Projects done for classes in my master's program at California State University, Long Beach.
Project for Multivariate Statistical Analysis (CSULB: STAT 550)
- The data are from FightMetric
- Fighter statistics taken as the difference of the first and second fighter analyzed as the difference
- Bout (fight) data for results of fights
- Multivariate Normal Distribution
- Multivariate Analysis of Variance
- Principal Component Analysis
- Linear Discriminant Analysis
Project for Experimental Design & Analysis (CSULB: STAT 530)
- The data came from a tutoring center from students struggling in a calculus class
- Factors: average minutes of sleep per night, average minutes spent on social media per day, average time spent commuting to school, average time in minutes spent studying calculus per week
- Response: Exam score out of 50 points
- Design: One-Half Fraction of 2^4 Factorial
- Analysis of Variance
- Tukey's Multiple Comparison Procedures
Project for Nonparametric Statistics (CSULB: STAT 560)
- Loess Regression
- Thin-Plate Smoothing Spline Regression
Project for Regression Analysis (CSULB: STAT 510)
- Spotify audio features from Spotify web API
- Linear Regression
- Variable Selection
- Influential Point Detection
- Residual Analysis
- Testing
Project for Time Series Analysis (CSULB: STAT 580)
- Pharma Drug Sales Volumes from Kaggle
- STL decomposition
- ARIMA/SARIMA modeling
- ADF test
- Residual Analysis
- Moddel evaluation