diff --git a/docs/packages/dashboard-visualiser-js-report/environment-variables.md b/docs/packages/dashboard-visualiser-js-report/environment-variables.md index 3b2afe94..ea41d076 100644 --- a/docs/packages/dashboard-visualiser-js-report/environment-variables.md +++ b/docs/packages/dashboard-visualiser-js-report/environment-variables.md @@ -6,21 +6,4 @@ description: Listed in this page are all environment variables needed to run Jsr -| Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default | -| --------------------------- | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | -| JS\_REPORT\_LICENSE\_KEY | String | Service license key | Yes | | -| JS\_REPORT | String | Jsreport service password | No | dev\_password\_only | -| JS\_REPORT\_USERNAME | String | Jsreport service username | No | admin | -| JS\_REPORT\_SECRET | String | Secret password for the authentication of a cookie session related to the extension used in Jsreport | No | dev\_secret\_only | -| ES\_HOSTS | String | Elasticsearch connection string | No | analytics-datastore-elastic-search:9200 | -| ES\_PASSWORD | String | Elasticsearch password (for request authentication) | No | dev\_password\_only | -| ES\_USERNAME | String | Elasticsearch username (for request authentication | No | elastic | -| JS\_REPORT\_INSTANCES | Number | Number of service replicas | No | 1 | -| JS\_REPORT\_SSL | Boolean | SSL protocol requirement | No | false | -| JS\_REPORT\_CONFIG\_FILE | String | Path to the service import file | No | export.jsrexport | -| JS\_REPORT\_DEV\_MOUNT | Boolean | Dev mount mode enabling flag | No | false | -| JS\_REPORT\_PACKAGE\_PATH | String | Local path to package | Yes if `JS_REPORT_DEV_MOUNT` is set to true | | -| JS\_REPORT\_CPU\_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 | -| JS\_REPORT\_MEMORY\_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G | -| JS\_REPORT\_CPU\_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 | -| JS\_REPORT\_MEMORY\_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M | +
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
JS_REPORT_LICENSE_KEY | String | Service license key | Yes | |
JS_REPORT | String | Jsreport service password | No | dev_password_only |
JS_REPORT_USERNAME | String | Jsreport service username | No | admin |
JS_REPORT_SECRET | String | Secret password for the authentication of a cookie session related to the extension used in Jsreport | No | dev_secret_only |
ES_HOSTS | String | Elasticsearch connection string | No | analytics-datastore-elastic-search:9200 |
ES_PASSWORD | String | Elasticsearch password (for request authentication) | No | dev_password_only |
ES_USERNAME | String | Elasticsearch username (for request authentication | No | elastic |
JS_REPORT_INSTANCES | Number | Number of service replicas | No | 1 |
JS_REPORT_SSL | Boolean | SSL protocol requirement | No | false |
JS_REPORT_CONFIG_FILE | String | Path to the service import file | No | export.jsrexport |
JS_REPORT_DEV_MOUNT | Boolean | Dev mount mode enabling flag | No | false |
JS_REPORT_PACKAGE_PATH | String | Local path to package | Yes if JS_REPORT_DEV_MOUNT is set to true | |
JS_REPORT_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
JS_REPORT_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
JS_REPORT_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 |
JS_REPORT_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
ES_KIBANA_SYSTEM | String | ElasticSearch auth username | Yes | |
KIBANA_INSTANCES | Number | Number of service replicas | No | 1 |
KIBANA_YML_CONFIG | String | Path to the service configuration file | No | kibana-kibana.yml |
KIBANA_USERNAME | String | Service username | No | elastic |
KIBANA_PASSWORD | String | Service password | No | dev_password_only |
KIBANA_SSL | Boolean | SSL protocol requirement | No | True |
KIBANA_CONFIG_FILE | String | Path to the dashboard import file | No | kibana-export.ndjson |
KIBANA_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
KIBANA_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
Specify the leader service name (the service name in case single mode and the leader service name in case cluster mode)
This is used for the config importer. Specifying the service name to initialize the mapping inside Elasticsearch
| Yes | analytics-datastore-elastic-search | -| ES\_HEAP\_SIZE | String |The heap size is the amount of RAM allocated to the Java Virtual Machine of a node in Elasticsearch
It should be set -Xms and -Xmx to the same value (50% of the total available RAM to a maximum of 31GB)
| No | -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m | -| ES\_SSL | Boolean | This variable is used only for the config importer of Elasticsearch (internal connection between docker services the elastic and the importer) | No | false | -| ES\_MEMORY\_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit of Elasticsearch service | No | 3G | -| ES\_MEMORY\_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM for Elasticsearch service | No | 500M | -| ES\_PATH\_REPO | String | The path to the repository in the container to store Elasticsearch backup snapshots | No | /backups/elasticsearch | +Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
