Create the Kubernetes cluster with Crossplane installed and the AWS provider configured as described in the main README Pre-Requisites.
Create the VPCs and Internet Gateways:
kubectl apply -f vpc-0.yaml
kubectl apply -f vpc-1.yaml
kubectl apply -f internet-gateway-0.yaml
kubectl apply -f internet-gateway-1.yaml
Get an overview of the created VPCs and Internet Gateways:
kubectl get vpc,internetgateway
Get the full details of one of the internet gateways, paying attention to its VPC selectors and resolved references:
kubectl get -oyaml
kubectl get -o json | jq '.spec.forProvider.vpcIdSelector,.spec.forProvider.vpcId'
Examine the events and status that tells the story of its provisioning and health:
kubectl describe
Clean up all the created resources:
kubectl delete -f internet-gateway-0.yaml --wait=false
kubectl delete -f internet-gateway-1.yaml --wait=false
kubectl delete -f vpc-0.yaml --wait=false
kubectl delete -f vpc-1.yaml --wait=false
kubectl get managed