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Usage and examples

$ helm config-scheme help
Repeatable configuration scheme for Helm Charts

This plugin provides a convenient way to manage a set of configuration scheme
And allow to use those defined scheme in your chart operations

Available Commands:
  add     Create a new configuration scheme
  edit    Edit a configuration scheme
  list    List existing configuration scheme
  remove  Remove a configuration scheme
  view    View a configuration scheme

Configuration scheme usage with : 'config://<scheme-name>'

Config scheme management commands

  add     Create a new configuration scheme
  edit    Edit a configuration scheme
  list    List existing configuration scheme
  remove  Remove a configuration scheme
  view    View a configuration scheme

Each command have its own help reachable with : helm config-scheme <cmd> help

A config scheme consist of a list of files uri to be use in your Helm commands

Files uri in scheme supports some variable substitution.

File uri

Files uri can be :

  • Any download scheme like http://, git://, secrets://, built-in in helm or provided by an external helm plugin such as:
  • A local file (./my-values.yaml); absolute or relative path.
  • A local directory (./config-dir) absolute or relative path. The plugin will search all (.yaml|.yml) file in this folder not recursively sorted by their names.
  • Else assume that is a regex (config-dir/(a|c)\.yaml). The plugin will find all files in the (dirname of regex) And pass your regex to grep command to filter these files. After that, the plugin will take all files sorted by their names

File uri variable substitution

List of available substitution

variable substituted by default value
{{namespace}} Helm command namespace unknown
{{release}} Helm release name RELEASE-NAME
{{chart}} Helm chart name CHART_NAME
{{my_env}} Replaced by the environment variable value of my_env N/A


This plugin doesn't support variable substitution with those helm flags :

  • -g, --generate-name : default value for release will be used instead
  • --name-templte : default value for release will be used instead

Create a config scheme

helm config-scheme add NAME FILE-URI...

You can use this operation to create/add a new configuration scheme.

helm config-scheme add basic ./my-values.yaml ./another-values.yaml

You can now use this scheme in any helm operation with :

helm install my-chart -f config://basic

List all existing config schemes

helm config-scheme list

List all available configuration schemes

helm config-scheme list

will output something like

basic       2 file-uri(s)
complex     6 file-uri(s)

The output list for each config his name, and the current number of file-uri registered for this scheme.

You can use view sub-commands to get details about one scheme.

View an existing config scheme

helm config-scheme view NAME

This command will show you details about an existing configuration scheme

helm config-scheme view basic

will output :

1 my-values.yaml
2 another-values.yaml

The output lists all configured Files uri for the given scheme prefixed by his order number.

Remove an existing config scheme

helm config-scheme remove NAME

This command can be used to remove an existing configuration scheme

helm config-scheme remove basic

The basic configuration scheme is no more usable.

Edit an existing config scheme

helm config-scheme edit NAME SUB-COMMAND SUB-COMMAND-ARGS...

Edit an existing NAME configuration scheme

Available Commands:
  -  append FILE-URI...

     Add new FILE-URIs to the end of NAME configuration scheme

  -  insert-at INDEX FILE-URI...

     Add new FILE-URIs at INDEX of NAME configuration scheme

  -  replace INDEX FILE-URI

     Replace an existing file_uri at INDEX by FILE-URI of NAME configuration scheme

The command is used to modify an existing configuration scheme in order to add/remove/replace some file uris.

edit : append

helm config-scheme edit NAME append FILE-URI...

This sub-command is used to add file uris to an existing scheme at the end of the list

helm config-scheme edit basic append ./my-release-values.yaml

Now the basic configuration scheme contains a new file uri ./my-release-values.yaml at the last position.

edit : insert-at

helm config-scheme edit NAME insert-at INDEX FILE-URI...

This sub-command is used to add file uris to an existing scheme at the specified index of the list

helm config-scheme edit basic insert-at 1 ./my-release-values.yaml

Now the basic configuration scheme contains a new file uri ./my-release-values.yaml at the index 1. All file uri present before the command at index [1;+] are now at index [2;+]

edit : replace

helm config-scheme edit NAME replace INDEX FILE-URI

This sub-command is edit ONE file uri on an existing scheme at the specified index of the list

helm config-scheme edit basic replace 0 ./my-release-values.yaml

Now the basic configuration scheme contains the same number of new file uris But the file uri at index 0 is now ./my-release-values.yaml.

Config scheme usage

You are able to use your config scheme with -f option of Helm command. This is done through Helm downloader plugin, with the scheme : config://<scheme-name>

By using this it will fill-in the Helm config file with all files present in your scheme (only if those configured files exists)

helm upgrade . -f config://<scheme name>

For example:

helm config-scheme add my-scheme -f /config-repo/default.yaml -f /config-repo/<namespace>/default.yaml

helm install . -f config://my-scheme -n my-ns
# Equilavent to helm install . -f /config-repo/default.yaml -f /config-repo/ns/default.yaml
# If all files configured in the scheme exists

helm upgrade . -f config://my-scheme -n my-ns
# Equilavent to helm upgrade . -f /config-repo/default.yaml -f /config-repo/ns/default.yaml
# If all files configured in the scheme exists