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Systems with optional components #15
Ecstasy has a host of performance and usability concerns that I never got around to fixing. I wouldn't recommend using it for anything. |
Ah that's unfortunate - Apecs is so hard to grasp, I had hoped this would be a more understandable and flexible alternative. Anyways, thanks for the heads up :) |
I was working on a new version of ecstasy as a case study for Algebra-Driven Design, but it didn't end up making the cut due to too many Haskell-specific things being necessary. The resulting design is much nicer and much more amenable to performance --- but it's not productionized yet. If you're interested in spinning something up for yourself, you might find some inspiration here: {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wredundant-constraints #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-}
module Lib where
import Data.Function
import Data.Ord
import AlgebraCheckers ()
import Control.Lens (Lens', (^.), (?~), (.~), (&), (%~), at, (<>~))
import Control.Lens (view)
import Data.Barbie
import Data.Bool
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Generic.HKD
import Data.Generics.Product (HasField', field')
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Data.Monoid (Endo (..))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Witherable.Class
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.OverloadedLabels
import GHC.TypeLits
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..))
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers (EqProp (..))
data Jar = Jar
{ jar :: Word8
, jazz :: Word8
, jim :: Word8
, jackes :: Word8
, boop :: Bool
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Arbitrary (HKD w Maybe) => Arbitrary (Entity w) where
arbitrary = Entity <$> arbitrary
instance Show (HKD w Maybe) => Show (Entity w) where
show (Entity e) = show e
instance Eq (HKD w Maybe) => Eq (Entity w) where
Entity a == Entity b = a == b
instance Ord (HKD w Maybe) => Ord (Entity w) where
Entity a `compare` Entity b = a `compare` b
instance Arbitrary Jar where
arbitrary = Jar <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
instance EqProp Jar
instance CoArbitrary Jar where
coarbitrary (Jar a b c d e) = coarbitrary (a, b, c, d, e)
instance Show (a -> b) where
show _ = "<function>"
data System w = System
{ systemData :: HKD w IntMap
, systemAlive :: IntSet
, systemUniq :: Id
} deriving (Generic)
newSystem :: Monoid (HKD w IntMap) => System w
newSystem = System mempty mempty $ Id 0
numEntities :: System w -> Int
numEntities = idToInt . systemUniq
( Monoid (HKD w IntMap)
, Construct Maybe w
, Arbitrary w
, FunctorB (HKD w)
) => Arbitrary (System w) where
arbitrary = do
n <- choose (5, 40)
ws <- fmap (deconstruct @Maybe) <$> vectorOf n arbitrary
ws' <- for ws $ \w -> do
-- f <- arbitrary @(HKD w Maybe -> HKD w Maybe)
pure $ snd . createEntity (Entity w) --(f w)
pure $ flip appEndo newSystem $ foldMap Endo ws'
shrink w = (IS.toList $ systemAlive w) <&> \ix ->
w & field' @"systemData" %~ bmap (IM.delete ix)
& field' @"systemAlive" %~ IS.delete ix
( Show (HKD w Maybe)
, Eq (HKD w Maybe)
, FunctorB (HKD w)
, Generic w
) => EqProp (System w) where
s1 =-= s2 = query everything s1 =-= query everything s2
instance Show (HKD w IntMap) => Show (System w) where
show s = mconcat
[ show $ systemData s
, "/"
, show $ numEntities s
data Query w a where
RefineMap :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Query w a -> Query w b
