- https://github.com/joshuaccl/Micromouse
- https://thepihut.com/products/laser-sensor?variant=39710249648323¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzLCVBhD3ARIsAPKYTcSoC4onmG1kZd8xWm8vhje6eFd_k_qnRxfLlpBjyOzi3iM0Z-LcX0EaArJ3EALw_wcB
1 BM = 1 robot width move (TBD depending on size)
set deg (0 degrees) used to stop the robot going back in its self
need to def a var (array/list) to track movements to map full maze
deg = 0
route = []
if deg == 360:
deg = 0
if deg != 180 (going back on itself):
if bot can move 1 BM forward:
move 1BM forward
route[] = FD
turn right 90 degrees
deg += 90
route[] = R90
turn right 90 degrees
deg += 90
route[] = R90
this will be used to map out the maze
Program tracer now works, a list is passed as the following
list = ["XXF","R","XXF","L"]
- XX = int (number of steps)
- F = forward
- R = right 90 degrees
- L - left 90 degrees
all that needs adding now is some form of API to get updates as mouse traverses maze