ES_ELASTIC | String | Elasticsearch super-user password | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_KIBANA_SYSTEM | String | The password for the user Kibana used to connect and communicate with Elasticsearch | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_LOGSTASH_SYSTEM | String | The password for the user Logstash used to map and transform the data before storing it in Elasticsearch | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_BEATS_SYSTEM | String | The password for the user the Beats use when storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_REMOTE_MONITORING_USER | String | The password for the user Metricbeat used when collecting and storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch. It has the remote_monitoring_agent and remote_monitoring_collector built-in roles | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_APM_SYSTEM | String | The password for the user of the APM server used when storing monitoring information in Elasticsearch | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_LEADER_NODE | String | Specify the leader service name (the service name in case single mode and the leader service name in case cluster mode) This is used for the config importer. Specifying the service name to initialize the mapping inside Elasticsearch | Yes | analytics-datastore-elastic-search |
ES_HEAP_SIZE | String | The heap size is the amount of RAM allocated to the Java Virtual Machine of a node in Elasticsearch It should be set -Xms and -Xmx to the same value (50% of the total available RAM to a maximum of 31GB) | No | -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m |
ES_SSL | Boolean | This variable is used only for the config importer of Elasticsearch (internal connection between docker services the elastic and the importer) | No | false |
ES_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit of Elasticsearch service | No | 3G |
ES_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM for Elasticsearch service | No | 500M |
ES_PATH_REPO | String | The path to the repository in the container to store Elasticsearch backup snapshots | No | /backups/elasticsearch |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
SANTEMPI_INSTANCES | Number | Number of service replicas | No | 1 |
SANTEMPI_MAIN_CONNECTION_STRING | String | Connection string to SanteMPI | No | Check below table |
SANTEMPI_AUDIT_CONNECTION_STRING | String | Audit connection string to SanteMPI | No | Check below table |
SANTEMPI_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD | String | SanteMPI postgreSQL password | No | SanteDB123 |
SANTEMPI_POSTGRESQL_USERNAME | String | SanteMPI postgreSQL username | No | santempi |
SANTEMPI_REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST | String | SanteMPI postgreSQL replicas manager primary host | No | santempi-psql-1 |
SANTEMPI_REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES | String | SanteMPI postgreSQL replicas manager nodes hosts | Yes | santempi-psql-1,santempi-psql-2,santempi-psql- |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
SUPERSET_USERNAME | String | Service username | No | admin |
SUPERSET_FIRSTNAME | String | Admin account first name | No | SUPERSET |
SUPERSET_LASTNAME | String | Admin account last name | No | ADMIN |
SUPERSET_EMAIL | String | Admin account email address | No | admin@superset.com |
SUPERSET_PASSWORD | String | Admin account password | No | admin |
SUPERSET_API_USERNAME | String | Service username | No | admin |
SUPERSET_API_PASSWORD | String | Service password | No | admin |
SUPERSET_SSL | Boolean | SSL protocol requirement | No | False |
CONFIG_FILE | String | Path to the dashboard import file | No | superset-export.zip |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
LOGSTASH_INSTANCES | Number | Number of service replicas | No | 1 |
LOGSTASH_DEV_MOUNT | Boolean | DEV mount mode enabling flag | No | false |
LOGSTASH_PACKAGE_PATH | String | Logstash package absolute path | yes if LOGSTASH_DEV_MOUNT is true | |
LS_JAVA_OPTS | String | JVM heap size, it should be no less than 4GB and no more than 8GB (maximum of 50-75% of total RAM) | No | -Xmx2g -Xms2g |
ES_ELASTIC | String | ElasticSearch Logstash user password | Yes | dev_password_only |
ES_HOSTS | String | Elasticsearch connection string | Yes | analytics-datastore-elastic-search:9200 |
KIBANA_SSL | Boolean | SSL protocol requirement | No | True |
LOGSTASH_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
LOGSTASH_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
Variable Name | Type | Revelance | Required | Default |
REPMGR_PRIMARY_HOST | String | Service name of the primary replication manager host (PostgreSQL) | No | postgres-1 |
REPMGR_PARTNER_NODES | String | Service names of the replicas of PostgreSQL | Yes | postgres-1 |
POSTGRES_REPLICA_SET | String | PostgreSQL replica set (host and port of the replicas) | Yes | postgres-1:5432 |
HAPI_FHIR_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU limit usage for hapi-fhir service | No | 0 (unlimited) |
HAPI_FHIR_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU usage for hapi-fhir service | No | 0.05 |
HAPI_FHIR_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM limit usage for hapi-fhir service | No | 3G |
HAPI_FHIR_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM usage for hapi-fhir service | No | 500M |
HF_POSTGRES_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU limit usage for postgreSQL service | No | 0 (unlimited) |
HF_POSTGRES_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU usage for postgreSQL service | No | 0.05 |
HF_POSTGRES_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM limit usage for postgreSQL service | No | 3G |
HF_POSTGRES_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM usage for hapi-fhir service | No | 500M |
HAPI_FHIR_INSTANCES | Number | Number of hapi-fhir service replicas | No | 1 |
HF_POSTGRESQL_USERNAME | String | Hapi-fhir PostgreSQL username | Yes | admin |
HF_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD | String | Hapi-fhir PostgreSQL password | Yes | instant101 |
HF_POSTGRESQL_DATABASE | String | Hapi-fhir PostgreSQL database | No | hapi |
REPMGR_PASSWORD | Strign | hapi-fhir PostgreSQL Replication Manager username | Yes |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