With :: Component w a -> Query w a
Without :: Component w a -> Query w ()
Together :: Query w a -> Query w b -> Query w (a, b)
Const :: a -> Query w a
Ap :: Query w (a -> b) -> Query w a -> Query w b
UniqId :: Query w Id
Particular :: Id -> Query w Id
Alt :: Query w a -> Query w a -> Query w a
Try :: Query w a -> Query w (Maybe a)
Subquery :: Query w a -> Query w [a]
Everything :: Query w (Entity w)
( Monoid (HKD w IntMap)
, Construct Maybe w
, Generic w
, Arbitrary w
, FunctorB (HKD w)
, EqProp a
, Show (HKD w IntMap)
) => EqProp (Query w a) where
q1 =-= q2 = property $ \s ->
query q1 s =-= query q2 s
instance Show (Query w a) where
show (RefineMap _ q) = "refineMap _ (" ++ show q ++ ")"
show (With c) = "with " ++ show c
show (Without c) = "without " ++ show c
show (Together q1 q2) = "together (" ++ show q1 ++ ") (" ++ show q2 ++ ")"
show (Const _) = "pure _"
show (Ap q1 q2) = "(" ++ show q1 ++ ") <*> (" ++ show q2 ++ ")"
show (Alt q1 q2) = "alt (" ++ show q1 ++ ") (" ++ show q2 ++ ")"
show UniqId = "uniqId"
show (Particular a) = "particular " ++ show a
show (Try q) = "try (" ++ show q ++ ")"
show (Subquery q) = "subquery (" ++ show q ++ ")"
show Everything = "everything"
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-}
( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
, GArbComp w a (Rep w)
, Arbitrary a
, CoArbitrary a
) => Arbitrary (Query w a) where
arbitrary = arbitrarily []
( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
, GArbComp w () (Rep w)
) => Arbitrary (Query w ()) where
arbitrary = arbitrarily []
( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
) => Arbitrary (Query w Id) where
arbitrary = arbitrarily
[ (10, pure uniqId)
, (10, particular <$> arbitrary)
( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
, GArbComp w [a] (Rep w)
, GArbComp w a (Rep w)
, Arbitrary a
, CoArbitrary a
) => Arbitrary (Query w [a]) where
arbitrary = arbitrarily
[ (10, subquery <$> arbitrary)
( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
, GArbComp w (Either a b) (Rep w)
, GArbComp w a (Rep w)
, GArbComp w b (Rep w)
, Arbitrary a
, CoArbitrary a
, Arbitrary b
, CoArbitrary b
) => Arbitrary (Query w (Either a b)) where
arbitrary = arbitrarily
[ (10, eitherQ <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
, GArbComp w (Maybe a) (Rep w)
, GArbComp w a (Rep w)
, Arbitrary a
, CoArbitrary a
) => Arbitrary (Query w (Maybe a)) where
arbitrary = arbitrarily
[ (10, try <$> arbitrary)
:: forall w a
. ( Generic w
, GArbComp w Bool (Rep w)
, GArbComp w Id (Rep w)
, GArbComp w a (Rep w)
, Arbitrary a
, CoArbitrary a
=> [(Int, Gen (Query w a))]
-> Gen (Query w a)
arbitrarily more = do
mcomps <- arbitrary
let also =
case mcomps of
Actually comps -> comps
TooBad -> mempty
frequency $
[ (20, pure <$> arbitrary)
, (1, fmap <$> (arbitrary @(Id -> a)) <*> arbitrary @(Query w Id))
, (1, fmap <$> (arbitrary @(Bool -> _)) <*> arbitrary)
, (1, refineMap <$> (arbitrary @(Id -> _)) <*> arbitrary)
, (1, refineMap <$> (arbitrary @(Bool -> _)) <*> arbitrary)
, (1, refine <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
] ++ more ++ fmap ((1, ) . pure . with) also
instance Functor (Query w) where
fmap f = refineMap (Just . f)
instance Applicative (Query w) where
pure = Const
(<*>) = Ap
instance Filterable (Query w) where
mapMaybe = refineMap
data Component w a = Component
{ compName :: String
, compEntity :: Lens' w a
, compSystem :: Lens' (System w) (IntMap a)
instance Show (Component w a) where
show = mappend "#" . compName
