diff --git a/content/001 Wat is Projectmanagement.md b/content/001 Wat is Projectmanagement.md
index 7baefce2..572ae0fc 100644
--- a/content/001 Wat is Projectmanagement.md
+++ b/content/001 Wat is Projectmanagement.md
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ Een hoge werkdruk maakt het verleidelijk om buiten kantooruren door te werken. D
Een nieuw project betekent voor de betrokken partijen nieuwe verplichtingen, nieuwe kansen op een hogere status of meer salaris, maar misschien ook nieuwe bedreigingen. Om alle partijen gemotiveerd te krijgen, moeten ze het gevoel hebben dat de eindbalans voor hen positief is. Een goede projectleider krijgt snel inzicht in dit nieuwe veld van belangen en kan, in het ideale geval, iedereen de garantie geven dat ze iets te winnen hebben bij een enthousiaste deelname aan het project.
> [!caption]
-> ![[./img/1723288184476.jpg|1723288184476.jpg]]
+> ![[../docs/images/1723288184476.jpg|1723288184476.jpg]]
> Afbeelding: Als inspirerende illustratie (geen leerstof)
## Wat is een Project Life Cycle en wat zijn de karakteristieken?
diff --git a/content/005 Kosten en Batenanalyse.md b/content/005 Kosten en Batenanalyse.md
index 7af59a13..ecf5ec55 100644
--- a/content/005 Kosten en Batenanalyse.md
+++ b/content/005 Kosten en Batenanalyse.md
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Maar geen zorgen, met een betrouwbare schatting kunnen we toch een verantwoorde
## Kosten- en opbrengstenstructuur
-Het opzetten van een automatiseringsproject is als het bouwen van een blokhu (je ziet, alles in deze cursus komt terug): je moet eerst investeren in materialen en tijd voordat je kunt genieten van de voordelen. Maar hoe weet je of het de moeite waard is? Dat is waar we onze slimme analisten nodig hebben. Ze gebruiken kost- en opbrengstenstructuren om te bepalen of het oude systeem moet worden vervangen door een nieuw. Het draait allemaal om het vinden van de juiste balans tussen uitgaven en winst.
+Het opzetten van een automatiseringsproject is als het bouwen van een blokhut (je ziet, alles in deze cursus komt terug): je moet eerst investeren in materialen en tijd voordat je kunt genieten van de voordelen. Maar hoe weet je of het de moeite waard is? Dat is waar we onze slimme analisten nodig hebben. Ze gebruiken kost- en opbrengstenstructuren om te bepalen of het oude systeem moet worden vervangen door een nieuw. Het draait allemaal om het vinden van de juiste balans tussen uitgaven en winst.
### Kostenstructuur
diff --git a/content/999 Bibliografie.md b/content/999 Bibliografie.md
index cd900ff3..78e504cc 100644
--- a/content/999 Bibliografie.md
+++ b/content/999 Bibliografie.md
@@ -4,31 +4,31 @@ title: 999 Bibliografie
category: content
order: "999"
-> [!INFO] Projectmanagement © Hogeschool PXL
-> **OLOD:** 42TIN1250 Projectmanagement
-> **Opleiding:** Professionele bachelor in de Toegepaste informatica
-> **Departement:** [PXL-Digital](https://www.pxl.be/digital)
-> **Lectoren:** [Lowie Vangaal](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowievangaal/), [Jan Castermans](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jancastermans/)
-## Wat is Projectmanagement
+> [!INFO] Projectmanagement © Hogeschool PXL
+> **OLOD:** 42TIN1250 Projectmanagement
+> **Opleiding:** Professionele bachelor in de Toegepaste informatica
+> **Departement:** [PXL-Digital](https://www.pxl.be/digital)
+> **Lectoren:** [Lowie Vangaal](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowievangaal/), [Jan Castermans](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jancastermans/)
+## Wat is Projectmanagement
- [[./References/@gomez_2021|@gomez_2021]]: _'The Difference Between Product and Project Management'_ - **Gomez, Jose(2021)** https://www.koombea.com/blog/the-difference-between-product-and-project-management/
- [[./References/@hiteshbhasin_2015|@hiteshbhasin_2015]]: _'What is Product portfolio management ?'_ - **Hitesh Bhasin,(2015)** https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/
- [[./References/@sjoerdoldebijvank_2010|@sjoerdoldebijvank_2010]]: _'House of Control'_ - **Sjoerd Olde Bijvank(2010)** https://www.house-of-control.nl/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html
- [[./References/@stevenblom_2018|@stevenblom_2018]]: _'Moeten we kiezen tussen de klant en de medewerker?'_ - **Steven Blom(2018)** https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/
- [[./References/@vaneekhout_2018|@vaneekhout_2018]]: _'De Gartner Hype Cycle: welke technologie blijft plakken en welke gaat nodeloos ten onder?'_ - **van Eekhout, Robert(2018)** https://robertvaneekhout.nl/2018/04/gartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos
- [[./References/@vlaanderenintern_2014|@vlaanderenintern_2014]]: _'Business Case'_ - **vlaanderen intern,(2014)** https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case
-# Projectplanning
+# Projectplanning
- [[./References/@kypproject_2023|@kypproject_2023]]: _'Hoe maak je een projectplanning? | KYP Project'_ - **kypproject,(2023)** https://kypproject.com/nl/blog/hoe-maak-je-een-projectplanning/
- [[./References/@schegget.hamelink_1993|@schegget.hamelink_1993]]: _'Netwerkplanning volgens PERT'_ - **Schegget, ter, P.J.; Hamelink, L.J.(1993)** https://research.tue.nl/files/4340148/501362.pdf
- [[./References/@teamleader_2018|@teamleader_2018]]: _'Hoe stel je een projectplan op? (gratis template) | Teamleader'_ - **Teamleader,(2018)** https://www.teamleader.be/nl-be/blog/projectplan-template
-# Kwaliteitsmanagement
+# Kwaliteitsmanagement
- [[./References/@beljaars_2020|@beljaars_2020]]: _'Wat is een affiniteitsdiagram?'_ - ** Beljaars, Peter(2020)** https://www.agile4all.nl/wat-is-een-affiniteitsdiagram/
- [[./References/@hogeschoolpxl_2024|@hogeschoolpxl_2024]]: _'Kwaliteitszorg'_ - ** Hogeschool PXL, (2024)** https://www.pxl.be/Pub/Over-PXL/Kwaliteitszorg.html
- [[./References/@leaninfo_2024|@leaninfo_2024]]: _'Stroomdiagram - Een flowchart maakt uw proces inzichtelijk | LeanInfo.nl'_ - ** Leaninfo(2024)** https://www.leaninfo.nl/stroomdiagram/
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ order: "999"
- [[./References/@governmentofwesternaustralia_2017|@governmentofwesternaustralia_2017]]: _'Improvement tools: Critical success factors and key performance indicators'_ - **Government of Western Australia,(2017)** https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/improvement-tools-critical-success-factors-and-key-performance-indicators
- [[./References/@sickipedia_2021|@sickipedia_2021]]: _'Het verschil tussen nauwkeurigheid en reproduceerbaarheid'_ - **SICKipedia,(2021)** https://cdn.sick.com/media/content/hcc/hdf/9692943974430.pdf
- [[./References/@wikipediakwaliteitsmanagement_2020|@wikipediakwaliteitsmanagement_2020]]: _'Kwaliteitsmanagement'_ - **Wikipedia kwaliteitsmanagement,(2020)** https://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kwaliteitsmanagement&oldid=55870333
-# Kosten en Batenanalyse
+# Kosten en Batenanalyse
- [[./References/@cfi_2022|@cfi_2022]]: _'Internal Rate of Return (IRR)'_ - **CFI,(2022)** https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/internal-rate-return-irr/
-# Risicomanagement
-# Agile Project Management
+# Risicomanagement
+# Agile Project Management
- [[./References/@adobeworkfront_2022|@adobeworkfront_2022]]: _'What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront'_ - **Adobe Workfront,(2022)** https://www.workfront.com/project-management/methodologies/agile/velocity
- [[./References/@agilescrumgroup_2018|@agilescrumgroup_2018]]: _'De Sprint Review uitgelegd. Waarom deze meeting? (+ Checklist & Valkuilen)'_ - **Agile Scrum Group,(2018)** https://agilescrumgroup.nl/sprint-review/
- [[./References/@agilescrumgroup_2017|@agilescrumgroup_2017]]: _'Wat is Definition of Done? Check de uitleg en voorbeelden (IT & non-IT)'_ - **Agile Scrum Group,(2017)** https://agilescrumgroup.nl/wat-is-definition-of-done/
@@ -68,5 +68,5 @@ order: "999"
- [[./References/@visual-paradigm_2022|@visual-paradigm_2022]]: _'Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?'_ - **visual-paradigm,(2022)** https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum/
- [[./References/@vrielink_2020|@vrielink_2020]]: _'Hoe werken story points?'_ - **Vrielink, Martijn(2020)** https://www.incentro.com/nl-NL/blog/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk
- [[./References/@zentaoteam_2022a|@zentaoteam_2022a]]: _'What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao'_ - **ZenTao team,(2022)** https://www.zentao.pm/blog/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html
-# Informatiemanagement
+# Informatiemanagement
diff --git a/content/References/@adobeworkfront_2022.md b/content/References/@adobeworkfront_2022.md
index 2467189e..52aee6c1 100644
--- a/content/References/@adobeworkfront_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@adobeworkfront_2022.md
@@ -6,34 +6,34 @@ authors: Adobe Workfront,
year: 2022
url: https://www.workfront.com/project-management/methodologies/agile/velocity
-# What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: adobeworkfront_2022
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront,
-> - **Author**: Adobe Workfront,
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.workfront.com/project-management/methodologies/agile/velocity](https://www.workfront.com/project-management/methodologies/agile/velocity)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/2JIMBRUM](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/2JIMBRUM)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/7ATEI54D](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/7ATEI54D)
-> - **File**: [What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/EACPRE9L/velocity.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/7ATEI54D))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: adobeworkfront_2022
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront,
+> - **Author**: Adobe Workfront,
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.workfront.com/project-management/methodologies/agile/velocity](https://www.workfront.com/project-management/methodologies/agile/velocity)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/2JIMBRUM](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/2JIMBRUM)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/7ATEI54D](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/7ATEI54D)
+> - **File**: [What is Velocity in Agile? Charts & Examples | Adobe Workfront](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/EACPRE9L/velocity.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/7ATEI54D))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2017.md b/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2017.md
index 1d282e15..e2841a6e 100644
--- a/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2017.md
+++ b/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2017.md
@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ authors: Agile Scrum Group,
year: 2017
url: https://agilescrumgroup.nl/wat-is-definition-of-done/
-# Wat is Definition of Done? Check de uitleg en voorbeelden (IT & non-IT)
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: agilescrumgroup_2017
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: Wat is Definition of Done? Check de uitleg en voorbeelden (IT & non-IT),
-> - **Author**: Agile Scrum Group,
-> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
-> - **Year**: 2017
