetDefaults(...)
- if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.GetValue("AzureMonitor:ConnectionString")))
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Found OpenTelemetry settings section, but no AzureMonitor:ConnectionString setting is provided.");
- }
- // As the app is not built yet, we need to define our own options to use them here.
- var otOptions = settings.Get()
- ?? throw new ArgumentException("Cannot bind AspNetCoreOpenTelemetryOptions.");
- // Look for ServiceNamespace and ServiceName, as these properties are essential.
- ValidateAndSetDefaults(builder, otOptions);
- // Configure the OpenTelemetry tracer provider to add the resource attributes to all traces.
- // @see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/opentelemetry-configuration?tabs=aspnetcore
- // Note: Attribute service.instance.id (CloudRoleInstance) defaults to host name/device name.
- var attributes = new Dictionary() {
- { "service.namespace", otOptions.ServiceNamespace },
- { "service.name", otOptions.ServiceName! }
- };
- // Add the OpenTelemetry telemetry service to the application.
- // This service will collect and send telemetry data to Azure Monitor.
- var otBuilder = builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry();
- // Adds tracing, which (currently?) seems to include logging.
- otBuilder.WithTracing(tracing =>
- {
- tracing.AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation();
- tracing.AddHttpClientInstrumentation();
+ // Its okay if there is no OpenTelemetry settings node, but we will display a warning because this may not be indended.
+ if (!settings.Exists())
+ {
+ logger?.LogWarning("The JGUZDV OpenTelemetry library is included, but there are no settings to configure it. No telemetry will be sent.");
+ return builder;
+ }
- logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: Added tracing with AspNetCore instrumentation and HttpClient instrumentation.");
- });
+ // As this is the most important option to get OT working, we will "fail fast" here with an appropriate message if it is missing.
+ // @see also ValidateAndSetDefaults(...)
+ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.GetValue("AzureMonitor:ConnectionString")))
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException("Found OpenTelemetry settings section, but no AzureMonitor:ConnectionString setting is provided.");
+ }
+ // As the app is not built yet, we need to define our own options to use them here.
+ var otOptions = settings.Get()
+ ?? throw new ArgumentException("Cannot bind AspNetCoreOpenTelemetryOptions.");
- if(otOptions.UseMeter != null)
- {
- otBuilder.WithMetrics(metrics =>
+ // Look for ServiceNamespace and ServiceName, as these properties are essential.
+ ValidateAndSetDefaults(builder, otOptions);
+ // Configure the OpenTelemetry tracer provider to add the resource attributes to all traces.
+ // @see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/opentelemetry-configuration?tabs=aspnetcore
+ // Note: Attribute service.instance.id (CloudRoleInstance) defaults to host name/device name.
+ var attributes = new Dictionary() {
+ { "service.namespace", otOptions.ServiceNamespace },
+ { "service.name", otOptions.ServiceName! }
+ };
+ // Add the OpenTelemetry telemetry service to the application.
+ // This service will collect and send telemetry data to Azure Monitor.
+ var otBuilder = builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry();
+ // Adds tracing, which (currently?) seems to include logging.
+ otBuilder.WithTracing(tracing =>
- metrics.AddMeter(otOptions.UseMeter.MeterName);
+ tracing.AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation();
+ tracing.AddHttpClientInstrumentation();
+ logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: Added tracing with AspNetCore instrumentation and HttpClient instrumentation.");
- logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: UseMeter active. Initialized a meter with " +
- $"name {otOptions.UseMeter.MeterName}");
- }
- else
- {
- logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: UseMeter not active. No metrics will be sent.");
- }
- // Configure the connection string.
- // TODO Configure Auth?
- otBuilder.UseAzureMonitor(options =>
- {
- options.ConnectionString = otOptions.AzureMonitor.ConnectionString;
- });
- // Configure the ResourceBuilder to add the custom resource attributes to all signals.
- // Custom resource attributes should be added AFTER AzureMonitor to override the default ResourceDetectors.
- otBuilder.ConfigureResource(resourceBuilder => resourceBuilder.AddAttributes(attributes));
- // Configure OpenTelemetry options for the "outside" world. Validation and defaults are set via postconfig.
- builder.Services.AddOptions()
- .BindConfiguration("OpenTelemetry")
- .PostConfigure(c => ValidateAndSetDefaults(builder, c)); // Defacto obsolete when we came here, but we reuse it for the defaults.
- /* This results in double log messages in the azure portal.
- * It seems, that the current version 1.2.0 does not need this.
- * It seems, that log transfer is configured automatically.
- * But I could not find out, where to set options like in the settings below.
- * It works without settings, so we use it.
- * Version 1.3.0 has a "new" config function "WithLogging" (which currently exists, but only internal, I do not know why)
- * Maybe this is should be used in the future?
- * TODO Look into the docs when 1.3.0 is stable.
- *
- builder.Logging
- .AddOpenTelemetry(options =>
+ if (otOptions.UseMeter != null)
- options.SetResourceBuilder(ResourceBuilder.CreateEmpty().AddAttributes(attributes));
- options.AddAzureMonitorLogExporter(opts =>
+ otBuilder.WithMetrics(metrics =>
- opts.ConnectionString = connectionString;
+ metrics.AddMeter(otOptions.UseMeter.MeterName);
- options.IncludeFormattedMessage = true;
- options.IncludeScopes = true;
- options.ParseStateValues = true;
+ logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: UseMeter active. Initialized a meter with " +
+ $"name {otOptions.UseMeter.MeterName}");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: UseMeter not active. No metrics will be sent.");
+ }
+ // Configure the connection string.
+ // TODO Configure Auth?
+ otBuilder.UseAzureMonitor(options =>
+ {
+ options.ConnectionString = otOptions.AzureMonitor.ConnectionString;
- */
- logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: Configuration finished. Please check traces and values in Azure Portal.");
+ // Configure the ResourceBuilder to add the custom resource attributes to all signals.
+ // Custom resource attributes should be added AFTER AzureMonitor to override the default ResourceDetectors.
+ otBuilder.ConfigureResource(resourceBuilder => resourceBuilder.AddAttributes(attributes));
+ // Configure OpenTelemetry options for the "outside" world. Validation and defaults are set via postconfig.
+ builder.Services.AddOptions()
+ .BindConfiguration("OpenTelemetry")
+ .PostConfigure(c => ValidateAndSetDefaults(builder, c)); // Defacto obsolete when we came here, but we reuse it for the defaults.
+ /* This results in double log messages in the azure portal.
+ * It seems, that the current version 1.2.0 does not need this.
+ * It seems, that log transfer is configured automatically.
+ * But I could not find out, where to set options like in the settings below.
+ * It works without settings, so we use it.
+ * Version 1.3.0 has a "new" config function "WithLogging" (which currently exists, but only internal, I do not know why)
+ * Maybe this is should be used in the future?
+ * TODO Look into the docs when 1.3.0 is stable.
+ *
+ builder.Logging
+ .AddOpenTelemetry(options =>
+ {
+ options.SetResourceBuilder(ResourceBuilder.CreateEmpty().AddAttributes(attributes));
+ options.AddAzureMonitorLogExporter(opts =>
+ {
+ opts.ConnectionString = connectionString;
+ });
+ options.IncludeFormattedMessage = true;
+ options.IncludeScopes = true;
+ options.ParseStateValues = true;
+ });
+ */
+ logger?.LogInformation("JGUZDV OpenTelemetry: Configuration finished. Please check traces and values in Azure Portal.");
+ }
return builder;