URSA (c) 2010
Version 4.0
URSA is a system for Uniform Reduction to SAT: i.e., for solving combinatorial problem by reducing them to SATisfiability problem.
Predrag Janicic, University of Belgrade
URL: http://www.matf.bg.ac.rs/~janicic/
URSA is distributed under the GNU Public Licence, see file COPYING for details.
The directory 'bin' stores a pre-built executable.
URSA is written in C/C++ and was successfully built and run under Linux.
To build ursa:
cd src
If the build is successful, the executable output file 'ursa' resides in the src directory.
./ursa options
-l - sets the number of bits that represent numbers (e.g., -l10; the default value is 8)
-d - DIMACS output only
-q - quite mode (models are not printed out)
-s - selects an underlying solvers (e.g., -sargosat, -sclasp; the defaulf is clasp)
./ursa -l10 < examples/CSP/queens.urs
NOTA BENE: If URSA is used with clasp as an underlying SAT solver and if some propositional variable is irrelevant for the asserted constraint, then its different values are not considered within the set of all models (so the set of models may not be as expected).