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> In dit artikel lees je wat een Definition of Done is en worden voorbeelden gegeven. Zowel voor IT Scrumteams als non-IT Scrumteams.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/wat-is-definition-of-done/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/wat-is-definition-of-done/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/RNZLMPBC](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/RNZLMPBC)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/RNZLMPBC))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Wat is Definition of Done? Check de uitleg en voorbeelden (IT & non-IT)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: agilescrumgroup_2017
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: Wat is Definition of Done? Check de uitleg en voorbeelden (IT & non-IT),
+> - **Author**: Agile Scrum Group,
+> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
+> - **Year**: 2017
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> In dit artikel lees je wat een Definition of Done is en worden voorbeelden gegeven. Zowel voor IT Scrumteams als non-IT Scrumteams.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/wat-is-definition-of-done/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/wat-is-definition-of-done/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/RNZLMPBC](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/RNZLMPBC)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/RNZLMPBC))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2018.md b/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2018.md
index a850048e..dce9efdb 100644
--- a/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2018.md
+++ b/content/References/@agilescrumgroup_2018.md
@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ authors: Agile Scrum Group,
year: 2018
url: https://agilescrumgroup.nl/sprint-review/
-# De Sprint Review uitgelegd. Waarom deze meeting? (+ Checklist & Valkuilen)
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: agilescrumgroup_2018
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: De Sprint Review uitgelegd. Waarom deze meeting? (+ Checklist & Valkuilen),
-> - **Author**: Agile Scrum Group,
-> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
-> - **Year**: 2018
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Wat is de Sprint Review? Waarom is deze meeting belangrijk? Wat zijn valkuilen voor deze meeting? Lees alles hierover in deze blog.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/sprint-review/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/sprint-review/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/CRVEWZAV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/CRVEWZAV)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/CRVEWZAV))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# De Sprint Review uitgelegd. Waarom deze meeting? (+ Checklist & Valkuilen)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: agilescrumgroup_2018
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: De Sprint Review uitgelegd. Waarom deze meeting? (+ Checklist & Valkuilen),
+> - **Author**: Agile Scrum Group,
+> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
+> - **Year**: 2018
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Wat is de Sprint Review? Waarom is deze meeting belangrijk? Wat zijn valkuilen voor deze meeting? Lees alles hierover in deze blog.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/sprint-review/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/sprint-review/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/CRVEWZAV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/CRVEWZAV)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/CRVEWZAV))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@coursera_2022.md b/content/References/@coursera_2022.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cddd42a
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+share: true
+category: References
+title: The 3 Scrum Roles and Responsibilities, Explained
+authors: Coursera,
+year: 2022
+url: https://www.coursera.org/articles/scrum-roles-and-responsibilities
+# The 3 Scrum Roles and Responsibilities, Explained
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: coursera_2022
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: The 3 Scrum Roles and Responsibilities, Explained,
+> - **Author**: Coursera,
+> - **Journal**: Coursera
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> A Scrum team is made up of three roles: the Scrum master, the product owner, and development team members.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.coursera.org/articles/scrum-roles-and-responsibilities](https://www.coursera.org/articles/scrum-roles-and-responsibilities)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/G2SQY4BR](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/G2SQY4BR)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DHI8ZHUM](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DHI8ZHUM)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/2UZSGQQE/scrum-roles-and-responsibilities.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/DHI8ZHUM))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@doshi_2016.md b/content/References/@doshi_2016.md
index ff9cee90..5907c201 100644
--- a/content/References/@doshi_2016.md
+++ b/content/References/@doshi_2016.md
@@ -6,38 +6,38 @@ authors: Doshi, Hiren
year: 2016
url: https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum
-# The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum)
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: doshi_2016
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum),
-> - **Author**: Doshi, Hiren
-> - **Journal**: Scrum.org
-> - **Year**: 2016
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Empiricism means working in a fact-based, experience-based, and evidence-based manner. Scrum implements an empirical process where progress is based on observations of reality, not fictitious plans. Scrum also places great emphasis on mind-set and cultural shift to achieve business and organizational Agility.
-> The three pillars of empiricism are as follows:
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/XB3WT597](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/XB3WT597)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/H3A29GVE](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/H3A29GVE)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/33GRJVC6/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/H3A29GVE))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: doshi_2016
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: The Three Pillars of Empiricism (Scrum),
+> - **Author**: Doshi, Hiren
+> - **Journal**: Scrum.org
+> - **Year**: 2016
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Empiricism means working in a fact-based, experience-based, and evidence-based manner. Scrum implements an empirical process where progress is based on observations of reality, not fictitious plans. Scrum also places great emphasis on mind-set and cultural shift to achieve business and organizational Agility.
+> The three pillars of empiricism are as follows:
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/XB3WT597](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/XB3WT597)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/H3A29GVE](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/H3A29GVE)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/33GRJVC6/three-pillars-empiricism-scrum.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/H3A29GVE))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@eby_2016.md b/content/References/@eby_2016.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7cb0aa2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/References/@eby_2016.md
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+share: true
+category: References
+title: Product Backlog 101 Top Advice from Agile ExpertsSmartsheet
+authors: Eby, Kate
+year: 2016
+url: https://www.smartsheet.com/best-advice-scrum-and-agile-experts-managing-your-product-backlog
+# Product Backlog 101: Top Advice from Agile ExpertsSmartsheet
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: eby_2016
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Product Backlog 101: Top Advice from Agile ExpertsSmartsheet,
+> - **Author**: Eby, Kate
+> - **Year**: 2016
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Discover Agile experts’ best advice on building and managing your product backlog with how-tos, checklists, and examples.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.smartsheet.com/best-advice-scrum-and-agile-experts-managing-your-product-backlog](https://www.smartsheet.com/best-advice-scrum-and-agile-experts-managing-your-product-backlog)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/Y6QD8VN2](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/Y6QD8VN2)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/P6PG9CMM](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/P6PG9CMM)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/V6TYK9Z5/best-advice-scrum-and-agile-experts-managing-your-product-backlog.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/P6PG9CMM))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@examspm_2022.md b/content/References/@examspm_2022.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2448d894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/References/@examspm_2022.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+share: true
+category: References
+title: Understanding the 7 Basic Quality Tools for your PMP® Exam – ExamsPM.com
+authors: ExamsPM,
+year: 2022
+url: https://www.examspm.com/2016/07/11/understanding-7-basic-quality-tools/
+# Understanding the 7 Basic Quality Tools for your PMP® Exam – ExamsPM.com
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: examspm_2022
+> - **Type**: BlogPost
+> - **Title**: Understanding the 7 Basic Quality Tools for your PMP® Exam – ExamsPM.com,
+> - **Author**: ExamsPM,
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.examspm.com/2016/07/11/understanding-7-basic-quality-tools/](https://www.examspm.com/2016/07/11/understanding-7-basic-quality-tools/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/WGCXHBKI](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/WGCXHBKI)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5C4Y3W2LCJ%5Cunderstanding-7-basic-quality-tools.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero](zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/WGCXHBKI)
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@gomez_2021.md b/content/References/@gomez_2021.md
index ed25533e..ae7e99eb 100644
--- a/content/References/@gomez_2021.md
+++ b/content/References/@gomez_2021.md
@@ -6,41 +6,41 @@ authors: Gomez, Jose
year: 2021
url: https://www.koombea.com/blog/the-difference-between-product-and-project-management/
-# The Difference Between Product and Project Management
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: gomez_2021
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: The Difference Between Product and Project Management,
-> - **Author**: Gomez, Jose
-> - **Journal**: Koombea
-> - **Year**: 2021
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> In today’s competitive business world, you need steady and experienced management to guide your strategies. Project management and product management are very important yet distinct positions, and they are often interchangeably confused by all levels of business executives.
