geOrchestra has been validated to run against Debian Buster, but this version of Debian does not officially include a Java 11 environment, which is the current version of Java supported by geOrchestra. This will then require to install it from the AdoptOpenJDK packages repository (see below).
In this section, you will learn how to install and setup the foundations of your geOrchestra SDI, according to the recommended architecture:
So, here are the steps:
- install the dependencies:
sudo apt install postgresql-13-postgis-3 slapd ldap-utils apache2 ca-certificates tomcat9 tomcat9-user postfix git
- Install Java11 from adoptopenJDK:
apt install -y software-properties-common gpg
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository --yes
apt update
apt install adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot/bullseye
update-java-alternatives -s adoptopenjdk-11-hotspot-amd64
by default, tomcat9
will try to find a JVM which follows the debian conventions, which is not the case of the AdoptOpenJDK packages. To make sure That
the previously installed version is in use, we will have to modify the /etc/default/tomcat9
configure the front web server (apache)
setup 3 tomcat instances:
- one for proxy+cas,
- an other one for GeoServer,
- and a last one for the other webapps
Deploy the webapps into each tomcat instances
If you are willing to deploy the Datafeeder, please follow these notes.
Some major updates come with this geOrchestra version, especially regading CAS and GeoNetwork, and a new webapp has been introduced, the Datafeeder.
Please refer to these following setup notes:
This guide assumes the OS is Debian's latest stable (Bullseye) and Tomcat 9 is deployed.
geOrchestra 20.0.x and 20.1.x have been tested with tomcat 9 on Debian 10 (Buster). This is the recommended setup as of today.
geOrchestra 17.12 has been tested with tomcat 8 on Debian 9 (Stretch).
geOrchestra 16.12 has been tested on Debian 8 (Jessie) with Tomcat 8.
geOrchestra >= 15.12 deprecates tomcat6 and java 6.
geOrchestra 15.06 has been tested on Debian 8 with Tomcat 6, 7 and 8.