Tuesday, 2021/07/27
10:00 am ET
Terrell Russell, Daniel Moore, Rubén García-Hernandez (LRZ), Brett Hartley (Sanger)
- Rubén - working with auth_microservice
- as long as there was a valid token in the database, a user shows up with a different token, server appears to use the original database token
- Rubén - still concerned that the openid flow is not following the standard flow
- still requires a pre-authentication call to the iRODS server
- Rubén - main concern is we need to support the full length tokens
- rather than having to use a hash
- Plan is to use this group's work as basis for 4.3.0
- Future work could be to incorporate Keycloak as iRODS Server dependency directly
- Working towards 4.3.0
- Next Meeting October 2021