Chapter 1: Structure
HTML describes the struture of pages and uses elements to describe that structure
Tags act like containers. They tell you what the information is inbetween their tags
Tags come in pairs and are often referred to as elements
Attributes require both a name and value
Chapter 8: Extra Markup
Doctypes tell broswers what version of HTML you are using
You can add comments in your code between the '< !-- and -- >' markers
The id and class attributes allow you to identify partiular elements
The DIV and SPAN elements allow you to group block-level and inline elements together
Chapter 17: HTML5 Layout
HTML5 is introducing a new set of elements that help define the structure of a page
The new elements provide clearer code compared to using multiple DIV elements
Chapter 18: Process & Design
Every website should be designed for the target audience, not just yourself
You need to define why people are going to visit your website. Some might stumble upon it, but most will be visiting to find certain information
Good ways to start to organize your website is by using site maps and wireframes
Chapter 1: The ABC of Programming
Computers create models of the world using data
Programmers can write code to say, "When this event occurs, run that code"
Browsers use HTML markup to create a model of the web page
To make the webpage interactive, you write code that uses the browser's model of the web page
Web developers usually use three languages that are used to create web pages
HTML = Content layer
CSS = Presentation layer
JS = Behavior layer
It is best to keep JS cod ein its own JS file
The HTML SCRIPT element is used in HTML to tell the browser to load the JS file
Information taken from "HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites" and "Javascript & JQuery Interactive Front-End Web Development" by Jon Duckett