A flexible header is a container view whose height and vertical offset react to UIScrollViewDelegate events.
- Material Design guidelines: App bars: top
- Class: MDCFlexibleHeaderContainerViewController
- Class: MDCFlexibleHeaderView
- Class: MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController
- Protocol: MDCFlexibleHeaderSafeAreaDelegate
- Protocol: MDCFlexibleHeaderViewDelegate
- Protocol: MDCFlexibleHeaderViewLayoutDelegate
- Enumeration: Enumerations
- Enumeration: MDCFlexibleHeaderContentImportance
- Enumeration: MDCFlexibleHeaderScrollPhase
- Enumeration: MDCFlexibleHeaderShiftBehavior
- Overview
- Installation
- Usage
- Typical use: Add the flexible header to a view controller
- Typical use: Tracking a scroll view
- Enabling observation of the tracking scroll view
- Shifting a flexible header off-screen
- Reacting to frame changes
- Utilizing Top Layout Guide on Parent View Controller
- Subclassing considerations
- Interacting with UINavigationController
- Enabling Swipe to Dismiss
- Status bar style
- Background images
- Touch forwarding
- Tracking a parent view
- WKWebView considerations
- Behavioral flags
- Extensions
- Migration guides
A flexible header is a simple container view designed to live at the top of a view controller and react to scroll view events. Flexible headers are intended to be created and owned by each view controller that requires one. This is an intentional deviation from the one-UINavigationBar design of UINavigationController, and we discuss the merits and drawbacks of this approach below.
The heart of flexible header is MDCFlexibleHeaderView. MDCFlexibleHeaderView is a container view, meaning you are expected to register your own subviews to it. MDCFlexibleHeaderView simply manages its "frame", you are responsible for everything within the bounds.
MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController is the ideal way to create and manage the lifetime of a MDCFlexibleHeaderView instance. Adding this view controller as a child of your view controller ensures that the flexible header is able to react to device orientation and view appearance events. This document generally assumes that you are familiar with UIViewController containment.
Requiring each view controller to own a flexible header instance has several technical advantages:
- Transitions between two view controllers can include the header in their motion considerations.
- Flexible header customizations are scoped to the owner view controller.
It also has some technical disadvantages:
- There is a cost to registering and owning a flexible header instance when compared to UINavigationController and the free availability of UINavigationBar. Improvements to this are being discussed on issue #268.
Add the following to your Podfile
pod 'MaterialComponents/FlexibleHeader'
Then, run the following command:
pod install
To import the component:
import MaterialComponents.MaterialFlexibleHeader
#import "MaterialFlexibleHeader.h"
Each view controller in your app that intends to manage its own flexible header will follow these
instructions. You'll typically add the flexible header to the same view controllers that you'd push
onto a UINavigationController, hiding the UINavigationController's navigationBar
The result of following these steps will be that:
- a flexible header is registered as a child view controller of your view controller, and that
- you have access to a MDCFlexibleHeaderView instance via the
property on your MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController instance.
Step 1: Create an instance of MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController.
MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController is a UIViewController that manages the relationship of your view controller to a MDCFlexibleHeaderView instance.
let headerViewController = MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController()
override init(nibName nibNameOrNil: String?, bundle nibBundleOrNil: Bundle?) {
super.init(nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
@property(nonatomic) MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController *headerViewController;
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
if (self) {
_headerViewController = [[MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController alloc] init];
[self addChildViewController:_headerViewController];
return self;
Step 2: Add the MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController's view to your view controller's view.
Ideally you will do this after all views have been added to your controller's view in order to ensure that the flexible header is in front of all other views.
override func viewDidLoad() {
headerViewController.view.frame = view.bounds
headerViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
_headerViewController.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self.view addSubview:_headerViewController.view];
[_headerViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
The flexible header can be provided with tracking scroll view. This allows the flexible header to expand, collapse, and shift off-screen in reaction to the tracking scroll view's delegate events.
Important: When using a tracking scroll view you must forward the relevant UIScrollViewDelegate events to the flexible header.
Follow these steps to hook up a tracking scroll view:
Step 1: Set the tracking scroll view.
In your viewDidLoad, set the trackingScrollView
property on the header view:
headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView = scrollView
self.headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView = scrollView;
might be a table view, collection view, or a plain UIScrollView.
Step 2: Forward UIScrollViewDelegate events to the Header View.
There are two ways to forward scroll events.
