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File metadata and controls

591 lines (448 loc) · 21.1 KB



i3neostatus is a powerful and modular i3status replacement.


1a. Acquire the sources (git repository).

$ git clone
$ cd i3neostatus
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ autoreconf -i

1b. Acquire the sources (distribution tarball).

$ tar -xvf i3neostatus.tar.gz
$ cd i3neostatus

2. Configure, build, and install.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure # try `--help` for options
$ make
$ sudo make install


i3neostatus is a replacement for i3status that provides a way to display a status line on bars that support the i3bar protocol. Unlike i3status, the design of i3neostatus emphasizes support for third-party plugins and asynchronous updates. I3neostatus aims to posses full feature parity with i3status (and then some) while maintaining a high degree of efficiency.

Command-line options

  • -h/--help
    • Print a help message
  • -v/--version
    • Print version information
  • -c/--config
    • Specify an alternate configuration file path. By default, i3neostatus looks for a configuration files in the following order:
      1. ~/.config/i3neostatus/config (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3neostatus/config if set)
      2. /etc/xdg/i3status/config (or $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/i3neostatus/config if set)
      3. ~/.i3neostatus.conf
      4. /etc/i3neostatus.conf


The basic idea of i3neostatus is that you can specify which "plugins" should be used. You can then configure each plugin with its own section. Note that i3neostatus uses the libconfigfile syntax specification for its configuration file.

The configuration file has three main sections: general (map), which contains global options affecting the whole program; theme (map) which specifies the appearance of the status line; and plugins (array) which contains the configuration for each plugin.

The only option currently implemented in general is custom_separators (integer). Setting this to a non-zero value (default) will enable custom separators. Otherwise, the default i3bar separators are used.

The theme sections contains a variety of options that affect the styling of the status line. All options are optional (pun unintentional), those not set will possess default values.

A summary of these options is below.

Name Type Description
<state>_color_foreground string (color) Foreground color of plugins in <state> state.
<state>_color_background string (color) Background color of plugins in <state> state.
<state>_color_border string (color or special) Border color of plugins in <state> state.
alternating_tint_foreground string (color) Added to the foreground color of every other block.
alternating_tint_background string (color) Added to the background color of every other block.
alternating_tint_border string (color or special) Added to the border color of every other block.
separator_<location>_sequence string (color) String used as separator in <location> position.
separator_<location>_color_foreground string (color or special) Foreground color of separator in <location> position.
separator_<location>_color_background string (color or special) Background color of separator in <location> position.
border_width_<position> integer Width of the <position> border around plugins. Units are pixels.

Strings specifying colors should be in hexadecimal RGBA format (i.e., they should match ^#?[0-9a-fA-F]{8}$).

In the context of plugins, <state> can be one of: idle, info, good, warning, critical, error. In the context of separators, <location> can be one of: begin, middle, end. In the context of borders, <position> can be one of: top, right, bottom, left.

In addition to a color, <state>_color_border and alternating_tint_boder may also be specified as one of two 'special' strings: "foreground" (take color from foreground) or "background" (take color from background). In addition to a color, separator_<location>_color_ground and separator_<location>_color_background may also be specified as one of two 'special' strings: "right" (take color from right block) or "left" (take color from left block). Note that begin separators can't use "left" and end separators can't use "right".

Each element (map) in the plugins section must contain a path_or_name option (string) which specifies the location of the plugin binary to load or the name of a built-in plugin suffixed with a underscore. Each element may also contain a config option (map) which will be forwarded to that plugin as its configuration.

Note that tildes in file paths handled by i3neostatus itself will be resolved.