-> In this article, you will learn about the definitions and differences between Product Management and its counterpart Project Management, and the responsibilities of Product Managers and Project Managers. Hopefully, it will help you understand the Product Manager vs Project Manager debate.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.koombea.com/blog/the-difference-between-product-and-project-management/](https://www.koombea.com/blog/the-difference-between-product-and-project-management/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/F9XC7PHS](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/F9XC7PHS)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/AX4EQQM9](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/AX4EQQM9)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CTKBHY9MM%5Cthe-difference-between-product-and-project-management.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/AX4EQQM9))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-A **product** is anything that can be offered to a market to solve a problem, or to satisfy a want or need. Products have a cycle that consists of multiple stages. First, the product is conceived, then developed, then introduced and managed in the market, and finally, the product is retired when the need for it diminishes. Products are usually developed by a product team.
-A **project** is a temporary endeavor that is undertaken to create a unique product or service. With a project, there is a clear definition of what needs to be delivered by a specified date in time. Like in the previous item, projects are usually carried out by a project team.
-## Extracted Annotations
+# The Difference Between Product and Project Management
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: gomez_2021
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: The Difference Between Product and Project Management,
+> - **Author**: Gomez, Jose
+> - **Journal**: Koombea
+> - **Year**: 2021
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> In today’s competitive business world, you need steady and experienced management to guide your strategies. Project management and product management are very important yet distinct positions, and they are often interchangeably confused by all levels of business executives.
+> In this article, you will learn about the definitions and differences between Product Management and its counterpart Project Management, and the responsibilities of Product Managers and Project Managers. Hopefully, it will help you understand the Product Manager vs Project Manager debate.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.koombea.com/blog/the-difference-between-product-and-project-management/](https://www.koombea.com/blog/the-difference-between-product-and-project-management/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/F9XC7PHS](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/F9XC7PHS)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/AX4EQQM9](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/AX4EQQM9)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CTKBHY9MM%5Cthe-difference-between-product-and-project-management.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/AX4EQQM9))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+A **product** is anything that can be offered to a market to solve a problem, or to satisfy a want or need. Products have a cycle that consists of multiple stages. First, the product is conceived, then developed, then introduced and managed in the market, and finally, the product is retired when the need for it diminishes. Products are usually developed by a product team.
+A **project** is a temporary endeavor that is undertaken to create a unique product or service. With a project, there is a clear definition of what needs to be delivered by a specified date in time. Like in the previous item, projects are usually carried out by a project team.
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@hiteshbhasin_2015.md b/content/References/@hiteshbhasin_2015.md
index c2a80be4..54125e6a 100644
--- a/content/References/@hiteshbhasin_2015.md
+++ b/content/References/@hiteshbhasin_2015.md
@@ -6,39 +6,39 @@ authors: Hitesh Bhasin,
year: 2015
url: https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/
-# What is Product portfolio management ?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: hiteshbhasin_2015
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: What is Product portfolio management ?,
-> - **Author**: Hitesh Bhasin,;
-> - **Journal**: Marketing91,
-> - **Year**: 2015
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> A product portfolio is comprised of all the products which an organization has. A product portfolio may comprise of different categories
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/](https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/GTQ3T2LP](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/GTQ3T2LP)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/LRV5ZDJD/product-portfolio.html)
-> - **Url**: https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/
-> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/AJ3BB5S6
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CGCASRP8H%5Cproduct-portfolio.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/AJ3BB5S6))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# What is Product portfolio management ?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: hiteshbhasin_2015
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: What is Product portfolio management ?,
+> - **Author**: Hitesh Bhasin,;
+> - **Journal**: Marketing91,
+> - **Year**: 2015
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> A product portfolio is comprised of all the products which an organization has. A product portfolio may comprise of different categories
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/](https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/GTQ3T2LP](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/GTQ3T2LP)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/LRV5ZDJD/product-portfolio.html)
+> - **Url**: https://www.marketing91.com/product-portfolio/
+> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/AJ3BB5S6
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CGCASRP8H%5Cproduct-portfolio.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/AJ3BB5S6))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@janse_2020.md b/content/References/@janse_2020.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c5c33ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/References/@janse_2020.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+share: true
+category: References
+title: LEAN management
+authors: Janse, B.
+year: 2020
+url: https://www.toolshero.nl/kwaliteitsmanagement/lean-management/
+# LEAN management
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: janse_2020
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: LEAN management,
+> - **Author**: Janse, B.;
+> - **Journal**: Toolshero,
+> - **Year**: 2020
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> De Lean methode is een managementfilosofie die zich richt op het tegenhouden en elimineren van verspillingen.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.toolshero.nl/kwaliteitsmanagement/lean-management/](https://www.toolshero.nl/kwaliteitsmanagement/lean-management/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/NGB98BF6](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/NGB98BF6)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/Z9GEE9RS/lean-management.html)
+> - **Url**: https://www.toolshero.nl/kwaliteitsmanagement/lean-management/
+> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/KK6E2F9X
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CFB3WBXT7%5Clean-management.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/KK6E2F9X))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@martin_2020.md b/content/References/@martin_2020.md
index 45d17ade..f55b2002 100644
--- a/content/References/@martin_2020.md
+++ b/content/References/@martin_2020.md
@@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ authors: Martin, Matthew
year: 2020
url: https://www.guru99.com/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html
-# Incremental Model in SDLC: Use, Advantage & Disadvantage
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: martin_2020
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Incremental Model in SDLC: Use, Advantage & Disadvantage,
-> - **Author**: Martin, Matthew
-> - **Year**: 2020
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Incremental Methodology is a process of software engineering development where requrements are broken down into multiple standalone modules of software development cycle. Incremental development is done in steps from analysis design, implementation, testing/verification, maintenance.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.guru99.com/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html](https://www.guru99.com/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/X24LCQFB](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/X24LCQFB)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DL9DZNFE](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DL9DZNFE)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/JPNWMVUN/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/DL9DZNFE))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Incremental Model in SDLC: Use, Advantage & Disadvantage
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: martin_2020
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Incremental Model in SDLC: Use, Advantage & Disadvantage,
+> - **Author**: Martin, Matthew
+> - **Year**: 2020
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Incremental Methodology is a process of software engineering development where requrements are broken down into multiple standalone modules of software development cycle. Incremental development is done in steps from analysis design, implementation, testing/verification, maintenance.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.guru99.com/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html](https://www.guru99.com/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/X24LCQFB](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/X24LCQFB)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DL9DZNFE](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DL9DZNFE)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/JPNWMVUN/what-is-incremental-model-in-sdlc-advantages-disadvantages.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/DL9DZNFE))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@nederlandovn_2021.md b/content/References/@nederlandovn_2021.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7fb93b0
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+share: true
+category: References
+title: Kwaliteitskringen | Optometristen Vereniging Nederland (OVN)
+authors: Nederland (OVN), Optometristen Vereniging
+year: 2021
+url: https://www.optometrie.nl/optometrist/organisatie-beleid/ovn-organisatie/kwaliteitskringen
+# Kwaliteitskringen | Optometristen Vereniging Nederland (OVN)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: nederlandovn_2021
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Kwaliteitskringen | Optometristen Vereniging Nederland (OVN),
+> - **Author**: Nederland (OVN), Optometristen Vereniging;
+> - **Year**: 2021
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Kwaliteitskringen met info over activiteiten, KP punten, accreditatie en voorbeelden
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EQWNPKZ5](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EQWNPKZ5)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/B7LUK63C/kwaliteitskringen.html)
+> - **Url**: https://www.optometrie.nl/optometrist/organisatie-beleid/ovn-organisatie/kwaliteitskringen
+> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/EJMG96XP
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CE6TZMKN6%5Ckwaliteitskringen.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/EJMG96XP))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@productplan_2022.md b/content/References/@productplan_2022.md
index c26f1aa1..7a2d1fd3 100644
--- a/content/References/@productplan_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@productplan_2022.md
@@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ authors: productplan,
year: 2022
url: https://www.productplan.com/glossary/user-story/
-# User Story
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: productplan_2022
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: User Story,
-> - **Author**: productplan,
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> What is a user story and who is responsible for them? Learn how to write user stories—plus get a free user story template.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.productplan.com/glossary/user-story/](https://www.productplan.com/glossary/user-story/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/63BX82J2](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/63BX82J2)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DG75SWYS](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DG75SWYS)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/RXGJPTQF/user-story.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/DG75SWYS))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# User Story
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: productplan_2022
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: User Story,
+> - **Author**: productplan,
