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96 lines (63 loc) · 2.61 KB


Elm wrapper for Clipboard.js.

Live demo.


At the moment Elm’s package directory requires manual review of libraries with native extensions and this library has not been submitted yet.

Until there is a more elegant way, you need to manually download a copy of the library source code or use Git submodules. Create a directory like vendor and adjust source-directories in elm-package.json of your project accordingly.

See elm-hedley for an example of using vendor packages with native extensions.


  • Import Clipboard and Clipboard.Attributes.
  • Pass the task returned from Clipboard.initialize () as an effect.
  • Add clipboardText string attribute to any element.
  • You’re all set! Clicking the element will copy given string to clipboard.


Below is a minimal example. You can find more complex examples here.

module Example where

import Effects
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Task exposing (Task, andThen, onError, succeed)
import StartApp

import Clipboard
import Clipboard.Attributes exposing (..)

type Action = NoOp

app =
    { init = init , view = view , update = update , inputs = [] }

main =

port tasks : Signal (Task Effects.Never ())
port tasks =

init =
    model = ()

    fx =
      Effects.task <|
        Clipboard.initialize ()
        `andThen` (\_ -> succeed NoOp)
        `onError` (\_ -> succeed NoOp)
    (model, fx)

update action model =
  case action of
    NoOp ->
      (model, Effects.none)

view address model =
  span []
    [ button
        [ clipboardText "Text to copy" ]
        [ text "Copy" ]


There’s no support for clearing the selection after user copies the text from an input element. I believe there’s little reason for copying directly from an input element: just use clipboardText and set the value you intend to copy. If you disagree, feel free to create an issue.

The trigger property of the event, which is a reference to the clicked DOM node, is not passed along clipboard events. Use action with additional attributes if you need to identify the clicked element, e.g.:

onClipboardSuccess address (ClipboardEvent identifier)

Updating Clipboard.js

Bump the version number of clipboard in package.json and run npm run build.
