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kubectx with support of tkgi login

This repository is fork of ahmetb/kubectx.

There is added functionality of tkgi login for TKGI clusters. So before switching to target context, tkgi login is done first.


🤔 Purpose of tkgi-kubectx ?

Original kubectx can just switch between contexts (clusters). But if user works with TKGI clusters, he needs to first login to destination cluster before switching a context.

Because of that functionality of tkgi login was added to kubectx and is called tkgi-kubectx.

It works almost the same as original kubectx. So you can utilize all the features what original kubectx has, see more in original repository ahmetb/kubectx.

🛠 Installation

Homebrew (macOS and Linux)

If you use Homebrew you can install like this:

brew install jakuboskera/tap/tkgi-kubectx

Scoop (Windows)

If you use Scoop you can install like this

scoop install

From release

If you don't use any package managers mentioned above, you can install tkgi-kubectx binary manually.

  1. Go to Releases
  2. Download tar or zip file for your OS and CPU arch
  3. Untar or unzip the file
  4. Move binary tkgi-kubectx to your PATH (Check this manual How to add a binary to your PATH)

🚀 Usage

⚠️ Prerequisites

  1. Created a Kubernetes context in your kubeconfig for a which tkgi login will be performed
  2. Installed tkgi CLI binary

Check if Kubernetes context exists in kubeconfig

To utilize kubectx with tkgi login feature you need to have already created Kubernetes context in your kubeconfig for given cluster.

You can check if you have a context already created by

kubectl config get-contexts

In case previous command did not list a context for given cluster, you have to do a manual login to the cluster first to create the context in your kubeconfig.

In case previous command did list a context for given cluster, you are ok and you can skip to next section.

There are two types of manual logins to TKGI clusters:

  1. cluster admin login - if you are cluster admin

    tkgi login -a <TKGI API> -u <username> -k # -k if cert is self-signed
    tkgi get-credentials <cluster>
  2. non cluster admin login if you are not cluster admin

    tkgi get-kubeconfig <cluster> -a <TKGI API> -u <username> -k # -k if cert is self-signed

Installed tkgi CLI binary

Because tkgi-kubectx uses tkgi CLI binary under the hood, you have to have tkgi CLI binary already installed.

You can check it by:

tkgi --version

If you don't have installed tkgi CLI binary, you can install from HERE.

Create configuration files for tkgi-kubectx

If you met the listed prerequisites above, you can now configure tkgi-kubectx.

tkgi-kubectx needs for its function two files, these files must be created in specified location:

  1. ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/config.yaml
  2. ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/credentials.yaml


This file contains Kubernetes contexts, TKGI API and credentials reference.

# ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/config.yaml

  # TKGI API URL for given clusters
  - url: https://<TKGI API N>
    # reference to username from ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/credentials.yaml
    creds: <username>
    # contains list of clusters
      - <cluster1>
      - <clusterN>
  # TKGI API URL for given clusters
  - url: https://<TKGI API 1>
    # reference to username from ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/credentials.yaml
    creds: <username>
    # contains list of clusters
      - <cluster1>
      - <clusterN>


This file contains list of credentials which are then used for login.

⚠️ Password is stored as plaintext, for this reason configuration was split into two files.

# ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/credentials.yaml

# contains list of credentials
  # username is used as creds specified in ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/config.yaml
- username: <username>
  # plaintext password for <username>
  password: <password>
  # either true or false, because login commands are different
  # if user is cluster admin or not
  clusterAdmin: true
  # add how many users you want, the schema is same as for first username
- username: <another username>
  password: <password>
  clusterAdmin: false

Test functionality

Now you should have everything configured and tkgi login will be performed every time before switching to context if this context is in config.yaml.

See example usage below.

🎉 Example usage

Let's say we have these three clusters:

cluster (context) TKGI API username cluster admin
prod-cluster lhofstadter true
test-cluster rkoothrappali false
dev-cluster - - -

For prod-cluster and test-cluster we need to perform tkgi login every time before switching to one of that contexts. For dev-cluster we don't need a tkgi login as this cluster is for example local one. For prod-cluster we will use user lhofstadter which is cluster admin and for test-cluster we will use user rkoothrappali which is not cluster admin.

Check if we have created all contexts in our kubeconfig.

$ kubectl config get-contexts

As you can see context for prod-cluster is missing, so we need to do a manual login to create context for this cluster in our kubeconfig first.

Check if we have installed tkgi CLI binary

$ tkgi --version

TKGI CLI version: 1.13.0-build.212

As lhofstadter is cluster admin in prod-cluster, we will use login commands for cluster admin:

tkgi login -a -u lhofstadter -k  # -k if cert is self-signed
tkgi get-credentials prod-cluster

Now check again if we have created all contexts in our kubeconfig.

$ kubectl config get-contexts

Well done. Now we will add credentials to credentials.yaml:

# ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/credentials.yaml

- username: lhofstadter
  password: ILoveSheldon
  clusterAdmin: true
- username: rkoothrappali
  password: iDontSpeakToGirls
  clusterAdmin: false

Now we will add configuration for prod-cluster and test-cluster to config.yaml:

# ~/.kube/tkgi-kubectx/config.yaml

  - url:
    creds: lhofstadter
      - prod-cluster
  - url:
    creds: rkoothrappali
      - test-cluster

Everything should be configured now. Let's try it. If we switch to prod-cluster, it will use cluster login commands and user lhofstadter to login to that cluster.

$ tkgi-kubectx prod-cluster
Login first before switching context to "prod-cluster"...

API Endpoint:
User: lhofstadter
Login successful.

Fetching credentials for cluster prod-cluster.
PKS_USER_PASSWORD is set. Reading password from PKS_USER_PASSWORD
Context set for cluster prod-cluster.

You can now switch between clusters by using:
$kubectl config use-context <cluster-name>

✔ Switched to context "prod-cluster".

Now when we switch to test-cluster, it will use user rkoothrappali. As this user is not cluster admin, it will use non cluster admin login command.

$ tkgi-kubectx test-cluster
Login first before switching context to "test-cluster"...

Fetching kubeconfig for cluster test-cluster and user rkoothrappali.
You can now use the kubeconfig for user rkoothrappali:
$kubectl config use-context test-cluster

✔ Switched to context "test-cluster".

Cluster dev-cluster is not specified in config.yaml so for this context, it will not perform tkgi login, it will just switch to that context.

$ tkgi-kubectx dev-cluster
✔ Switched to context "dev-cluster".

ℹ️ Tips


Name tkgi-kubectx is relatively long for a command so you can create an alias for it

macOS or Linux

  1. bash

    echo "alias kx=tkgi-kubectx" >> ~/.bashrc
  2. zsh

    echo "alias kx=tkgi-kubectx" >> ~/.zshrc


  1. PowerShell

    Set-Alias -Name kx -Value tkgi-kubectx