Sample configuration

general = {

theme = {
    idle_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    idle_color_background = "#000000FF";
    idle_color_border = "background";

    info_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    info_color_background = "#000000FF";
    info_color_border = "background";

    good_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    good_color_background = "#000000FF";
    good_color_border = "background";

    warning_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    warning_color_background = "#000000FF";
    warning_color_border = "background";

    critical_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    critical_color_background = "#000000FF";
    critical_color_border = "background";

    error_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    error_color_background = "#000000FF";
    error_color_border = "background";

    alternating_tint_color_foreground = "#00000000";
    alternating_tint_color_background = "#00000000";
    alternating_tint_color_border = "#00000000";

    separator_middle_sequence = " | ";
    separator_middle_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    separator_middle_color_background = "#000000FF";

    separator_begin_sequence = "";
    separator_begin_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    separator_begin_color_background = "#000000FF";

    separator_end_sequence = "";
    separator_end_color_foreground = "#FFFFFFFF";
    separator_end_color_background = "#000000FF";

    border_width_top = 1;
    border_width_right = 1;
    border_width_bottom = 1;
    border_width_left = 1;

plugins = [
        path = "_simple_date";
        config = {
            format = "%FT%TZ";

Available plugins

Currently no plugins have been implemented :)

Bar support

Currently, i3neostatus only supports bars using the i3bar protocol. Support for dzen2, xmobar, and lemonbar, etc. may be implemented in the future.

plugin development

i3neostatus aims to deliver first-class support for third-party plugins by simplifying development while still allowing a great degree of freedom. plugins are C++ shared objects that are then loaded by i3neostatus at runtime. The "built-in" plugins that i3neostatus ships with are implemented identically to any third-party plugin, meaning that they can be used a reference during the development of your own plugin.

The following will walk you through the development process step-by-step.

plugins are not responsible for setting their own theme, instead they pass a "state" value to i3neostatus (see below), which then uses this value, as well as a user specified global theme, to determine the visual styling of the plugin. If your plugin wants to override this theme, you can make use of the Pango markup option (see below). This is discouraged as it interferes with a cohesive status line appearance and may break certain user settings affecting separator color.

Note that i3neostatus uses libconfigfile to interface with its configuration file. If you wish for your plugin to be user-configurable, familiarity with this library is recommended.

Throughout the following test_plugin will serve as a stand-in for the name of your plugin.

All i3neostatus code relevant to plugin development is found within the i3neostatus::plugin_dev namespace. It might be a good idea to start your plugin with a namespace alias to save yourself some typing. The following code examples assume that this line is present.

namespace i3ns = i3neostatus::plugin_dev;

Start by including the i3neostatus/plugin_dev.hpp header file. If i3neostatus has been installed to your system, this header should be found in /usr/local/include or something similar. This header contains all the declarations needed to interface with i3neostatus, including access to libconfigfile.

#include <i3neostatus/plugin_dev.hpp>

The basic structure of a plugin is a class that inherits from i3ns::base.

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {

Before we start implementing the test_plugin class, i3neostatus needs a way to create and destroy instances of your plugin. This is handled for you by invoking the macro I3NEOSTATUS_PLUGIN_FACTORY_DEFINE() with an argument corresponding to the name of your plugin class.


Your plugin class must be default constructible. It's recommended that this constructor does little to nothing; proper initialization of your plugin will be preformed later.

class test_plugin : i3ns::public base {

Just like any other child class, your plugin class must have a virtual destructor. It's recommended that this destructor does little to nothing; proper termination of your plugin will be preformed earlier.

class test_plugin : i3ns::public base {
  virtual ~test_plugin();

Your plugin class does not need to be copyable or movable, these operations will never be preformed.

The primary way your plugin will communicate with i3neostatus is through the i3ns::api class. Your plugin will receive a pointer to an instance of this class during its initialization. Thus, we should familiarize ourselves with its interface before proceeding further.