instance Eq (Component w a) where
(==) = (==) `on` compName
instance Ord (Component w a) where
compare = comparing compName
instance Arbitrary (PossiblyComponent w a) => Arbitrary (Component w a) where
arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \case
Actually zs -> elements zs
TooBad -> error "trying to shrink a component that never existed in the first place"
data PossiblyComponent w a
= Actually [Component w a]
| TooBad
deriving (Generic)
instance (Generic w, GArbComp w a (Rep w)) => Arbitrary (PossiblyComponent w a) where
arbitrary = pure $
case garbComp @w @a @(Rep w) of
Just comps -> Actually comps
Nothing -> TooBad
( KnownSymbol nm
, HasField' nm w a
, HasField' nm (HKD w IntMap) (IntMap a)
) => IsLabel nm (Component w a) where
fromLabel =
(symbolVal $ Proxy @nm)
(field' @nm)
(field' @"systemData" . field' @nm)
class GArbComp w a (f :: * -> *) where
garbComp :: Maybe [Component w a]
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
( KnownSymbol nm
, HasField' nm w a
, HasField' nm (HKD w IntMap) (IntMap a)
) => GArbComp w a (S1 (MetaSel (Just nm) _1 _2 _3) (K1 _4 a)) where
garbComp = Just [fromLabel @nm]
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} GArbComp w a (S1 _1 (K1 _2 b)) where
garbComp = Nothing
( GArbComp w a f
, GArbComp w a g
) => GArbComp w a (f :*: g) where
garbComp = garbComp @w @a @f <> garbComp @w @a @g
( GArbComp w a f
) => GArbComp w a (M1 _1 _2 f) where
garbComp = garbComp @w @a @f
data Setter w where
Set :: Component w a -> a -> Setter w
Unchanged :: Setter w
Unset :: Component w a -> Setter w
Delete :: Setter w
Both :: Setter w -> Setter w -> Setter w
instance Show (Setter w) where
show (Set c _) = "Set " ++ show c
show Unchanged = "Unchanged"
show Delete = "Delete"
show (Unset c) = "Unset " ++ show c
show (Both a b) = "Both (" ++ show a ++ ") (" ++ show b ++ ")"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Arbitrary (Setter w) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure unchanged
, pure delete
, both <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink (Both a b) = [a, b] ++ fmap (flip both b) (shrink a) ++ fmap (both a) (shrink b) ++ [Unchanged, Delete]
shrink (Set _ _) = [Unchanged, Delete]
shrink (Unset _) = [Unchanged, Delete]
shrink _ = []
instance Arbitrary (Setter Jar) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure unchanged
, pure delete
, both <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
, do
c <- arbitrary @(Component Jar Word8)
a <- arbitrary
pure $ set c a
, do
c <- arbitrary @(Component Jar Word8)
pure $ unset c
( Eq (HKD w Maybe)
, Show (HKD w Maybe)
, Monoid (HKD w IntMap)
, Construct Maybe w
, Generic w
, Arbitrary w
, FunctorB (HKD w)
, Show (HKD w IntMap)
) => EqProp (Setter w) where
s1 =-= s2 = property $ \w ->
setEntity (Id 0) s1 w =-= setEntity (Id 0) s2 w
newtype Id = Id
{ idToInt :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
instance EqProp Id
instance Arbitrary Id where
arbitrary = Id <$> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
instance CoArbitrary Id where
coarbitrary (Id x) = coarbitrary x
findRelevant :: System w -> Query w a -> IntSet
findRelevant sys (With c) = IM.keysSet $ view (compSystem c) sys
findRelevant sys (Without c) = IS.difference (systemAlive sys) $ findRelevant sys $ With c
findRelevant sys (Together a b) = IS.intersection (findRelevant sys a) (findRelevant sys b)
findRelevant sys (RefineMap _ q) = findRelevant sys q
findRelevant sys (Const _) = mkAllIntSet sys