OPENHIM_CORE_MEDIATOR_HOSTNAME | String | Hostname of the Openhim mediator | Yes | localhost |
OPENHIM_MEDIATOR_API_PORT | Number | Port of the Openhim mediator | Yes | 8080 |
OPENHIM_CORE_INSTANCES | Number | Number of openhim-core instances | No | 1 |
OPENHIM_CONSOLE_INSTANCES | String | Number of openhim-console instances | No | 1 |
OPENHIM_MONGO_URL | String | MongoDB connection string | Yes | mongodb://mongo-1:27017/openhim |
OPENHIM_MONGO_ATNAURL | String | ??????????? | Yes | mongodb://mongo-1:27017/openhim |
OPENHIM_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU limit usage for openhim-core | No | 0 |
OPENHIM_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserverd CPU usage for openhim-core | No | 0.05 |
OPENHIM_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit for openhim-core | No | 3G |
OPENHIM_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM for openhim-core | No | 500M |
OPENHIM_CONSOLE_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU limit usage for openhim-console | No | 0 |
OPENHIM_CONSOLE_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserverd CPU usage for openhim-console | No | 0.05 |
OPENHIM_CONSOLE_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit for openhim-console | No | 2G |
OPENHIM_CONSOLE_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM for openhim-console | No | 500M |
OPENHIM_MONGO_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU limit usage for mongo | No | 0 |
OPENHIM_MONGO_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserverd CPU usage for mongo | No | 0.05 |
OPENHIM_MONGO_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit for mongo | No | 3G |
OPENHIM_MONGO_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM for mongo | No | 500M |
MONGO_SET_COUNT | Number | Number of instances of Mongo | YES | 1 |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
KAFKA_HOST | String | Kafka hostname | No | kafka |
KAFKA_PORT | Number | Kafka port | No | 9092 |
CLICKHOUSE_HOST | String | Clickhouse hostname | No | analytics-datastore-clickhouse |
CLICKHOUSE_PORT | String | Clickhouse port | No | 8123 |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
KAFKA_HOST | String | Kafka hostname | No | kafka |
KAFKA_PORT | Number | Kafka port | No | 9092 |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
HAPI_SERVER_URL | String | Hapi-fhir server URL | No | http://hapi-fhir:8080/fhir |
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS | String | Kafka server | No | kafka:9092 |
HAPI_SERVER_VALIDATE_FORMAT | String | Path to the service configuration file | No | kibana-kibana.yml |
HAPI_PROXY_INSTANCES | Number | Number of instances of hapi-proxy | No | 1 |
HAPI_PROXY_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
HAPI_PROXY_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU usage | No | 0.05 |
HAPI_PROXY_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
HAPI_PROXY_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
KAFKA_INSTANCES | Number | Service replicas | No | 1 |
KAFKA_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
KAFKA_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 |
KAFKA_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
KAFKA_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
KAFKA_TOPICS | String | Kafka topics | Yes | |
ZOOKEEPER_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
ZOOKEEPER_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 |
ZOOKEEPER_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
ZOOKEEPER_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
KMINION_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
KMINION_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 |
KMINION_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
KMINION_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
KAFDROP_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
KAFDROP_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 |
KAFDROP_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
KAFDROP_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER | String | Username of Grafana service | No | admin |
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD | String | Password of Grafana service | No | dev_password_only |
Variable Name | Type | Relevance | Required | Default |
DOMAIN_NAME | String | Domain name | Yes | localhost |
SUBDOMAINS | String | Subdomain names | Yes | |
RENEWAL_EMAIL | String | Renewal email | Yes | |
REVERSE_PROXY_INSTANCES | Number | Number of instances | No | 1 |
STAGING | String | Generate fake or real certificate (true for fake) | No | false |
NGINX_CPU_LIMIT | Number | CPU usage limit | No | 0 |
NGINX_CPU_RESERVE | Number | Reserved CPU | No | 0.05 |
NGINX_MEMORY_LIMIT | String | RAM usage limit | No | 3G |
NGINX_MEMORY_RESERVE | String | Reserved RAM | No | 500M |
Central Data Repository with Data Warehouse | A FHIR-based Shared Health record linked to an MPI for linking and matching patient demographics and a default reporting pipeline to transform and visualise FHIR data. | central-data-repository-with-data-warehousing.md | |
Central Data Repository | A FHIR-based Shared Health record linked to an MPI for linking and matching patient demographics. No reporting is include but all FHIR data is pushed to Kafka for external system to use. | central-data-repository-no-reporting.md | |
Master Patient Index | A master patient index setup using JeMPI. it also includes OpenHIM as the API gateway providing security, a mapping mediator to allow FHIR-based communication with JeMPI and Keycloak to support user management. | master-patient-index.md |
Test SSO user:
u: test p: dev_password_only
Test SSO user:
u: test p: dev_password_only
Test SSO user:
u: test p: dev_password_only
Test SSO user:
u: test p: dev_password_only