Tuesday, 2023/04/25
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Kory Draughn, Alan King, Dave Fellinger, Martin Flores, Justin James, Mike Conway (NIEHS), Claudio Cacciari (SURF), Bruno Canning (Sanger)
- pam_interactive
- PR 2 still open
- Will follow up with Stefan
- OIDC/oauth2 in REST C++ API
- Martin still researching, ready to focus on this after 4.2.12
- Kory has been redesigning the HTTP API but separate from the OAuth2 effort
- Keycloak integrations
- iRODS DRS (GA4GH) demo/integration last Friday
- Near success - a little configuration cleanup still required
- Token passing worked as expected
- https://www.ga4gh.org/news/ga4gh-passports-and-the-authorization-and-authentication-infrastructure/
- iRODS DRS (GA4GH) demo/integration last Friday
- Next Meeting
- May 2023