findRelevant sys UniqId = mkAllIntSet sys
findRelevant _ (Particular ix) = IS.singleton $ idToInt ix
findRelevant sys (Try _) = mkAllIntSet sys
findRelevant sys (Subquery _) = mkAllIntSet sys
findRelevant sys Everything = systemAlive sys
findRelevant sys (Ap a b) = IS.intersection (findRelevant sys a) (findRelevant sys b)
findRelevant sys (Alt a b) = IS.union (findRelevant sys a) (findRelevant sys b)
mkAllIntSet :: System w -> IntSet
= IS.fromList
. enumFromTo 0
. subtract 1
. idToInt
. systemUniq
-- constantValue
-- :: Query w a -> Either () (Maybe a)
-- constantValue (Const c) = Right $ Just c
-- constantValue (RefineMap f q) = fmap (f =<<) $ constantValue q
-- constantValue (With _) = Left ()
-- constantValue (Without _) = Left ()
-- constantValue (Together q1 q2) = liftA2 (,) <$> constantValue q1 <*> constantValue q2
-- constantValue (Ap qf qa) = (<*>) <$> constantValue qf <*> constantValue qa
-- constantValue UniqId = Left ()
-- constantValue (Particular _) = Left ()
-- constantValue (Alt q1 q2) = ((getFirst .) . (<>) `on` First) <$> constantValue q1 <*> constantValue q2
-- constantValue (Try q) = Just <$> constantValue q
-- constantValue (Subquery _) = Left () -- handled elsewhere
-- constantValue Everything = Left ()
:: (FunctorB (HKD w), Monoid (HKD w IntMap))
=> Entity w
-> System w
-> (Id, System w)
createEntity (Entity e) w =
let ix = idToInt $ systemUniq w
ix' = Id $ ix + 1
e' = bmap (maybe mempty (IM.singleton ix)) e
in ( Id ix
, w & field' @"systemData" <>~ e'
& field' @"systemAlive" %~ IS.insert ix
& field' @"systemUniq" .~ ix'
delEntity :: FunctorB (HKD w) => Id -> System w -> System w
delEntity ix = setEntity ix Delete
newtype Entity w = Entity (HKD w Maybe)
deriving (Generic)
instance (Show (HKD w Maybe), Eq (HKD w Maybe)) => EqProp (Entity w) where
Entity e1 =-= Entity e2 = e1 === e2
getEntity :: FunctorB (HKD w) => Id -> System w -> Entity w
getEntity ix w = Entity $ bmap (IM.lookup $ idToInt ix) $ systemData w
queryEntity :: (FunctorB (HKD w), Generic w) => Id -> Query w a -> System w -> Maybe a
queryEntity ix (Const a) s = bool Nothing (Just a) $ isBounded ix s
queryEntity ix (Subquery q) s = bool Nothing (Just $ query q s) $ isBounded ix s
queryEntity ix (RefineMap f q) s = f =<< queryEntity ix q s
queryEntity ix (With c) s = s ^. compAtIx c ix
-- TODO(sandy): without isn't bounded i think
queryEntity ix (Without c) s = maybe (Just ()) (const Nothing) $ s ^. compAtIx c ix
queryEntity ix (Together c1 c2) s =
<$> queryEntity ix c1 s
<*> queryEntity ix c2 s
queryEntity ix (Ap c1 c2) s = queryEntity ix c1 s <*> queryEntity ix c2 s
queryEntity ix UniqId s = bool Nothing (Just ix) $ isBounded ix s
queryEntity ix (Particular ix') sys = bool Nothing (Just ix) $ ix == ix' && IS.member (idToInt ix) (systemAlive sys)
queryEntity ix Everything s = Just $ getEntity ix s
queryEntity ix (Try q) s = bool Nothing (Just $ queryEntity ix q s) $ isBounded ix s
queryEntity ix (Alt q1 q2) s = do
a <- queryEntity ix (try q1) s
case a of
Just a' -> pure a'
Nothing -> queryEntity ix q2 s
-- b <- try $ queryEntity ix q2
-- = maybe
-- (Right <$> queryEntity ix q2 s)
-- (Just . Left)
-- $ queryEntity ix q1 s
isBounded :: Id -> System w -> Bool
isBounded ix s = idToInt ix >= 0 && idToInt ix < idToInt (systemUniq s)
:: Functor f
=> Component w a
-> Id
-> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a))
-> System w -> f (System w)
compAtIx c ix = compSystem c . at (idToInt ix)
-- TODO(sandy): wtf? why doesn't this need a model to not yell?