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> What is a user story and who is responsible for them? Learn how to write user stories—plus get a free user story template.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.productplan.com/glossary/user-story/](https://www.productplan.com/glossary/user-story/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/63BX82J2](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/63BX82J2)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DG75SWYS](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/DG75SWYS)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/RXGJPTQF/user-story.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/DG75SWYS))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@qframe_2021.md b/content/References/@qframe_2021.md
index f9305ce5..ffdad7b0 100644
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+++ b/content/References/@qframe_2021.md
@@ -6,38 +6,38 @@ authors: qframe,
year: 2021
url: https://qframe.be/2021/06/25/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach/
-# Scrum Master, Teambuilder of Agile Coach?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: qframe_2021
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Scrum Master, Teambuilder of Agile Coach?,
-> - **Author**: qframe,
-> - **Journal**: Qframe
-> - **Year**: 2021
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Onze kijk op de rol van Scrum Master binnen onze software teams. Een 7-tal jaar geleden evolueerden wij van een IT-bodyshopping bedrijf naar een bedrijf met een TaaS aanpak ofte ‘team as a service’. Die switch kwam natuurlijk niet zomaar uit de lucht vallen. Een aantal negatieve ervaringen uit het verleden gecombineerd met onze nooit…
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://qframe.be/2021/06/25/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach/](https://qframe.be/2021/06/25/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/HDIVHHPZ](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/HDIVHHPZ)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/H6GDPNX2/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/62GKHLZF](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/62GKHLZF)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/NQPJ85QZ/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/62GKHLZF))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Scrum Master, Teambuilder of Agile Coach?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: qframe_2021
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Scrum Master, Teambuilder of Agile Coach?,
+> - **Author**: qframe,
+> - **Journal**: Qframe
+> - **Year**: 2021
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Onze kijk op de rol van Scrum Master binnen onze software teams. Een 7-tal jaar geleden evolueerden wij van een IT-bodyshopping bedrijf naar een bedrijf met een TaaS aanpak ofte ‘team as a service’. Die switch kwam natuurlijk niet zomaar uit de lucht vallen. Een aantal negatieve ervaringen uit het verleden gecombineerd met onze nooit…
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://qframe.be/2021/06/25/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach/](https://qframe.be/2021/06/25/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/HDIVHHPZ](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/HDIVHHPZ)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/H6GDPNX2/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/62GKHLZF](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/62GKHLZF)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/NQPJ85QZ/scrum-master-teambuilder-of-agile-coach.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/62GKHLZF))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@raghuprasad_2019.md b/content/References/@raghuprasad_2019.md
index 9987eca9..aa0a85cc 100644
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@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@ authors: Raghuprasad,
year: 2019
url: https://agilebatech.com/what-is-sprint-planning/
-# Basics of Sprint Planning - WHAT
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: raghuprasad_2019
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: Basics of Sprint Planning - WHAT,
-> - **Author**: Raghuprasad,
-> - **Journal**: AgileBAtech
-> - **Year**: 2019
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Sprint Planning is held on the first day of the Sprint. This key Scrum event is designed to provide the Team and the Product Owner an opportunity to
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://agilebatech.com/what-is-sprint-planning/](https://agilebatech.com/what-is-sprint-planning/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/UWDYWUEF](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/UWDYWUEF)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/D47QT5F5](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/D47QT5F5)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/HMHENKD8/what-is-sprint-planning.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/D47QT5F5))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Basics of Sprint Planning - WHAT
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: raghuprasad_2019
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: Basics of Sprint Planning - WHAT,
+> - **Author**: Raghuprasad,
+> - **Journal**: AgileBAtech
+> - **Year**: 2019
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Sprint Planning is held on the first day of the Sprint. This key Scrum event is designed to provide the Team and the Product Owner an opportunity to
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://agilebatech.com/what-is-sprint-planning/](https://agilebatech.com/what-is-sprint-planning/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/UWDYWUEF](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/UWDYWUEF)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/D47QT5F5](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/D47QT5F5)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/HMHENKD8/what-is-sprint-planning.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/D47QT5F5))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@salzmann_2023.md b/content/References/@salzmann_2023.md
index bf88793b..c7c211d3 100644
--- a/content/References/@salzmann_2023.md
+++ b/content/References/@salzmann_2023.md
@@ -10,45 +10,45 @@ year: "2023"
url: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pue-how-much-energy-chatgpt-consumes-olly-salzmann-bzrce
authors: " Salzmann, Olly"
-> [!Cite]
-> Salzmann, O. (2023, December 21). _PUE and how much energy ChatGPT consumes_. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pue-how-much-energy-chatgpt-consumes-olly-salzmann-bzrce](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pue-how-much-energy-chatgpt-consumes-olly-salzmann-bzrce)
-# Metadata
-> **FirstAuthor** Salzmann, Olly
-> **Title** PUE and how much energy ChatGPT consumes
-> **Year** 2023
-> **Citekey** salzmann_2023
-> **itemType** webpage
-> [!LINK]
-> [!Abstract]
-> Every single query consumes power/electricity. But how to translate this into the current generative AI workloads? The recent article in medium (see link in the comment field) is making a good effort to shed some light into this.
-# Notes
-# Annotations
-_annotations in the paper_.
-### Highlights
-### Notes
-### Images
+> [!Cite]
+> Salzmann, O. (2023, December 21). _PUE and how much energy ChatGPT consumes_. [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pue-how-much-energy-chatgpt-consumes-olly-salzmann-bzrce](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pue-how-much-energy-chatgpt-consumes-olly-salzmann-bzrce)
+# Metadata
+> **FirstAuthor** Salzmann, Olly
+> **Title** PUE and how much energy ChatGPT consumes
+> **Year** 2023
+> **Citekey** salzmann_2023
+> **itemType** webpage
+> [!LINK]
+> [!Abstract]
+> Every single query consumes power/electricity. But how to translate this into the current generative AI workloads? The recent article in medium (see link in the comment field) is making a good effort to shed some light into this.
+# Notes
+# Annotations
+_annotations in the paper_.
+### Highlights
+### Notes
+### Images
diff --git a/content/References/@scrumguide_2022.md b/content/References/@scrumguide_2022.md
index e36cc0c5..8db0d267 100644
--- a/content/References/@scrumguide_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@scrumguide_2022.md
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@ authors: scrumguide,
year: 2022
url: https://scrumguide.nl/scrumteam/
-# Het Scrumteam: uitleg en tips bij de verantwoordelijkheid | Scrumguide.nl
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: scrumguide_2022
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: Het Scrumteam: uitleg en tips bij de verantwoordelijkheid | Scrumguide.nl,
-> - **Author**: scrumguide,
-> - **Journal**: Scrumguide
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Het Scrumteam bestaat uit de professionals die werken aan uitvoerende projecttaken in een scrumproject. Het Scrum team gemakkelijk uitgelegd.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://scrumguide.nl/scrumteam/](https://scrumguide.nl/scrumteam/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/P8EMVPDV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/P8EMVPDV)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/LMM58I4J/scrumteam.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/P8EMVPDV))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Het Scrumteam: uitleg en tips bij de verantwoordelijkheid | Scrumguide.nl
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: scrumguide_2022
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: Het Scrumteam: uitleg en tips bij de verantwoordelijkheid | Scrumguide.nl,
+> - **Author**: scrumguide,
+> - **Journal**: Scrumguide
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Het Scrumteam bestaat uit de professionals die werken aan uitvoerende projecttaken in een scrumproject. Het Scrum team gemakkelijk uitgelegd.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://scrumguide.nl/scrumteam/](https://scrumguide.nl/scrumteam/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/P8EMVPDV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/P8EMVPDV)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/LMM58I4J/scrumteam.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/P8EMVPDV))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@scrumguide_2022a.md b/content/References/@scrumguide_2022a.md
index 2b51fcf3..47d688c8 100644
--- a/content/References/@scrumguide_2022a.md
+++ b/content/References/@scrumguide_2022a.md
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@ authors: Scrumguide,
year: 2022
url: https://scrumguide.nl/scrumbord/
-# Scrum takenbord | Scrumguide.nl
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: scrumguide_2022a
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: Scrum takenbord | Scrumguide.nl,
-> - **Author**: Scrumguide,
-> - **Journal**: Scrumguide
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Het Scrum takenbord Binnen Scrum wordt gewerkt met een takenbord. Het Scrum takenbord is bedoeld als hulpmiddel bij het overzichtelijk maken van de stand van zaken binnen een sprint. Alle taken die voor een sprint geselecteerd zijn, worden opgenomen in de Sprint Backlog en hangen op post-its in één van de drie kolommen op het […]
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://scrumguide.nl/scrumbord/](https://scrumguide.nl/scrumbord/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/I4D8Q6VK](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/I4D8Q6VK)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/XHK4QUE2/scrumbord.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/I4D8Q6VK))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Scrum takenbord | Scrumguide.nl
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: scrumguide_2022a
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: Scrum takenbord | Scrumguide.nl,
+> - **Author**: Scrumguide,
+> - **Journal**: Scrumguide
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Het Scrum takenbord Binnen Scrum wordt gewerkt met een takenbord. Het Scrum takenbord is bedoeld als hulpmiddel bij het overzichtelijk maken van de stand van zaken binnen een sprint. Alle taken die voor een sprint geselecteerd zijn, worden opgenomen in de Sprint Backlog en hangen op post-its in één van de drie kolommen op het […]
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://scrumguide.nl/scrumbord/](https://scrumguide.nl/scrumbord/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/I4D8Q6VK](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/I4D8Q6VK)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/XHK4QUE2/scrumbord.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/I4D8Q6VK))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@sjoerdoldebijvank_2010.md b/content/References/@sjoerdoldebijvank_2010.md
index 5130d7cb..427824d1 100644
--- a/content/References/@sjoerdoldebijvank_2010.md
+++ b/content/References/@sjoerdoldebijvank_2010.md
@@ -6,34 +6,34 @@ authors: Sjoerd Olde Bijvank
year: 2010
url: https://www.house-of-control.nl/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html
-# House of Control
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: sjoerdoldebijvank_2010
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: House of Control,
-> - **Author**: Sjoerd Olde Bijvank;
-> - **Year**: 2010
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.house-of-control.nl/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html](https://www.house-of-control.nl/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EUVCPBPX](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EUVCPBPX)
-> - **File**: [House of Control](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/TJGWJC7F/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/IDWT3ECV](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/IDWT3ECV)
-> - **File**: [House of Control](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5C2V562RXL%5Cduivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/IDWT3ECV))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-De duivelsdriehoek laat op eenvoudige wijze zien hoe de drie belangrijkste projectvariabelen zich tot elkaar verhouden. De variabelen waarover het gaat zijn **tijd, geld** en **kwaliteit**. Het managen van projecten gaat dus om het managen van deze drie variabelen.
