For this quiz, you will need to look for a shapefile and convert it to geojson. You can refer to the lecture on spatial data to review how to convert a shapefiel to geojson. Please make sure the geojson is in the correct projection (wgs84, epsg: 4326). In addition, you might want to use mapshaper to simplify a geojson. Please follow the steps below:
[1] Convert the raw geospatial data (in shapefile) as a geojson; and
[2] Simplify this geojson as a new geojson data
In the file of this repo, please briefly introduce this data, and also make a table to compare the data size of these three geojson files. for example:
name size(kb)
xxx.geojson 10,000
xxx_simplifed.geojson 1,000
In the assets folder of this repo, please upload the two json files. So, the structure of this repository should be:
│ XXX.geojson
│ XXX_simplified.geojson
Please only submit the url of this repository to canvas.