There are several main data structures that will be passed between i3neostatus and your plugin.

i3ns::config_in represents the user configuration of your plugin (see Configuration). It is an alias for libconfigfile::map_node.

i3ns::config_out represents the information about your plugin that will be passed back to i3neostatus. It is a struct containing the following members.

struct i3ns::config_out {
  bool click_events_enabled // Whether click events will be sent to your plugin

i3ns::state represents the current state of your plugin.

enum class i3ns::state {
  idle = 0,
  info = 1,
  good = 2,
  warning = 3,
  critical = 4,
  error = 5,
  max = 6, // invalid value

i3ns::content represents a unit of information that will be displayed on the status line.

struct i3ns::content {
  std::string full_text; // The text displayed on the status line.
  std::optional<std::string> short_text; // The text displayed on the status line when there is insufficient space.
  std::optional<std::variant<i3ns::types::pixel_count_t, std::string>> min_width; // Minimum width of the block. If the contents of the block take less space than this, the block will be padded. If the value is a string, the width is determined by the width of its text.
  std::optional<i3ns::types::text_align> align; // How to align text when the minimum width of the block is not reached.
  std::optional<bool> urgent; // Specifies whether the current value is urgent.
  std::optional<i3ns::types::markup> markup; // Indicates how the text of the block should be parsed.

i3ns::block contains the primary information passed between your plugin and i3neostatus.

using i3ns::block = std::pair<i3ns::content, i3ns::state>;

i3ns::click_event represents the information sent when a user clicks on a block.

struct i3ns::click_event {
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t x; // X11 root window x-coordinate of click occurrence
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t y; // X11 root window y-coordinate of click occurrence
  int button; // X11 button ID
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t relative_x; // Click occurrence x-coordinate relative to the top left of block
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t relative_y; // Click occurrence y-coordinate relative to the top left of block
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t output_x; // Click occurrence x-coordinate relative to the current output
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t output_y; // Click occurrence y-coordinate relative to the current output
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t width; // Width of the block
  i3ns::types::pixel_count_t height; // Height of the block
  i3ns::types::click_modifiers; // Bitset of the modifiers active when the click occurred

The following data types defined in the i3ns::types namespace are used in the above structs.

using i3ns::pixel_count_t = /*signed integer type*/; // Represents a pixel count.

enum class i3ns::text_align {
  none, // invalid value
  max, // invalid value
}; // Represents a text alignment.

enum class i3ns::markup {
  max, // invalid value
}; // Represents a text markup.

enum class i3ns::click_modifiers {
}; // Represents possible click modifiers. Flag operators are defined for this type.

Further information on most of the fields in the above structs (i3ns::content, i3ns::click_event, etc.) can be found by looking for their namesakes in the i3bar protocol.

The i3ns::api class is movable but not copyable. Your plugin should never have to create a new instance of i3ns::api.

There are three primary API functions that will be called by your plugin.

The first is i3ns::api::put_block(), which is used by your plugin to post new information to the status line.

void i3ns::api::put_block(const i3ns::block& block);
void i3ns::api::put_block(i3ns::block&& block);

The second is i3ns::api::put_error(), which is used by your plugin to communicate an error to i3neostatus. Note that once i3ns::api::put_error() has been called, no further calls to i3ns::api::put_block() or api::put_error() should be made.

void i3ns::api::put_error(const std::exception& error);
void i3ns::api::put_error(std::exception&& error);
void i3ns::api::put_error(const std::exception_ptr& error);
void i3ns::api::put_error(std::exception_ptr&& error);

The last is i3ns::api::hide(), which is used to temporarily hide your plugin on the status line. Call i3ns::api::put_block() or i3ns::api::put_error() to make it visible again.

void i3ns::api::hide();

Returning to your plugin, there are several virtual functions in i3ns::base that must be overriden by your class. Any exceptions thrown in these functions will be handled appropriately (as if by i3ns::api::put_error()).

The first is init(), which should verify user configuration and initialize your plugin. This function will be executed before run().

#include <stdexcept>

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {
  i3ns::api* m_api;

  virtual i3ns::config_out init(i3ns::api* api, i3ns::config_in&& config) override {
    // store pointer to API instance
    m_api = api;

    // verify user configuration
    if (...) {
        // ...
    } else {
      throw std::runtime_error{"invalid configuration"};

    // return plugin information
    return {.click_events_enabled{true}};

The next is run(), which is the main update loop of your plugin. This function will be executed concurrently in its own thread by i3neostatus.