-## Extracted Annotations
+# House of Control
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: sjoerdoldebijvank_2010
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: House of Control,
+> - **Author**: Sjoerd Olde Bijvank;
+> - **Year**: 2010
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.house-of-control.nl/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html](https://www.house-of-control.nl/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EUVCPBPX](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EUVCPBPX)
+> - **File**: [House of Control](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/TJGWJC7F/duivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/IDWT3ECV](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/IDWT3ECV)
+> - **File**: [House of Control](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5C2V562RXL%5Cduivelsdriehoek-duivelsvierkant.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/IDWT3ECV))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+De duivelsdriehoek laat op eenvoudige wijze zien hoe de drie belangrijkste projectvariabelen zich tot elkaar verhouden. De variabelen waarover het gaat zijn **tijd, geld** en **kwaliteit**. Het managen van projecten gaat dus om het managen van deze drie variabelen.
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@stanley.etal_2020.md b/content/References/@stanley.etal_2020.md
index 11eb704c..113b6783 100644
--- a/content/References/@stanley.etal_2020.md
+++ b/content/References/@stanley.etal_2020.md
@@ -5,35 +5,35 @@ title: "Project management handbook: simplified Agile, Scrum, and DevOps for beg
authors: Stanley, Jack C; Gross, Erik D; Tech Academy
year: 2020
-# Project management handbook: simplified Agile, Scrum, and DevOps for beginners
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: stanley.etal_2020
-> - **Type**: book
-> - **Title**: Project management handbook: simplified Agile, Scrum, and DevOps for beginners,
-> - **Author**: Stanley, Jack C; Gross, Erik D; Tech Academy
-> - **Year**: 2020
-> - **ISBN**: 978-0-9973264-8-2
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> What is project management? Scrum? Agile? DevOps? Project management simply refers to managing groups in the interest of accomplishing established goals. Scrum, Agile adn DevOps are names for various approaches to project management. In this book, you'll learn about each of these and how to implement them in your company.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YHK78MNS](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YHK78MNS)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/FP5TF2EU](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/FP5TF2EU)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/FP5TF2EU))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Project management handbook: simplified Agile, Scrum, and DevOps for beginners
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: stanley.etal_2020
+> - **Type**: book
+> - **Title**: Project management handbook: simplified Agile, Scrum, and DevOps for beginners,
+> - **Author**: Stanley, Jack C; Gross, Erik D; Tech Academy
+> - **Year**: 2020
+> - **ISBN**: 978-0-9973264-8-2
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> What is project management? Scrum? Agile? DevOps? Project management simply refers to managing groups in the interest of accomplishing established goals. Scrum, Agile adn DevOps are names for various approaches to project management. In this book, you'll learn about each of these and how to implement them in your company.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YHK78MNS](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YHK78MNS)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/FP5TF2EU](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/FP5TF2EU)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/FP5TF2EU))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@stevenblom_2018.md b/content/References/@stevenblom_2018.md
index 35387613..f38acd83 100644
--- a/content/References/@stevenblom_2018.md
+++ b/content/References/@stevenblom_2018.md
@@ -6,41 +6,41 @@ authors: Steven Blom
year: 2018
url: https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/
-# Moeten we kiezen tussen de klant en de medewerker?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: stevenblom_2018
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Moeten we kiezen tussen de klant en de medewerker?,
-> - **Author**: Steven Blom;
-> - **Journal**: Blom Consultancy,
-> - **Year**: 2018
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Wie op korte termijn winst wil boeken, zal proberen om klanten binnen te halen, uit te wringen en dan maar zien wat er gebeurt. Wie een klantvriendelijk bedrijf wil worden en ook op lange termijn winstgevend wil blijven, moet het anders doen, en zorgen dat de klanten blijven terugkomen.
-> Klanten vinden het belangrijk dat hun product
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/](https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EYZC8LW9](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EYZC8LW9)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/WKA3K2DM/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker.html)
-> - **Url**: https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/
-> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/PQ4FF8ES
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CJ3AET7UI%5Ckiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/PQ4FF8ES))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Moeten we kiezen tussen de klant en de medewerker?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: stevenblom_2018
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Moeten we kiezen tussen de klant en de medewerker?,
+> - **Author**: Steven Blom;
+> - **Journal**: Blom Consultancy,
+> - **Year**: 2018
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Wie op korte termijn winst wil boeken, zal proberen om klanten binnen te halen, uit te wringen en dan maar zien wat er gebeurt. Wie een klantvriendelijk bedrijf wil worden en ook op lange termijn winstgevend wil blijven, moet het anders doen, en zorgen dat de klanten blijven terugkomen.
+> Klanten vinden het belangrijk dat hun product
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/](https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EYZC8LW9](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/EYZC8LW9)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/WKA3K2DM/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker.html)
+> - **Url**: https://www.blomconsultancy.nl/kiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker/
+> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/PQ4FF8ES
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CJ3AET7UI%5Ckiezen-tussen-klant-en-medewerker.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/PQ4FF8ES))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@theconstructor_2019.md b/content/References/@theconstructor_2019.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86b7fc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/References/@theconstructor_2019.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+share: true
+category: References
+title: Dummy Activity in Network Analysis
+citekey: theconstructor_2019
+type: literaturenote
+summary: "> A Dummy activity is a type of operation in a project network which neither requires any time nor any resource. It is an imaginary activity shown in a project network to identify the dependence among operation."
+year: "2019"
+url: https://theconstructor.org/construction/dummy-activity-network-analysis/31502/
+authors: " The Constructor"
+> [!Cite]
+> The Constructor. (2019, March 24). _Dummy Activity in Network Analysis_. The Constructor. [https://theconstructor.org/construction/dummy-activity-network-analysis/31502/](https://theconstructor.org/construction/dummy-activity-network-analysis/31502/)
+# Metadata
+> **FirstAuthor** The Constructor
+> **Title** Dummy Activity in Network Analysis
+> **Year** 2019
+> **Citekey** theconstructor_2019
+> **itemType** webpage
+> [!LINK]
+> [!Abstract]
+> 🕑 Reading time: 1 minute A Dummy activity is a type of operation in a project network which neither requires any time nor any resource. It is an imaginary activity shown in a project network to identify the dependence among operation. The representation and more features of dummy activity in network analysis are explained below. […]
+# Notes
+>> A Dummy activity is a type of operation in a project network which neither requires any time nor any resource. It is an imaginary activity shown in a project network to identify the dependence among operation.>
+# Annotations
+_annotations in the paper_.