Option 1: if your controller does not need to respond to UIScrollViewDelegate events and you're using either a plain UIScrollView or a UITableView you can set your MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController instance as the scroll view's delegate.
scrollView.delegate = headerViewController
scrollView.delegate = self.headerViewController;
Option 2: implement the required UIScrollViewDelegate methods and forward them to the MDCFlexibleHeaderView instance. This is the most flexible approach and will work with any UIScrollView subclass.
// MARK: UIScrollViewDelegate
override func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView == headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView {
override func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView == headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView {
override func scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
let headerView = headerViewController.headerView
if scrollView == headerView.trackingScrollView {
override func scrollViewWillEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>) {
let headerView = headerViewController.headerView
if scrollView == headerView.trackingScrollView {
headerView.trackingScrollViewWillEndDraggingWithVelocity(velocity, targetContentOffset: targetContentOffset)
#pragma mark - UIScrollViewDelegate
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
if (scrollView == self.headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView) {
[self.headerViewController.headerView trackingScrollViewDidScroll];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
if (scrollView == self.headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView) {
[self.headerViewController.headerView trackingScrollViewDidEndDecelerating];
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate {
if (scrollView == self.headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView) {
[self.headerViewController.headerView trackingScrollViewDidEndDraggingWillDecelerate:decelerate];
- (void)scrollViewWillEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
targetContentOffset:(inout CGPoint *)targetContentOffset {
if (scrollView == self.headerViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView) {
[self.headerViewController.headerView trackingScrollViewWillEndDraggingWithVelocity:velocity
If you do not require the flexible header's shift behavior, then you can avoid having to manually
forward UIScrollViewDelegate events to the flexible header by enabling
on the flexible header view. Observing the tracking
scroll view allows the flexible header to over-extend, if enabled, and allows the header's shadow to
show and hide itself as the content is scrolled.
Note: if you support pre-iOS 11 then you will also need to explicitly clear your tracking scroll view in your deinit/dealloc method.
flexibleHeaderViewController.headerView.observesTrackingScrollViewScrollEvents = true
deinit {
// Required for pre-iOS 11 devices because we've enabled observesTrackingScrollViewScrollEvents.
appBarViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView = nil
flexibleHeaderViewController.headerView.observesTrackingScrollViewScrollEvents = YES;
- (void)dealloc {
// Required for pre-iOS 11 devices because we've enabled observesTrackingScrollViewScrollEvents.
self.appBarViewController.headerView.trackingScrollView = nil;
Note: if observesTrackingScrollViewScrollEvents
is enabled then you can neither enable shift
behavior nor manually forward scroll view delegate events to the flexible header.
A flexible header that tracks a scroll view will expand and contract its height in reaction to scroll view events. A flexible header can also shift off-screen in reaction to scroll view events by changing the flexible header's behavior.
headerViewController.headerView.shiftBehavior = .enabled
headerViewController.headerView.shiftBehavior = MDCFlexibleHeaderShiftBehaviorEnabled;
Important: when a flexible header shifts off-screen it will not hide the content views. Your content views are responsible for hiding themselves in reaction to the flexible header shifting off-screen. Read the section on Reacting to frame changes for more information.
It is also possible to hide the status bar when shifting the flexible header off-screen. Enable this
behavior by setting the enabledWithStatusBar
behavior and implementing
on the parent view controller.
headerViewController.headerView.shiftBehavior = .enabledWithStatusBar
override func childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden() -> UIViewController? {
return headerViewController
headerViewController.headerView.shiftBehavior = MDCFlexibleHeaderShiftBehaviorEnabledWithStatusBar;
- (UIViewController *)childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden {
return _headerViewController;
In order to react to flexible header frame changes you can set yourself as the
MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController instance's layoutDelegate
extension MyViewController: MDCFlexibleHeaderViewLayoutDelegate {
// MARK: MDCFlexibleHeaderViewLayoutDelegate
func flexibleHeaderViewController(_: MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController,
flexibleHeaderViewFrameDidChange flexibleHeaderView: MDCFlexibleHeaderView) {
// Called whenever the frame changes.
// Conform to MDCFlexibleHeaderViewLayoutDelegate
@interface MyViewController () <MDCFlexibleHeaderViewLayoutDelegate>
// Set yourself as the delegate.
headerViewController.layoutDelegate = self;
#pragma - MDCFlexibleHeaderViewLayoutDelegate
- (void)flexibleHeaderViewController:(MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController *)flexibleHeaderViewController
flexibleHeaderViewFrameDidChange:(MDCFlexibleHeaderView *)flexibleHeaderView {
// Called whenever the frame changes.
