diff --git a/doc/changelog/2.0.0-RCs.md b/doc/changelog/2.0.0-RCs.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/changelog/2.0.0-RCs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# 2.0.0-RC*x*
+The full combined list of changes from v1.7.7 to v2.0.0 is [here](./2.0.0.md).
+- [Changes in RC1](#changes-in-rc1)
+- [Changes in RC2](#changes-in-rc2)
+- [Changes in RC3](#changes-in-rc3)
+- [Changes in RC4](#changes-in-rc4)
+- [Changes in RC5](#changes-in-rc5)
+# Changes in RC1
+[See here.](https://github.com/japgolly/scalajs-react/blob/v2.0.0-RC1/doc/changelog/2.0.0.md)
+# Changes in RC2
+* Bugfix in the `useCallbackWithDeps{,By}` hook
+* Changed the pattern in hook signatures from `(mainArg: => A, deps: => D)` to `(deps: D)(mainArg: D => A)`.
+ Affected methods:
+ * `useCallbackWithDeps{,By}`
+ * `useEffectWithDeps{,By}`
+ * `useLayoutEffectWithDeps{,By}`
+ * `useMemo{,By}`
+# Changes in RC3
+* Bugfixes:
+ * Expose default sync effect instead of internal type in:
+ * `SetStateFn(…)`
+ * `ModStateFn(…)`
+ * `ModStateWithPropsFn(…)`
+ * `StateSnapshot` constructors should accept
+ * `SetStateFn`
+ * `ModStateFn`
+ * `ModStateWithPropsFn`
+ * `TimerSupport.install` had an infinite loop
+ * `TriStateCheckbox`'s `onKeyDown` handler was calling `event.preventDefault()` on unhandled keys
+ * Fix the Scala 3 version of `renderBackend` to support polymorphic backends
+ *(e.g. `renderBackend[Backend[X]]` where `X` is a type already in scope)*
+ * Support `CallbackOption[Unit]` being passed directly to event handling vdom
+* Additions:
+ * `TriStateCheckbox` now accepts an optional `Reusable[TagMod]` in its `Props` that will be applied to the ``
+ * Add `.dispatch` to `Callback` and `AsyncCallback` which schedules (-and-forgets) the callback to be run in the background
+* Upgrade deps
+ * Cats-effect to 3.2.2
+ * Scala.js to 1.7.0
+ * Microlibs to 3.0.1
+ * UnivEq to 1.6.0
+# Changes in RC4
+* Support turning React warnings into runtime exceptions. There are a few ways to do this:
+ * Via a [new config option](../CONFIG.md#testwarningsreact) for `ReactTestUtils`
+ * [Manually](../TESTING.md#fatal-react-warnings)
+* Document existing `debounce` methods to clarify you need to save them as a `val` and reuse them
+* Add:
+ * `AsyncCallback.debounce(duration): AsyncCallback[Unit]`
+ * `Callback.debounce(duration): Callback`
+ * `ScalaFnComponent.withReuse{,By}`
+ * `ScalaFnComponent.withChildrenAndReuse{,By}`
+* `ReactTestUtils` is now a `trait` as well as an `object` so that you can mix it into your own test utils collection
+* Upgrade deps
+ * Cats-effect to 3.2.9
+ * Microlibs to 4.0.0
+ * Scala.js to 1.7.1
+ * scalajs-dom 2.0.0
+ * UnivEq to 2.0.0
+# Changes in RC5
+* Add a new bundle called `core-bundle-cb_io` with provides core scalajs-react functionality with `Callback` as the default sync effect and `cats.effect.IO` as the default async effect. (Thanks [@rpiaggio](https://github.com/rpiaggio))
diff --git a/doc/changelog/2.0.0.md b/doc/changelog/2.0.0.md
index 9263481a3..ba1a91b19 100644
--- a/doc/changelog/2.0.0.md
+++ b/doc/changelog/2.0.0.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# 2.0.0-RC3
+# 2.0.0
Lots of big, juicy, modernising changes here.
Make sure you at least read the [migration](#migration) guide.
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ Contents:
- [Changes: Backwards-Compatible](#changes-backwards-compatible)
- [Changes: Auto-Migratable](#changes-auto-migratable)
- [Migration](#migration)
-- [Changes in RC2](#changes-in-rc2)
-- [Changes in RC3](#changes-in-rc3)
+- [Changes in RCs](#changes-in-rcs)
- [Thanks](#thanks)
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ Contents:
* Global settings have been fixed and revamped. See the [new guide here](../CONFIG.md).
This allows you to produce different dev and prod builds without making code changes.
+* Support turning React warnings into runtime exceptions. There are a few ways to do this:
+ * Via a [new config option](../CONFIG.md#testwarningsreact) for `ReactTestUtils`
+ * [Manually](../TESTING.md#fatal-react-warnings)
+* Upgrade scala-js-dom to 2.0.0. This is mostly source-compatible with v1.2.0, but isn't binary-compatible.
