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File metadata and controls

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JDJellyButton is a highly-cutomization navigation Button.

You can manage your own button group.

Of course, you can recive notification when the button has been tap by implements delegate.

Thanks for using.

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###Button Image Source:

##Switch Button Group To Switch Button Group, you just need to hold on Mainbutton for 1.5 second.

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To add JellyButton to your view, you need to designate the attached view and the Main button image.

button = JDJellyButton()
button.attachtoView(rootView: self.view,mainbutton: UIImage(named:"vk")!)
button.delegate = self  //Optional
button.datasource = self

###Important Also you need to implements the protocol JDJellyButtonDataSource ,designating your button group count and image array in specific group.

let images:[UIImage] = [UIImage(named: "badoo")!,UIImage(named: "behance")!,UIImage(named: "deviantart")!]
let images2:[UIImage] = [UIImage(named: "dribbble")!,UIImage(named: "facebook")!,UIImage(named: "flickr")!]
let images3:[UIImage] = [UIImage(named: "google-plus")!,UIImage(named: "instagram")!,UIImage(named:"lastfm")!,UIImage(named: "linkedin")!]
var imagearr:[[UIImage]] = [[UIImage]]()

extension ViewController:JDJellyButtonDataSource
    func groupcount()->Int
    return 3
    func imagesource(forgroup groupindex:Int) -> [UIImage]
    return imagearr[groupindex]

###Change Expanding Type There're some button expanding type you can choose.

enum JellyButtonExpandType
    case Cross
    case LeftLine
    case RightLine
    case UpperLine
button.setJellyType(type: .Cross)

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###Delegate(Optional)) If you want to get notification when user tap one of buttons, you can implement JellyButtonDelegate

extension ViewController:JellyButtonDelegate
    func JellyButtonHasBeenTap(touch:UITouch,image:UIImage,groupindex:Int,arrindex:Int)
        self.exampleimg.image = image
        label1.text = "Group Index:\(groupindex)"
        label2.text = "ArrIndex\(arrindex)"

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