This folder contains all the code for the web-facing part of the app. The bundled code can be found at
In order to get started locally, make sure you have Node/yarn installed on your machine. Next, run the following from the root directory:
$ yarn install
$ cd backend && docker-compose up -d
$ cd ../library && yarn codegen
$ cd ../app && yarn start
You want to make sure you have the backend up and running before booting up the dev server.
You also want to generate/re-generate the GraphQL artefacts in the @guva/library
Make sure your code editor/IDE has the following installed/functional:
- ESLint
- Prettier + Autosave on Fix
- Typescript Autocomple + Intellisence
- Git
If you're using vscode, these should come out of the box requiring only minimal configration. Other editors may require more/less setup, but make sure you have these up and running.
This project was bootstrapped using Create React App and extended with Craco. Take a look at craco.config.js to see what configuration options were changed