+### Highlights
+QuoteA Dummy activity is a type of operation in a project network which neither requires any time nor any resource. It is an imaginary activity shown in a project network to identify the dependence among operation.([](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/XZHTFER7?page=&annotation=MUSMTZZC))
+### Notes
+### Images
diff --git a/content/References/@userstorymap_2022.md b/content/References/@userstorymap_2022.md
index ea756f35..6cb5aa81 100644
--- a/content/References/@userstorymap_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@userstorymap_2022.md
@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@ authors: userstorymap,
year: 2022
url: https://www.userstorymap.io/being-an-effective-product-owner/
-# How to Be An Effective Product Owner
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: userstorymap_2022
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: How to Be An Effective Product Owner,
-> - **Author**: userstorymap,
-> - **Journal**: User Story Map for Jira
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> See what is Product Owner role and how to become an effective one and deliver great products.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.userstorymap.io/being-an-effective-product-owner/](https://www.userstorymap.io/being-an-effective-product-owner/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/9JVQR7QI](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/9JVQR7QI)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/ZDXYY3L7](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/ZDXYY3L7)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/BPQZKMNM/being-an-effective-product-owner.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/ZDXYY3L7))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# How to Be An Effective Product Owner
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: userstorymap_2022
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: How to Be An Effective Product Owner,
+> - **Author**: userstorymap,
+> - **Journal**: User Story Map for Jira
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> See what is Product Owner role and how to become an effective one and deliver great products.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.userstorymap.io/being-an-effective-product-owner/](https://www.userstorymap.io/being-an-effective-product-owner/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/9JVQR7QI](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/9JVQR7QI)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/ZDXYY3L7](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/ZDXYY3L7)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/BPQZKMNM/being-an-effective-product-owner.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/ZDXYY3L7))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vanderwardt_2017.md b/content/References/@vanderwardt_2017.md
index 06a96742..4c51521a 100644
--- a/content/References/@vanderwardt_2017.md
+++ b/content/References/@vanderwardt_2017.md
@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@ authors: van der Wardt, Rik
year: 2017
url: https://agilescrumgroup.nl/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting/
-# Daily Stand-up: 5 tips voor een goede meeting (+checklist download)
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vanderwardt_2017
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: Daily Stand-up: 5 tips voor een goede meeting (+checklist download),
-> - **Author**: van der Wardt, Rik
-> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
-> - **Year**: 2017
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Lees hier onze 5 tips voor een goede Daily Stand-up meeting. Wat wel doen? En wat niet? Ook de 4 valkuilen hebben we voor je opgesomd!
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/VZANGEIQ](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/VZANGEIQ)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/QVYPYNPI](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/QVYPYNPI)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/45UJMHDE/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/QVYPYNPI))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Daily Stand-up: 5 tips voor een goede meeting (+checklist download)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vanderwardt_2017
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: Daily Stand-up: 5 tips voor een goede meeting (+checklist download),
+> - **Author**: van der Wardt, Rik
+> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
+> - **Year**: 2017
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Lees hier onze 5 tips voor een goede Daily Stand-up meeting. Wat wel doen? En wat niet? Ook de 4 valkuilen hebben we voor je opgesomd!
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/VZANGEIQ](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/VZANGEIQ)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/QVYPYNPI](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/QVYPYNPI)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/45UJMHDE/5-tips-goede-daily-stand-up-meeting.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/QVYPYNPI))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vaneekhout_2018.md b/content/References/@vaneekhout_2018.md
index e906c194..b0f9d813 100644
--- a/content/References/@vaneekhout_2018.md
+++ b/content/References/@vaneekhout_2018.md
@@ -6,36 +6,36 @@ authors: van Eekhout, Robert
year: 2018
url: https://robertvaneekhout.nl/2018/04/gartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos
-# De Gartner Hype Cycle: welke technologie blijft plakken en welke gaat nodeloos ten onder?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vaneekhout_2018
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: De Gartner Hype Cycle: welke technologie blijft plakken en welke gaat nodeloos ten onder?,
-> - **Author**: van Eekhout, Robert
-> - **Journal**: Robert van Eekhout
-> - **Year**: 2018
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Marketeers, CEO's en ondernemers worstelen altijd met de vraag: op welke nieuwe technologie moet ik mijn geld inzetten? In de wereld van nu ontwikkelen nieuwe technologieën zich razendsnel. De ene "doorbraak" is nog niet eens
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://robertvaneekhout.nl/2018/04/gartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos](https://robertvaneekhout.nl/2018/04/gartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/GIVHCM6Y](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/GIVHCM6Y)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CRCD5EK4B%5Cgartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/GIVHCM6Y))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# De Gartner Hype Cycle: welke technologie blijft plakken en welke gaat nodeloos ten onder?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vaneekhout_2018
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: De Gartner Hype Cycle: welke technologie blijft plakken en welke gaat nodeloos ten onder?,
+> - **Author**: van Eekhout, Robert
+> - **Journal**: Robert van Eekhout
+> - **Year**: 2018
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Marketeers, CEO's en ondernemers worstelen altijd met de vraag: op welke nieuwe technologie moet ik mijn geld inzetten? In de wereld van nu ontwikkelen nieuwe technologieën zich razendsnel. De ene "doorbraak" is nog niet eens
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://robertvaneekhout.nl/2018/04/gartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos](https://robertvaneekhout.nl/2018/04/gartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/GIVHCM6Y](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/GIVHCM6Y)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CRCD5EK4B%5Cgartner-hype-cycle-welke-technologie-blijft-plakken-en-welke-gaat-nodeloos.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/GIVHCM6Y))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vanlier_2018.md b/content/References/@vanlier_2018.md
index cd29bcd2..32c94197 100644
--- a/content/References/@vanlier_2018.md
+++ b/content/References/@vanlier_2018.md
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@ authors: van Lier, Willemijn
year: 2018
url: https://agilescrumgroup.nl/stakeholder-management-matrix-model/
-# Stakeholdermanagement in projecten met Scrum
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vanlier_2018
-> - **Type**: blogPost
-> - **Title**: Stakeholdermanagement in projecten met Scrum,
-> - **Author**: van Lier, Willemijn
-> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
-> - **Year**: 2018
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Om als Product Owner de waarde van een project of product te maximaliseren, is goed stakeholdermanagement vereist. Dit is hoe dat moet.
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/stakeholder-management-matrix-model/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/stakeholder-management-matrix-model/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/3UVWTTWC](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/3UVWTTWC)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/EFHY7B3L/stakeholder-management-matrix-model.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/3UVWTTWC))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Stakeholdermanagement in projecten met Scrum
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vanlier_2018
+> - **Type**: blogPost
+> - **Title**: Stakeholdermanagement in projecten met Scrum,
+> - **Author**: van Lier, Willemijn
+> - **Journal**: Agile Scrum Group
+> - **Year**: 2018
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Om als Product Owner de waarde van een project of product te maximaliseren, is goed stakeholdermanagement vereist. Dit is hoe dat moet.
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://agilescrumgroup.nl/stakeholder-management-matrix-model/](https://agilescrumgroup.nl/stakeholder-management-matrix-model/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/3UVWTTWC](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/3UVWTTWC)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/EFHY7B3L/stakeholder-management-matrix-model.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/3UVWTTWC))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vanrooden_2015.md b/content/References/@vanrooden_2015.md
index 2c0fe83f..f92b4451 100644
--- a/content/References/@vanrooden_2015.md
+++ b/content/References/@vanrooden_2015.md
@@ -6,38 +6,38 @@ authors: van Rooden, Stephan
year: 2015
url: https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13
-# Product Backlog Refinement explained (1/3)
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vanrooden_2015
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Product Backlog Refinement explained (1/3),
-> - **Author**: van Rooden, Stephan
-> - **Journal**: Scrum.org
-> - **Year**: 2015
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> One of the most challenging activities in Scrum is Product Backlog Refinement. During training courses I get many questions on this activity. What do you do during Product Backlog refinement? How do you prevent discussions going off track or in too much detail? Who should be there? When do you estimate? In this blog series, you will get some good practices and guidelines for having better, more effective and more vivid Product Backlog refinement. This series will consist of three posts:
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/NNWPT5VV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/NNWPT5VV)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/SP3969UQ/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/9RAVF38W](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/9RAVF38W)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/YJNDK2J5/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/9RAVF38W))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Product Backlog Refinement explained (1/3)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vanrooden_2015
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Product Backlog Refinement explained (1/3),
+> - **Author**: van Rooden, Stephan
+> - **Journal**: Scrum.org
+> - **Year**: 2015
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> One of the most challenging activities in Scrum is Product Backlog Refinement. During training courses I get many questions on this activity. What do you do during Product Backlog refinement? How do you prevent discussions going off track or in too much detail? Who should be there? When do you estimate? In this blog series, you will get some good practices and guidelines for having better, more effective and more vivid Product Backlog refinement. This series will consist of three posts:
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/NNWPT5VV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/NNWPT5VV)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/SP3969UQ/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/9RAVF38W](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/9RAVF38W)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/YJNDK2J5/product-backlog-refinement-explained-13.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/9RAVF38W))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vanrooden_2015a.md b/content/References/@vanrooden_2015a.md
index b40988e1..ea4c1215 100644
--- a/content/References/@vanrooden_2015a.md
+++ b/content/References/@vanrooden_2015a.md
@@ -6,39 +6,39 @@ authors: van Rooden, Stephan
year: 2015
url: https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33
-# Product Backlog Refinement explained (3/3)
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vanrooden_2015a
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Product Backlog Refinement explained (3/3),
-> - **Author**: van Rooden, Stephan
-> - **Journal**: Scrum.org
-> - **Year**: 2015
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> How to facilitate a Product Backlog Refinement meeting? What do you do as a Scrum Master to keep the item under refinement on track? When do you estimate and what do you do when you need more time for discussion? In this third post of this series on Product Backlog refinement you will find some good practices on how to facilitate an effective and efficient refinement meeting.