#include <utility>

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {
  i3ns::api* m_api;

  virtual void run() override {
    while (true) {
      // wait for new info
      // get new info

      // post new info
      i3ns::block block{/*new info*/};

Then we have term(), which should signal run() to exit and preform any needed cleanup. Due to the nature of i3neostatus (typically runs until your computer is shut off), it is not guaranteed that this function will be called.

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {
  virtual void term() override {
    // signal run() to exit
    // cleanup

Finally, there is on_click_event(), which will be called when a user clicks on your plugin. This function only needs to be overriden if you want to receive click events.

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {
  virtual void on_click_event(i3ns::click_event &&click_event) override {
    // do something based on click event

Because run() will be executed concurrently, some level of synchronization will likely be required in your plugin. Note that i3ns::api::put_block()/i3ns::api::put_error() are thread-safe. The synchronization mechanism should at least provide a means for term() to signal run() to exit. You might also wish for on_click_event() to be able to wake run() to preform an update immediately. Though synchronization can be implemented however you wish, the following example provides a starting point.

#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <utility>

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {
  enum class action {

  i3ns::api* m_api;
  action m_action;
  std::mutex m_action_mtx;
  std::condition_variable m_action_cv;

    : m_action{action::cont}, m_action_mtx{}, m_action_cv{}

  virtual void run() override {
    while (true) {
      // get new info

      // post new info
      i3ns::block block{/*new info*/};

      // sleep for 1 second or until woken up to continue or exit
      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock_m_action_mtx{m_action_mtx};
      m_action = action::wait;
        lock_m_action_mtx, std::chrono::seconds{1},
        [this]() -> bool { return m_action != action::wait; });
     if (m_action == action::stop) {
     } else {
       m_action = action::cont;

  virtual void term() override {
    // signal run() to exit
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_m_action_mtx{m_action_mtx};
      m_action = action::stop;

    // cleanup

  virtual void on_click_event(i3ns::click_event&& click_event) override  {
    // do something based on click event

    // signal run() to continue
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_m_action_mtx{m_action_mtx};
      m_action = action::cont;

When fully completed, your plugin should look something like the following.

// test_plugin.cpp

#include <i3neostatus/plugin_dev.hpp>

#include <chrono>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>

class test_plugin : public i3ns::base {
  enum class action {

  i3ns::api* m_api;
  action m_action;
  std::mutex m_action_mtx;
  std::condition_variable m_action_cv;

    : m_api{}, m_action{action::cont}, m_action_mtx{}, m_action_cv{}

  virtual ~test_plugin() {

  virtual i3ns::config_out init(i3ns::api&& api, i3ns::config_in&& config) override {
    m_api = api;

    if (...) {
      // verify configuration
    } else {
      throw std::runtime_error{"invalid configuration"};

    return {.click_events_enabled{true}};

  virtual void run() override {
    while (true) {
      // get new info

      i3ns::block block{/*new info*/};

      std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock_m_action_mtx{m_action_mtx};
      m_action = action::wait;
        lock_m_action_mtx, std::chrono::seconds{1},
        [this]() -> bool { return m_action != action::wait; });
     if (m_action == action::stop) {
     } else {
       m_action = action::cont;

  virtual void term() override {
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_m_action_mtx{m_action_mtx};
      m_action = action::stop;

    // cleanup

  virtual void on_click_event(i3ns::click_event&& click_event) override {
    // do something based on click event

      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock_m_action_mtx{m_action_mtx};
      m_action = action::cont;


The final step is to compile your plugin as a shared library that can be dynamically loaded by i3neostatus. I3neostatus uses C++20, your plugin should as well.

The plugin binary file path cannot contain a trailing underscore, as i3neostatus reserves this as a means to refer to built-in plugins.

As a final piece of advice, be very wary of calling any non-thread-safe library functions in your plugin in order to avoid race conditions with other plugins that may be loaded.


Please note that the wording of some parts of this documentation has been lifted from i3status due to the similarity in functionality and my hatred for writing documentation :) .


See LICENSE for details.