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79 lines (58 loc) · 2.85 KB


Runs gremlin-groovy scripts in-order to upgrade the DB schema

This library can be used to run a sequence of groovy scripts, which are submitted to gremlin-javascript, to perform changes on the target database. Most likely these will be schema changes.

The files are ordered based on semver naming conventions.


npm install gremlin-migrate --save


The library exports a function taking configuration parameters and returning an ES6 promise.

import upgradeDbToLatest from 'gremlin-migrate';
upgradeDbToLatest(janusGraphDbAddress, portNumber, pathToUpgradeScriptDirectory).then(() => {

Script library

If you want to use common functions across your groovy files, you can put them in a 'common.groovy' file in the update script directory. These will be available in all of the upgrade files.


0.0.1.groovy (in 'upgradeScripts' subdir)

// I am an example of a comment!
graph.addVertex(label, 'person').property('name', 'john').iterate();
person2 = graph.addVertex(label, 'person');
// NOTE: Don't forget to add the '.next()' else the step won't necessarily take effect!'name', 'john').next();
// DON'T put transactions in your upgrade scripts. The scripts are automatically wrapped in a transaction.
// graph.tx().commit();


import { createClient } from 'gremlin';
import upgradeDbToLatest from 'gremlin-migrate';
const client = createClient(8182, '');

export default class Example {
  public test() {
    client.execute('g.V().hasLabel(\'person\').has(\'name\', \'john\')', (err, results) => {
      console.log('BEFORE UPGRADE: ' + JSON.stringify(results)); // []
      upgradeDbToLatest('', 8182, __dirname + '/upgradeScripts/').then(() => {
        client.execute('g.V().hasLabel(\'person\').has(\'name\', \'john\')', (err, results) => {
          console.log('AFTER UPGRADE: ' + JSON.stringify(results)); // [ {vertex with person 'john'} ]


The tests are run against a janus-graph/dynamoDb backend configuration to exercise the transaction locking. They spin up docker containers using docker-compose with an empty DB so you will need docker set up on your system.

Run 'docker-compose build' and wait until that finishes (this is a one-off step)

Run 'gulp build' to build the app.

Then run 'gulp test' to run the tests.


My specific use-case was for flyway-like migrations for janus-graph, but I couldn't find a tool that did that.


Pull requests will be gratefully received. Please ensure you have a test around the change/improvement you are proposing.