When pairing MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController with a view controller, it may be desirable to use
the paired view controller's topLayoutGuide
to constrain additionals views. To constrain the
to the bottom point of the MDCFlexibleHeaderViewController, call
updateTopLayoutGuide on the flexible header view controller within the paired view controller's
viewWillLayoutSubviews method.
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews {
[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
[self.headerViewController updateLayoutGuide];
A subclass of your view controller may add additional views in their viewDidLoad, potentially resulting in the header being covered by the new views. It is the responsibility of the subclass to take the z-index into account:
view.insertSubview(myCustomView, belowSubview: headerViewController.headerView)
[self.view insertSubview:myCustomView belowSubview:self.headerViewController.headerView];
Push a view controller with a flexible header onto UINavigationController and you may find that the existing UINavigationBar is undesired. The most obvious example occurs when your flexible header has its own navigation bar.
If this is the case then we recommend hiding the UINavigationController's navigationBar
UIViewController appearance events: viewWillAppear:
or viewWillDisappear:
. Changing the
navigation bar's visibility during these events gives the highest likelihood of your navigation bar
animating in/out in a reasonable manner.
Important: Hiding UINavigationController's navigationBar nullifies UINavigationController's swipe- to-go-back feature. To continue using this feature whilst hiding the navigationBar, read the section on Enabling Swipe to Go Back With Hidden NavigationBar.
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:animated];
Add the following to view controllers that don't have an app bar:
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: animated)
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:animated];
If all of your view controllers use the App Bar in a given UINavigationController then you can simply hide the navigationBar when you create the navigation controller. Don't forget to do this at app restoration time!
navigationController.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: false)
UINavigationController *navigationController = ...;
[navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:NO animated:NO];
When using MDCFlexibileHeaderController within a UINavigationController, setting the
UINavigationController's navigationBarHidden property to YES
results in the loss of the
swipe-to-go-back feature associated with the controller.
To re-enable this feature whilst hiding the navigation controller's navigationBar we recommend
setting a pointer to the current interactivePopGestureRecognizer's delegate in the viewWillAppear:
method before setting the navigationBarHidden property to YES
, setting the
interactivePopGestureRecognizer's delegate to nil
while the MDCFlexibileHeaderController's parent
controller is actively on-screen in viewDidAppear:
, then re-setting the
interactivePopGestureRecognizer's delegate to the held pointer in the viewWillDisappear:
// Create pointer to hold active interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate
var existingInteractivePopGestureRecognizerDelegate: UIGestureRecognizerDelegate?
override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
// Hold reference to current interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate
if let delegate = navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate {
existingInteractivePopGestureRecognizerDelegate = delegate
navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: animated)
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
// Set interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate to nil
navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = nil
override func viewWillDisappear(animated: Bool) {
// Return interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate to previously held object
if let delegate = existingInteractivePopGestureRecognizerDelegate {
navigationController?.interactivePopGestureRecognizer?.delegate = delegate
@interface MyViewController ()
// Create pointer to hold active interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate
@property(nonatomic, strong) id <UIGestureRecognizerDelegate> existingInteractivePopGestureRecognizerDelegate;
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
// Hold reference to current interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate
if (self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.delegate) {
self.existingInteractivePopGestureRecognizerDelegate =
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:YES animated:animated];
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
// Set interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate to nil
self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.delegate = nil;
- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewWillDisappear:animated];
// Return interactivePopGestureRecognizer delegate to previously held object
if (self.existingInteractivePopGestureRecognizerDelegate) {
self.navigationController.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.delegate =
MDCHeaderViewController instances are able to recommend a status bar style by inspecting the
background color of the MDCFlexibleHeaderView. If you'd like to use this logic to automatically
update your status bar style, implement childViewControllerForStatusBarStyle
in your app's view
override var childViewControllerForStatusBarStyle: UIViewController? {
return headerViewController
- (UIViewController *)childViewControllerForStatusBarStyle {
return self.headerViewController;
This example shows how to add a custom background image view to a flexible header.