setEntity :: FunctorB (HKD w) => Id -> Setter w -> System w -> System w
setEntity _ Unchanged sys = sys
setEntity ix _ sys | not (isBounded ix sys) = sys
setEntity ix Delete sys =
& field' @"systemData" %~ bmap (IM.delete (idToInt ix))
& field' @"systemAlive" %~ IS.delete (idToInt ix)
setEntity ix (Unset c) sys =
& compAtIx c ix .~ Nothing
setEntity ix (Both s1 s2) sys =
setEntity ix s2 $ setEntity ix s1 sys
setEntity ix (Set c a) sys =
& compAtIx c ix ?~ a
query :: (FunctorB (HKD w), Generic w) => Query w a -> System w -> [a]
query (Subquery q) s = [query q s]
query UniqId s = coerce $ enumFromTo 0 $ numEntities s - 1
-- query q _ | Right z <- constantValue q = maybeToList z
-- TODO(sandy): need to do the same thing as in the model
query q s
= mapMaybe (\ix -> queryEntity ix q s)
. coerce
. IS.toList
$ findRelevant s q
update :: (FunctorB (HKD w), Generic w) => Query w a -> (a -> Setter w) -> System w -> System w
update q f s
= flip appEndo s
. foldMap (\(ix, a) -> Endo $ setEntity ix (f a))
$ query (Together UniqId q) s
particular :: Id -> Query w Id
particular = Particular
uniqId :: Query w Id
uniqId = UniqId
with :: Component w a -> Query w a
with = With
fetch :: Component w a -> Query w (Maybe a)
fetch = try . with
without :: Component w a -> Query w ()
without = Without
refine :: (a -> Bool) -> Query w a -> Query w a
refine p = refineMap (bool Nothing . Just <*> p)
refineMap :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Query w a -> Query w b
refineMap = RefineMap
-- -- unique :: (w -> Unique a) -> Query w a
-- -- unique = undefined
together :: Query w a -> Query w b -> Query w (a, b)
-- TODO(sandy): this should be a law!
together (Const a) (Const b) = Const (a, b)
together q1 q2 = Together q1 q2
mapQ :: (a -> b) -> Query w a -> Query w b
mapQ = fmap
pureQ :: a -> Query w a
pureQ = pure
apQ :: Query w (a -> b) -> Query w a -> Query w b
apQ = (<*>)
eitherQ :: Query w a -> Query w a -> Query w a
-- eitherQ = Alt
eitherQ = Alt
try :: Query w a -> Query w (Maybe a)
try (Const c) = Const (Just c)
try q = Try q
subquery :: Query w a -> Query w [a]
subquery = Subquery
everything :: Query w (Entity w)
everything = Everything
set :: Component w a -> a -> Setter w
set = Set
unset :: Component w a -> Setter w
unset = Unset
-- -- setUnique :: (w -> Unique a) -> a -> Setter w
-- -- setUnique = undefined
unchanged :: Setter w
unchanged = Unchanged
both :: Setter w -> Setter w -> Setter w
both Delete _ = Delete
both _ Delete = Delete
both Unchanged a = a
both a Unchanged = a
both (Unset c) s@(Unset c')
| compName c == compName c'
= s
both (Unset c) s@(Set c' _)
| compName c == compName c'
= s
both (Set c' _) s@(Unset c)
| compName c == compName c'
= s
both (Set c _) s@(Set c' _)
| compName c == compName c'
= s
both s1 s2 = Both s1 s2
delete :: Setter w
delete = Delete
activeEntities :: System w -> [Id]
activeEntities = undefined |
I am looking into migrating from Apecs for better readability. I would like to have a System that can operate on different Worlds, in a sense that it requires some components but can optionally utilize extra components.
Is that possible with Ecstasy?
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