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File metadata and controls

198 lines (120 loc) · 8.16 KB

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o2r meta

This is a collection of tools for extract-map-validate workflows.

  1. schema & documentation of the o2r metadata
  2. extract - collect meta information from files or session
  3. broker - translate metadata from o2r to third party schemas
  4. validate - check if metadata set is valid to the schema
  5. harvest - collect metadata from external sources via OAI-PMH

For their role within o2r, please refer to o2r-architecture.


o2r-meta is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, see file LICENSE. Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 - o2r project.


o2r meta is designed for python 3.6 and supports python 3.4+.

Installation steps

(1) Acquire python version 3.4+.

(2) Parts of o2r meta require the gdal module that is known for causing trouble when installed via PIP. Therefore it is recommended to prepare the installation like this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable -y
sudo apt-get -qq update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libgdal1h
sudo apt-get install -y libgdal-dev
sudo apt-get build-dep -y python-gdal
sudo apt-get install -y python-gdal
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal

and afterwards install gdal this way:

pip install GDAL==$(gdal-config --version | awk -F'[.]' '{print $1"."$2}')

Alternatively you can use a precompiled python wheel (note: these are inofficially provided) of the gdal module that fits your desired platform.

(3) Install the required modules:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Using Docker

Another way of installation is provided by the Dockerfile. Build it like this:

docker build -t meta .

And start the extractor (e.g.) like this:

docker run meta -debug extract -i extract/tests -o extract/tests -xo



When calling o2r meta, you can chose from the following commands, each representing one tool of the o2r meta suite: extract, validate, broker and harvest.

python o2rmeta [-debug] extract|validate|broker|harvest <ARGS>


  • debug : option to enable verbose debug info where applicable

Each tool then has a number of required arguments:

(1) Extractor tool:

python extract -i <INPUT_DIR> -s|-o <OUTPUT_DIR> [-xo] [-m] [-xml] [-ercid <ERC_ID>]

Example call:

python -debug extract -i extract/tests -o extract/tests -xo

Explanation of the switches:

  • -i <INPUT_DIR> : required starting path for recursive search for parsable files
  • -s: option to print out results to console. This switch is mutually exclusive with -o. At least one of them must be given
  • -o <OUTPUT_DIR> : required output path, where data should be saved. If the directory does not exist, it will be created on runtime. This switch is mutually exclusive with -s. At least one of them must be given.
  • -xo : option to disable http requests (the extractor will stay offline. This disables orcid retrieval, erc spec download, doi retrieval, ...)
  • -m : option to additionally enable individual output of all processed files.
  • -xml : option to change output format from json (default) to xml.
  • -ercid <ERC_ID>: option to provide an ERC identifier.
  • -b <BASE_DIR>: option to provide starting point directory for relative paths output

Supported files and formats for the metadata extraction process:

Feel free to open an issue for suggestions!

Current version:

file type description extracted part status
(r session) live extraction memory objects under evaluation
.cdl/.nc NetCDF geometry under evaluation
.csv/.tsv seperated values column headers planned
.geojson/.json GeoJSON geometry WIP
.gpkg OGC GeoPackage geometry planned
.jp2 JPEG2000 geometry planned
.py python script all planned
.r R Script all implemented
.rmd R-Markdown all implemented
.shp Esri shapefile geometry implemented
.tex LaTeX header planned
.tif(f) geo TIFF geometry planned
.yml YAML metadata planned
bagit.txt BagIt metadata implemented
... ... ... ...

(2) Brokering/Mapping tool

The broker has two modes: In mapping mode, it creates fitting metadata for a given map by following a translation scheme included in that mapping file. In checking mode it returns missing metadata information for a target service or plattform, e.g. zenodo publication metadata, for a given checklist and input data.

The broker can be used to translate between different standards for metadata sets. For example from extracted raw metadata to schema-compliant metadata. Other target outputs might DataCite XML or Zenodo JSON. Translation instructions as well as checklists are stored in json formatted map files.

python broker -i <INPUT_FILE> -c <CHECKLIST_FILE>|-m <MAPPING_FILE> -s|-o <OUTPUT_DIR>

Example calls:

python -debug broker -c broker/checks/zenodo-check.json -i schema/json/example_zenodo.json -o broker/tests/all

python -debug broker -m broker/mappings/zenodo-map.json -i broker/tests/metadata_raw.json -o broker/tests/all

Explanation of the switches:

  • -c <CHECKLIST_FILE> : required path to a json checklist file that holds checking instructions for the metadata. This switch is mutually exclusive with -m. At least one of them must be given.
  • -m <MAPPING_FILE> : required path to a json mapping file that holds translation instructions for the metadata mappings. This switch is mutually exclusive with -c. At least one of them must be given.
  • -i <INPUT_FILE> : path to input json file.
  • -s: option to print out results to console. This switch is mutually exclusive with -o. At least one of them must be given.
  • -o <OUTPUT_DIR> : required output path, where data should be saved. If the directory does not exist, it will be created on runtime. This switch is mutually exclusive with -s. At least one of them must be given.

Supported checks/maps

service checklist file mapping file status comment
zenodo zenodo-check.json zenodo-map.json WIP zenodo will register MD @
eudat b2share eudat-b2share-check.json eudat-b2share-map.json WIP b2share supports custom MD schemas
... ... ... ... ...

Additionally the following features will be made available in the future:

  • Documentation of the formal map-file "minimal language" (create your own map-files).
  • Governing JSON-Schema for the map files (validate map-files against the map-file-schema).

(3) Validator tool:

python validate -s <SCHEMA> -c <CANDIDATE>

Example call:

python -debug validate -s schema/json/o2r-meta-schema.json -c schema/json/example1-valid.json

Explanation of the switches:

  • -s : required path or URL to the schema file, can be json or xml.
  • -c : required path to candidate that shall be validated.

(4) Harvester tool:

Collects OAI-PMH metadata from catalogues, data registries and repositories and parses them to assist the completion of a metadata set. Note, that this tool is currently only a demo.

python harvest -e <ELEMENT> -q <QUERY>

Example call:

python -debug harvest -e"doi" -q"10.14457/CU.THE.1989.1"

Explanation of the switches:

  • -e : MD element type for search, e.g. doi or creator
  • -q : MD content to start the search