-> This series consists of three posts:
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/AUGWSIH9](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/AUGWSIH9)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/XNRPEPVU/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/API9CYGG](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/API9CYGG)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/BHG3X3DT/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/API9CYGG))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Product Backlog Refinement explained (3/3)
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vanrooden_2015a
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Product Backlog Refinement explained (3/3),
+> - **Author**: van Rooden, Stephan
+> - **Journal**: Scrum.org
+> - **Year**: 2015
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> How to facilitate a Product Backlog Refinement meeting? What do you do as a Scrum Master to keep the item under refinement on track? When do you estimate and what do you do when you need more time for discussion? In this third post of this series on Product Backlog refinement you will find some good practices on how to facilitate an effective and efficient refinement meeting.
+> This series consists of three posts:
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33](https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/AUGWSIH9](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/AUGWSIH9)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/XNRPEPVU/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/API9CYGG](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/API9CYGG)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/BHG3X3DT/product-backlog-refinement-explained-33.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/API9CYGG))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@verheyen_2017.md b/content/References/@verheyen_2017.md
index ab39bd5e..33ca3714 100644
--- a/content/References/@verheyen_2017.md
+++ b/content/References/@verheyen_2017.md
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@ authors: Verheyen, Gunther
year: 2017
url: https://guntherverheyen.com/2017/02/15/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum/
-# De kernwaarden van Scrum
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: verheyen_2017
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: De kernwaarden van Scrum,
-> - **Author**: Verheyen, Gunther
-> - **Journal**: Ullizee-Inc
-> - **Year**: 2017
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Scrum is een samenhangend framework van regels, rollen en principes die mensen en organisaties ondersteunen, maar dat afhankelijk van de exacte situatie en context ingevuld kan worden. Scrum is een…
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://guntherverheyen.com/2017/02/15/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum/](https://guntherverheyen.com/2017/02/15/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/H5SJKHRX](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/H5SJKHRX)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/R2FLVHSB/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/H5SJKHRX))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# De kernwaarden van Scrum
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: verheyen_2017
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: De kernwaarden van Scrum,
+> - **Author**: Verheyen, Gunther
+> - **Journal**: Ullizee-Inc
+> - **Year**: 2017
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Scrum is een samenhangend framework van regels, rollen en principes die mensen en organisaties ondersteunen, maar dat afhankelijk van de exacte situatie en context ingevuld kan worden. Scrum is een…
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://guntherverheyen.com/2017/02/15/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum/](https://guntherverheyen.com/2017/02/15/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/H5SJKHRX](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/H5SJKHRX)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/R2FLVHSB/de-kernwaarden-van-scrum.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/H5SJKHRX))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@verheyen_2022.md b/content/References/@verheyen_2022.md
index c4f67a45..d7acada3 100644
--- a/content/References/@verheyen_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@verheyen_2022.md
@@ -6,37 +6,37 @@ authors: Verheyen, Gunther
year: 2022
url: https://scrumglossary.org/
-# Scrum Glossary
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: verheyen_2022
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Scrum Glossary,
-> - **Author**: Verheyen, Gunther
-> - **Journal**: Scrum Glossary
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> English Burn-down chart: a chart showing the decrease of remaining work against time. Burn-up chart: a chart showing the increase of a parameter, like value, against time. Daily Scrum: a daily event, time-boxed to 15 minutes or less, to re-plan the development work during a Sprint. The event serves to plan the work for the…
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://scrumglossary.org/](https://scrumglossary.org/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/6UJGXFI4](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/6UJGXFI4)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/JQLIXRQ8](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/JQLIXRQ8)
-> - **File**: [scrum-glossary-dutch-version-2021.pdf](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/4KVKCL4J/scrum-glossary-dutch-version-2021.pdf); [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/TTT93ZH9/scrumglossary.org.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/JQLIXRQ8))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Scrum Glossary
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: verheyen_2022
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Scrum Glossary,
+> - **Author**: Verheyen, Gunther
+> - **Journal**: Scrum Glossary
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> English Burn-down chart: a chart showing the decrease of remaining work against time. Burn-up chart: a chart showing the increase of a parameter, like value, against time. Daily Scrum: a daily event, time-boxed to 15 minutes or less, to re-plan the development work during a Sprint. The event serves to plan the work for the…
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://scrumglossary.org/](https://scrumglossary.org/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/6UJGXFI4](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/6UJGXFI4)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/JQLIXRQ8](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/JQLIXRQ8)
+> - **File**: [scrum-glossary-dutch-version-2021.pdf](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/4KVKCL4J/scrum-glossary-dutch-version-2021.pdf); [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/TTT93ZH9/scrumglossary.org.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/JQLIXRQ8))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@visual-paradigm_2022.md b/content/References/@visual-paradigm_2022.md
index e18f5f87..c1dde8c0 100644
--- a/content/References/@visual-paradigm_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@visual-paradigm_2022.md
@@ -6,33 +6,33 @@ authors: visual-paradigm,
year: 2022
url: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum/
-# Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: visual-paradigm_2022
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?,
-> - **Author**: visual-paradigm,
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum/](https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YC4LLIK7](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YC4LLIK7)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/YR55R9AG](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/YR55R9AG)
-> - **File**: [Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/MKDQWMK2/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/YR55R9AG))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: visual-paradigm_2022
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?,
+> - **Author**: visual-paradigm,
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum/](https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YC4LLIK7](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/YC4LLIK7)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/YR55R9AG](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/YR55R9AG)
+> - **File**: [Why Fixed Length Sprints in Scrum?](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/MKDQWMK2/why-fixed-length-of-sprints-in-scrum.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/YR55R9AG))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@visualparadigm_2022.md b/content/References/@visualparadigm_2022.md
index b321d3b9..dc5fd0ad 100644
--- a/content/References/@visualparadigm_2022.md
+++ b/content/References/@visualparadigm_2022.md
@@ -6,29 +6,29 @@ authors: Visual Paradigm,
year: 2022
url: https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events/
-# What are Time-boxed Events in Scrum?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: visualparadigm_2022
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: What are Time-boxed Events in Scrum?,
-> - **Author**: Visual Paradigm,
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events/](https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events/)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/U69W97VV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/U69W97VV)
-> - **File**: [What are Time-boxed Events in Scrum?](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/6BXHRL27/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/U69W97VV))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# What are Time-boxed Events in Scrum?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: visualparadigm_2022
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: What are Time-boxed Events in Scrum?,
+> - **Author**: Visual Paradigm,
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events/](https://www.visual-paradigm.com/scrum/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events/)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/U69W97VV](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/U69W97VV)
+> - **File**: [What are Time-boxed Events in Scrum?](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/6BXHRL27/what-are-scrum-time-boxed-events.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/U69W97VV))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vlaandereninternBusinessCase2014.md b/content/References/@vlaandereninternBusinessCase2014.md
index 4d5a6822..899ccfde 100644
--- a/content/References/@vlaandereninternBusinessCase2014.md
+++ b/content/References/@vlaandereninternBusinessCase2014.md
@@ -7,43 +7,43 @@ type: literaturenote
summary: ""
-> [!Cite]
-> vlaanderen intern. ‘Business Case’. Vlaanderen Intern, 21 March 2014. [https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case](https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case).
-# Metadata
-> **FirstAuthor** vlaanderen intern,
-> **Title** Business Case
-> **Year** 2014
-> **Citekey** vlaandereninternBusinessCase2014
-> **itemType** webpage
-> [!LINK]
-> [!Abstract]
-# Notes
-# Annotations
-_annotations in the paper_.
-### Highlights
-### Notes
-### Images
+> [!Cite]
+> vlaanderen intern. ‘Business Case’. Vlaanderen Intern, 21 March 2014. [https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case](https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case).
+# Metadata
+> **FirstAuthor** vlaanderen intern,
+> **Title** Business Case
+> **Year** 2014
+> **Citekey** vlaandereninternBusinessCase2014
+> **itemType** webpage
+> [!LINK]
+> [!Abstract]
+# Notes
+# Annotations
+_annotations in the paper_.
