This is an bash wrapper for changelog-generator, to automatic create, commit, push, an from your git repo commits.
Please, feel free to report issues/bugs to github. You can also leave any suggestion to improve the script.
During the development of bash_error_lib, i missed an tool to create an for my project. On GitHub i found the repo from @lob. He has the changelog-generator there. This is my choice as base, but there is no "automatic" control in bash.
mkdir gittmp && cd gittmp
git clone
Now, copy
to your git project folder, and make it "executable".
cp /path/to/your/git/repo
chmod +x /path/to/your/git/
Done! You can now run the command ./
cd /path/to/your/git/repo
selected parts copied from @lob's repo, because you need this information to use this wrapper successfully.
To use this module, your commit messages have to be in this format: type(category): description [flags]
- breaking build ci chore docs feat fix other perf refactor revert style test
Where flags is an optional comma-separated list of one or more of the following (must be surrounded in square brackets):
breaking: alters type to be a breaking change
And category can be anything of your choice. If you use a type not found in the list (but it still follows the same format of the message), it'll be grouped under other.
Images not yet included, the output should somthing like the following.
iptoux@2040:~/gits/genchlg$ ./ gen.
[->] Checking depencies: done.
[->] - Type/Mode?
[->] [1:Major (+.x.x)] // [2:Minor (x.+.x)] // [3:Patch (x.x.+)]
[->] Select: 1
[->] Shure? (y/n): y
Generate/Update an Major (+.x.x) in your repository.
[->] Generate done.
[->] Commiting done.
[->] StepUp version/set tags on repo: done.
[->] Auto-push disabled. You can enable it by setting false (true) in head of this file.
[->] Push it to git? (y/n): y
[->] Select y/Y -> pushing to git: done.
Finish, all steps done!
- Adding script auto-update.