+ See the [scala-js-dom v2 release notes](https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js-dom/releases/tag/v2.0.0).
# Minor New Features
@@ -155,7 +161,14 @@ Contents:
* `CallbackTo`
* `CallbackOption`
-* Add `withFilter` to `Callback(To)` and `AsyncCallback`
+* Additions
+ * `AsyncCallback.debounce(duration): AsyncCallback[Unit]`
+ * `Callback.debounce(duration): Callback`
+ * `ScalaFnComponent.withReuse{,By}`
+ * `ScalaFnComponent.withChildrenAndReuse{,By}`
+ * Add a `withFilter` method to `Callback(To)` and `AsyncCallback`
+ * Add a `dispatch` method to `Callback` and `AsyncCallback` which schedules (-and-forgets) the callback to be run in the background
+ * `TriStateCheckbox` now accepts an optional `Reusable[TagMod]` in its `Props` that will be applied to the ``
* Bug fixes:
* ScalaFnComponents now use `VdomNode`s instead of `VdomElement`s
@@ -165,14 +178,18 @@ Contents:
* Avoid boxing in `React.Context` and `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate`
+* `ReactTestUtils` is now a `trait` as well as an `object` so that you can mix it into your own test utils collection
* `Px[A]#extract` now takes an implicit `Px.Extract[A](Px[A] => A)` argument instead of being a macro.
If you're using this exotic feature, you can now provide your own `Px.Extract` typeclass instances.
* Backwards-compatible dependency upgrades:
* Cats to 2.6.1
+ * Cats Effect to 3.2.9
* Monocle (v2) to 2.1.0
+ * Monocle (v3) to 3.1.0
* Scala to 2.13.6
- * Scala.js to 1.7.0
+ * Scala.js to 1.7.1
* Sourcecode to 0.2.7
@@ -314,70 +331,11 @@ You can run the script in the Migration section at the bottom of the page to aut
-# Changes in RC2
-* Bugfix in the `useCallbackWithDeps{,By}` hook
-* Changed the pattern in hook signatures from `(mainArg: => A, deps: => D)` to `(deps: D)(mainArg: D => A)`.
- Affected methods:
- * `useCallbackWithDeps{,By}`
- * `useEffectWithDeps{,By}`
- * `useLayoutEffectWithDeps{,By}`
- * `useMemo{,By}`
-# Changes in RC3
-* Bugfixes:
- * Expose default sync effect instead of internal type in:
- * `SetStateFn(…)`
- * `ModStateFn(…)`
- * `ModStateWithPropsFn(…)`
- * `StateSnapshot` constructors should accept
- * `SetStateFn`
- * `ModStateFn`
- * `ModStateWithPropsFn`
- * `TimerSupport.install` had an infinite loop
- * `TriStateCheckbox`'s `onKeyDown` handler was calling `event.preventDefault()` on unhandled keys
- * Fix the Scala 3 version of `renderBackend` to support polymorphic backends
- *(e.g. `renderBackend[Backend[X]]` where `X` is a type already in scope)*
- * Support `CallbackOption[Unit]` being passed directly to event handling vdom
-* Additions:
- * `TriStateCheckbox` now accepts an optional `Reusable[TagMod]` in its `Props` that will be applied to the ``
- * Add `.dispatch` to `Callback` and `AsyncCallback` which schedules (-and-forgets) the callback to be run in the background
-* Upgrade deps
- * Cats-effect to 3.2.2
- * Scala.js to 1.7.0
- * Microlibs to 3.0.1
- * UnivEq to 1.6.0
-# Changes in RC4
-* Support turning React warnings into runtime exceptions. There are a few ways to do this:
- * Via a [new config option](../CONFIG.md#testwarningsreact) for `ReactTestUtils`
- * [Manually](../TESTING.md#fatal-react-warnings)
-* Document existing `debounce` methods to clarify you need to save them as a `val` and reuse them
-* Add:
- * `AsyncCallback.debounce(duration): AsyncCallback[Unit]`
- * `Callback.debounce(duration): Callback`
- * `ScalaFnComponent.withReuse{,By}`
- * `ScalaFnComponent.withChildrenAndReuse{,By}`
-* `ReactTestUtils` is now a `trait` as well as an `object` so that you can mix it into your own test utils collection
-* Upgrade deps
- * Cats-effect to 3.2.9
- * Microlibs to 4.0.0
- * Scala.js to 1.7.1
- * scalajs-dom 2.0.0
- * UnivEq to 2.0.0
+# Changes in RCs
+If you're interested in the changes between each RC release, [see here](./2.0.0-RCs.md).
-# Changes in RC5
- * Add a new bundle called `core-bundle-cb_io` with provides core scalajs-react functionality with `Callback` as the default sync effect and `cats.effect.IO` as the default async effect. (Thanks [@rpiaggio](https://github.com/rpiaggio))
# Thanks
A lot of this was kindly sponsored by [Gemini](https://www.gemini.edu/)/[NOIRLab](https://nationalastro.org/)/[AURA](https://www.aura-astronomy.org/).