You can create and add a UIImageView subview to the flexible header view's content view:
let headerView = headerViewController.headerView
let imageView = ...
imageView.frame = headerView.bounds
imageView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
headerView.contentView.insertSubview(imageView, at: 0)
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
UIImageView *imageView = ...;
imageView.frame = self.headerViewController.headerView.bounds;
imageView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
[self.headerViewController.headerView.contentView insertSubview:imageView atIndex:0];
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
imageView.clipsToBounds = YES;
- Add the image view to the header view's
, not the header view itself. - Set the
to "ScaleAspectFill" to ensure that the image always fills the available header space, even if the image is too small. This is usually preferred, but consider changing the contentMode if you want a different behavior. - Enable
in order to ensure that your image view does not bleed past the bounds of the header view. The header view'sclipsToBounds
is disabled by default.
The flexible header allows you to forward touch events to the tracking scroll view. This provides the illusion that the flexible header is part of the tracking scroll view.
To start touch forwarding you must call forwardTouchEventsForView:
with each view:
headerView.forwardTouchEvents(for: someContentView)
[headerView forwardTouchEventsForView:someContentView];
To stop touch forwarding you must call forwardTouchEventsForView:
with each view:
headerView.stopForwardingTouchEvents(for: someContentView)
[headerView stopForwardingTouchEventsForView:someContentView];
While we do not recommend it, there are situations in which the trackingScrollView will be the
parent view of the flexible header's view. The most notable example is UITableViewController, whose
is the UITableView instance, so there is no other view to register the tracking scroll
view to.
As you might expect, this situation causes the flexible header to scroll off-screen with the scroll
view regardless of the flexible header's scrolling behavior. To counter this, the flexible header
sets its transform
to an inversion of the current contentOffset
. This gives the illusion of
the flexible header staying fixed in place, even though the underlying scroll view is scrolling.
In these situations the flexible header also ensures that it is always the front-most view. This is to combat the UITableView displaying its divider lines in front of the flexible header.
When a WKWebView with content that is smaller than the screen is set as a tracking scroll view for a flexible header, the WKWebView's scroll view may not correctly calculate its contentSize.height. This bug manifests as a small web page that is scrollable when it shouldn't be and can most easily be reproduced by loading a simple HTML string into a WKWebView with a single word in the body tag.
To fix this bug, at a minimum you must enable the new runtime behavior
and set a topLayoutGuideViewController
. Doing so
will fix the bug on iOS 11 and up.
flexibleHeaderViewController.useAdditionalSafeAreaInsetsForWebKitScrollViews = true
flexibleHeaderViewController.topLayoutGuideViewController = contentViewController
flexibleHeaderViewController.useAdditionalSafeAreaInsetsForWebKitScrollViews = YES;
flexibleHeaderViewController.topLayoutGuideViewController = contentViewController;
If you support any OS below iOS 11, you'll also need to adjust the frame of your WKWebView on devices running these older operating systems so that the web view is aligned to the top layout guide.
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
// No need to do anything - additionalSafeAreaInsets will inset our content.
webView.autoresizingMask = [.width | .height]
} else {
// Fixes the WKWebView contentSize.height bug pre-iOS 11.
webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
NSLayoutConstraint(item: webView,
attribute: .top,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: topLayoutGuide,
attribute: .bottom,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: webView,
attribute: .bottom,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: view,
attribute: .bottom,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: webView,
attribute: .left,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: view,
attribute: .left,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 0),
NSLayoutConstraint(item: webView,
attribute: .right,
relatedBy: .equal,
toItem: view,
attribute: .right,
multiplier: 1,
constant: 0),
#if defined(__IPHONE_11_0) && (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_11_0)
if (@available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
// No need to do anything - additionalSafeAreaInsets will inset our content.
webView.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight);
} else {
// Fixes the WKWebView contentSize.height bug pre-iOS 11.
webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
[NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:
@[[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:webView
[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:webView
[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:webView
[NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:webView
#if defined(__IPHONE_11_0) && (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= __IPHONE_11_0)
A behavioral flag is a temporary API that is introduced to allow client teams to migrate from an old behavior to a new one in a graceful fashion. Behavioral flags all go through the following life cycle:
- The flag is introduced. The default is chosen such that clients must opt in to the new behavior.
- After some time, the default changes to the new behavior and the flag is marked as deprecated.
- After some time, the flag is removed.
The flexible header component includes a variety of flags that affect the behavior of the
. Many of these flags represent feature flags that we are using
to allow client teams to migrate from an old behavior to a new, usually less-buggy one.
You are encouraged to set all of the behavioral flags immediately after creating an instance of the flexible header.
The minimal set of recommended flag values are:
// Enables support for iPad popovers and extensions.