+### Highlights
+### Notes
+### Images
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index 816707e0..b9c90dbf 100644
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+++ b/content/References/@vlaanderenintern_2014.md
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ authors: vlaanderen intern,
year: 2014
url: https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case
-# Business Case
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vlaanderenintern_2014
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Business Case,
-> - **Author**: vlaanderen intern,;
-> - **Journal**: Vlaanderen Intern,
-> - **Year**: 2014
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/8GVAZ6EM](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/8GVAZ6EM)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/HMESAIFK/business-case.html)
-> - **Url**: https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case
-> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/XNGVH8MZ
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CVDQBNQMS%5Cbusiness-case.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/XNGVH8MZ))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Business Case
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vlaanderenintern_2014
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Business Case,
+> - **Author**: vlaanderen intern,;
+> - **Journal**: Vlaanderen Intern,
+> - **Year**: 2014
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/8GVAZ6EM](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/8GVAZ6EM)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/HMESAIFK/business-case.html)
+> - **Url**: https://overheid.vlaanderen.be/organisatie/projectmanagement/business-case
+> - **Uri**: http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/XNGVH8MZ
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file://C:%5CUsers%5C20003936%5CZotero%5Cstorage%5CVDQBNQMS%5Cbusiness-case.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/XNGVH8MZ))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@vrielink_2020.md b/content/References/@vrielink_2020.md
index 4032c23a..996e2960 100644
--- a/content/References/@vrielink_2020.md
+++ b/content/References/@vrielink_2020.md
@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ authors: Vrielink, Martijn
year: 2020
url: https://www.incentro.com/nl-NL/blog/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk
-# Hoe werken story points?
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: vrielink_2020
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: Hoe werken story points?,
-> - **Author**: Vrielink, Martijn
-> - **Year**: 2020
-> [!quote] Abstract
-> Een beproefde methode binnen scrum om product backlog items in te schatten is die van de story points. Wat zijn story points eigenlijk? En hoe gebruik je ze?
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.incentro.com/nl-NL/blog/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk](https://www.incentro.com/nl-NL/blog/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/LYJVS5XK](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/LYJVS5XK)
-> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/XVVZRLLF/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/LYJVS5XK))
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# Hoe werken story points?
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: vrielink_2020
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: Hoe werken story points?,
+> - **Author**: Vrielink, Martijn
+> - **Year**: 2020
+> [!quote] Abstract
+> Een beproefde methode binnen scrum om product backlog items in te schatten is die van de story points. Wat zijn story points eigenlijk? En hoe gebruik je ze?
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.incentro.com/nl-NL/blog/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk](https://www.incentro.com/nl-NL/blog/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/LYJVS5XK](http://zotero.org/groups/4724240/items/LYJVS5XK)
+> - **File**: [Snapshot](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/XVVZRLLF/story-points-hoe-werken-ze-eigenlijk.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/groups/4724240/items/LYJVS5XK))
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/@zentaoteam_2022a.md b/content/References/@zentaoteam_2022a.md
index 98cd0e7c..ae26f691 100644
--- a/content/References/@zentaoteam_2022a.md
+++ b/content/References/@zentaoteam_2022a.md
@@ -6,32 +6,32 @@ authors: ZenTao team,
year: 2022
url: https://www.zentao.pm/blog/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html
-# What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao
-> [!info] Metadata
-> - **CiteKey**: zentaoteam_2022a
-> - **Type**: webpage
-> - **Title**: What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao,
-> - **Author**: ZenTao team,
-> - **Year**: 2022
-> [!abstract] Files and Links
-> - **Url**: [https://www.zentao.pm/blog/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html](https://www.zentao.pm/blog/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html)
-> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/8ZCN4II5](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/8ZCN4II5)
-> - **File**: [What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/2YVBWSJ6/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html)
-> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/8ZCN4II5))
-> [!note] Tags and Collections
-> - **Collections**: Project Management
-## Comments
-## Extracted Annotations
+# What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao
+> [!info] Metadata
+> - **CiteKey**: zentaoteam_2022a
+> - **Type**: webpage
+> - **Title**: What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao,
+> - **Author**: ZenTao team,
+> - **Year**: 2022
+> [!abstract] Files and Links
+> - **Url**: [https://www.zentao.pm/blog/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html](https://www.zentao.pm/blog/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html)
+> - **Uri**: [http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/8ZCN4II5](http://zotero.org/users/9685140/items/8ZCN4II5)
+> - **File**: [What Are The Complete Scrum Artifacts? - Agile - ZenTao](file:///Users/jan/Zotero/storage/2YVBWSJ6/What-are-the-complete-Scrum-artifacts-1102.html)
+> - **Local Library**: [Zotero]((zotero://select/library/items/8ZCN4II5))
+> [!note] Tags and Collections
+> - **Collections**: Project Management
+## Comments
+## Extracted Annotations
diff --git a/content/References/Jan Literature Note.md b/content/References/Jan Literature Note.md
new file mode 100644
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+> [!Cite]
+> {{bibliography}}
+# Metadata
+{% for type, creators in creators | groupby("creatorType") -%}
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+> **{{"First" if loop.first}}{{type | capitalize}}**
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+{%- else %} {{creator.lastName}}, {{creator.firstName}}
+{%- endif %}
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+> **Title** {{title}}
+> **Year** {{date | format("YYYY")}}
+> **Citekey** {{citekey}} {%- if itemType %}
+> **itemType** {{itemType}}{%- endif %}{%- if itemType == "journalArticle" %}
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+> **DOI** {{DOI}} {%- endif %}{%- if ISBN %}
+> **ISBN** {{ISBN}} {%- endif %}
+> [!LINK]
+> {{pdfZoteroLink}}
+> [!Abstract]
+> {%- if abstractNote %}
+> {{abstractNote}}
+> {%- endif -%}.
+# Notes
+> {%- if markdownNotes %}
+>{{markdownNotes}}{%- endif -%}
+# Annotations
+_annotations in the paper_
+{%- macro calloutHeader(type, color) -%}
+{%- if type == "highlight" -%}
+{%- endif -%}
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+{%- endif -%}
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+{% if annotation.comment %}{{annotation.comment}}{%- endif %}
+{% if not loop.last %}{% endif %}
+{%- endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+### Notes
+{# Display notes #}
+{% for annotation in annotations -%}
+{%- if annotation.type == "note" -%}
+{{ calloutHeader(annotation.type, annotation.color) }}
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+{%- endif -%}
+{% endfor %}
+### Images
+{# Display images #}
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+{%- if annotation.imageRelativePath -%}
+{%- endif -%}
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-> [!INFO] Projectmanagement © Hogeschool PXL
-> **OLOD:** 42TIN1250 Projectmanagement
-> **Opleiding:** Professionele bachelor in de Toegepaste informatica
-> **Departement:** [PXL-Digital](https://www.pxl.be/digital)
-> **Lectoren:** [Lowie Vangaal](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowievangaal/), [Jan Castermans](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jancastermans/)
-## Inhoud
-- [[./000 DE PXL- X-FACTOR, dat tikkeltje meer!|000 DE PXL- X-FACTOR, dat tikkeltje meer!]]?
-- [[./001 Wat is Projectmanagement|001 Wat is Projectmanagement]]?
-- [[./002 Projectplanning|002 Projectplanning]]
-- [[./003 Extra Oefeningen Projectmanagement|003 Extra Oefeningen Projectmanagement]]
-- [[./004 Kwaliteitsmanagement|004 Kwaliteitsmanagement]]
-- [[./005 Kosten en Batenanalyse|005 Kosten en Batenanalyse]]
-- [[./006 Risicomanagement|006 Risicomanagement]]
-- [[./007 Agile Projectmanagement|007 Agile Projectmanagement]]
-- [[./008 Oefeningen Agile Projectmanagement|008 Oefeningen Agile Projectmanagement]]
-- [[./009 Informatiemanagement|009 Informatiemanagement]]
-## Bibliografie
-- [[./999 Bibliografie|999 Bibliografie]]
-## Het Gezin PeeTers (GPT)
-- [[+ 001 ProjectManagement | Vraag het aan het Gezin PeeTers]]
+> [!INFO] Projectmanagement © Hogeschool PXL
+> **OLOD:** 42TIN1250 Projectmanagement
+> **Opleiding:** Professionele bachelor in de Toegepaste informatica
+> **Departement:** [PXL-Digital](https://www.pxl.be/digital)
+> **Lectoren:** [Lowie Vangaal](https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowievangaal/), [Jan Castermans](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jancastermans/)
+## Inhoud
+- [[./000 DE PXL- X-FACTOR, dat tikkeltje meer!|000 DE PXL- X-FACTOR, dat tikkeltje meer!]]?
+- [[./001 Wat is Projectmanagement|001 Wat is Projectmanagement]]?
+- [[./002 Projectplanning|002 Projectplanning]]
+- [[./003 Extra Oefeningen Projectmanagement|003 Extra Oefeningen Projectmanagement]]
+- [[./004 Kwaliteitsmanagement|004 Kwaliteitsmanagement]]
+- [[./005 Kosten en Batenanalyse|005 Kosten en Batenanalyse]]
+- [[./006 Risicomanagement|006 Risicomanagement]]
+- [[./007 Agile Projectmanagement|007 Agile Projectmanagement]]
+- [[./008 Oefeningen Agile Projectmanagement|008 Oefeningen Agile Projectmanagement]]
+- [[./009 Informatiemanagement|009 Informatiemanagement]]
+## Bibliografie
+- [[./999 Bibliografie|999 Bibliografie]]
+## Het Gezin PeeTers (GPT)
+- [[+ 001 ProjectManagement | Vraag het aan het Gezin PeeTers]]