- Mohammad Faderik Izzul Haq [05111940000023]
- Dias Tri Kurniasari [05111940000035]
- Iwan Dwi Prakoso [05111940000229]
- PBO-TM10-Project-1
- Group Task Week 10 - Chapter 12.3 Simple GUI-Based Input/Output with JOptionPane - Make GUI for counting area and round for some shape that receive input from user
- PBO-TM10-Project-2
- Group Task Week 10 - Chapter 12.5 Displaying Text and Images in a Window - Make GUI Aplicaion that display your own photo and Name and NRP text in a window
- Collision-Detection
- Group Task Week 11 - Do project in tutorial http://zetcode.com/javagames/collision/ - Make class diagram for that project
- Mod-Collision-Detection
- Group Task Week 12 - Do project in tutorial http://zetcode.com/javagames/collision/ and change the control of spaceship based to mouse move - Make class diagram for that project - make vidio of the runnig program
- FinalProject
- Final Project of OOP Class E - make GUI Game that implement OOP - Make class diagram for that project