// Automatically enables topLayoutGuideAdjustmentEnabled as well, but does not set a
// topLayoutGuideViewController.
flexibleHeaderViewController.inferTopSafeAreaInsetFromViewController = true
// Enables support for iPhone X safe area insets.
flexibleHeaderViewController.headerView.minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea = false
// Enables support for iPad popovers and extensions.
// Automatically enables topLayoutGuideAdjustmentEnabled as well, but does not set a
// topLayoutGuideViewController.
flexibleHeaderViewController.inferTopSafeAreaInsetFromViewController = YES;
// Enables support for iPhone X safe area insets.
flexibleHeaderViewController.headerView.minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea = NO;
The minimum and maximum height values of the flexible header view assume by default that the values include the top safe area insets value. This assumption no longer holds true on devices with a physical safe area inset and it never held true when flexible headers were shown in non full screen settings (such as popovers on iPad).
This behavioral flag is enabled by default, but will eventually be disabled by default and the flag will eventually be removed.
flexibleHeaderViewController.headerView.minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea = false
flexibleHeaderViewController.headerView.minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea = NO;
The topLayoutGuideAdjustmentEnabled
behavior flag affects topLayoutGuideViewController
Setting topLayoutGuideAdjustmentEnabled
to YES enables the new behavior.
is disabled by default, but will eventually be enabled by default
and the flag will eventually be removed.
flexibleHeaderViewController.topLayoutGuideAdjustmentEnabled = true
flexibleHeaderViewController.topLayoutGuideAdjustmentEnabled = YES;
Prior to this behavioral flag, the flexible header always assumed that it was presented in a full-screen capacity, meaning it would be placed directly behind the status bar or device bezel (such as the iPhone X's notch). This assumption does not support extensions and iPad popovers.
Enabling the inferTopSafeAreaInsetFromViewController
flag tells the flexible header to use its
view controller ancestry to extract a safe area inset from its context, instead of relying on
assumptions about placement of the header.
This behavioral flag is disabled by default, but will eventually be enabled by default and the flag will eventually be removed.
flexibleHeaderViewController.inferTopSafeAreaInsetFromViewController = true
flexibleHeaderViewController.inferTopSafeAreaInsetFromViewController = YES;
Note: if this flag is enabled and you've also provided a topLayoutGuideViewController
, take
care that the topLayoutGuideViewController
is not a direct ancestor of the flexible header or your
app will enter an infinite loop. As a general rule, your topLayoutGuideViewController
be a sibling to the flexible header.
You can theme a flexible header with your app's color scheme using the ColorThemer extension.
You must first add the Color Themer extension to your project:
pod 'MaterialComponents/FlexibleHeader+ColorThemer'
// Step 1: Import the ColorThemer extension
import MaterialComponents.MaterialFlexibleHeader_ColorThemer
// Step 2: Create or get a color scheme
let colorScheme = MDCSemanticColorScheme()
// Step 3: Apply the color scheme to your component
MDCFlexibleHeaderColorThemer.applySemanticColorScheme(colorScheme, to: component)
// Step 1: Import the ColorThemer extension
#import "MaterialFlexibleHeader+ColorThemer.h"
// Step 2: Create or get a color scheme
id<MDCColorScheming> colorScheme = [[MDCSemanticColorScheme alloc] initWithDefaults:MDCColorSchemeDefaultsMaterial201804];
// Step 3: Apply the color scheme to your component
[MDCFlexibleHeaderColorThemer applySemanticColorScheme:colorScheme
Deprecation schedule:
- October 16, 2018: minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea will be disabled by default.
- October 23, 2018: minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea will be marked deprecated.
- November 23, 2018: minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea will be deleted.
is a behavioral flag on `MDCFlexibleHeaderView that must be disabled
to ensure iPhone X compatibility.
When this property is enabled (the legacy behavior), the minimumHeight
and maximumHeight
are expected to include the device's top safe area insets in their value. This means it is the
responsibility of the client to update these height values with the values of the top safe area
When you disable this property you are expected to set minimumHeight
and maximumHeight
to only
the height of the content that would be displayed below the top safe area insets.
We intend to eventually disable minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea
by default and remove the
property altogether. As such, you are encouraged to proactively disable this property now anywhere
that you use a FlexibleHeader.
Example usage:
headerViewController.headerView.minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea = false
headerViewController.headerView.maximumHeight = 128
headerViewController.headerView.minimumHeight = 56
headerViewController.headerView.minMaxHeightIncludesSafeArea = NO;
headerViewController.headerView.maximumHeight = 128;
headerViewController.headerView.minimumHeight = 56;