A pico-framework to glue building blocks of a long-running software together.
These are the reasons why I need another di, while there are great solutions like uber's fx in the wild:
- Dependant (i.e. consumer) defines the expected type rather than the dependency itself; In other words, the dependant tries to cast the available dependency, which is resolved by name, to the desirable type and can use it in case of success.
- Multi-tier settings storage is a first-class citizen.
- Put restriction on cross-layer dependency to prevent making a mesh.
- Reflection-free dependency resolution using string names and typecasts
- Flexible dependency graph using settings to reduce unnecessary code changes and rebuilds
go get github.com/janstoon/toolbox/kareless
package main
import (
func main() {
k := kareless.Compile().
Feed( /* L1 Settings Source */).
Feed(std.LocalEarlyLoadedSettingSource("conf", "/etc/janstoon")).
Feed( /* L2 Settings Source */).
"log.level": 5,
"debug": true,
"redis.address": "redis://redis.janstun.com:6379/1",
Feed( /* Default Settings Source as a Fallback */).
Equip( /* Instruments as dependencies resolvable by name */).
Equip(func(ss *kareless.Settings, ib *kareless.InstrumentBank) []kareless.InstrumentCatalogue {
return []kareless.InstrumentCatalogue{
Names: []string{"redis", "infra/redis"},
Builder: func(ss *kareless.Settings, ib *kareless.InstrumentBank) kareless.Instrument {
oo, err := redis.ParseURL(ss.GetString("redis.address"))
if err != nil {
return redis.NewClient(oo)
Equip( /* Instruments as dependencies resolvable by name */).
Install( /* Applications as dependencies available in a slice */).
func(ss *kareless.Settings, ib *kareless.InstrumentBank) kareless.Application {
return appFoo{
rc: kareless.ResolveInstrumentByType[*redis.Client](ib, "redis"),
func(ss *kareless.Settings, ib *kareless.InstrumentBank) kareless.Application {
return appBar{
rc: kareless.ResolveInstrumentByType[*redis.Client](ib, "infra/redis"),
Connect( /* Drivers to drive application(s) */).
Connect(func(ss *kareless.Settings, ib *kareless.InstrumentBank, apps []kareless.Application) kareless.Driver {
type (
appAccess = appFoo
appOrdering = appBar
adapter := struct {
for _, v := range apps {
switch app := v.(type) {
case appFoo:
adapter.appAccess = app
case appBar:
adapter.appOrdering = app
return gateway{
app: adapter,
AfterStart( /* Hooks to run after drivers started */).
func(ctx context.Context, ss *kareless.Settings, ib *kareless.InstrumentBank, apps []kareless.Application) error {
log.Println("System started...")
return nil
if err := k.Run(context.Background()); err != nil {
// ----------------------
// Application(s)
// ----------------------
type appFoo struct {
rc *redis.Client
func (a appFoo) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, token string) error {
// Handle the use-case
return nil
type appBar struct {
rc *redis.Client
func (a appBar) SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, details any) error {
// Handle the use-case
return nil
// ----------------------
// Driver(s)
// ----------------------
type gwApp interface {
type accessApp interface {
Authenticate(ctx context.Context, token string) error
type orderingApp interface {
SubmitOrder(ctx context.Context, details any) error
type gateway struct {
app gwApp
func (d gateway) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
// Start serving the service and driving the application
return nil