diff --git a/checklist.md b/checklist.md
index 8f11434..9bcb472 100644
--- a/checklist.md
+++ b/checklist.md
@@ -10,215 +10,212 @@ Note that when you publish your dataset on the IPT, if you use a term not listed
**Table Legend**:
-- Terms marked with ^ indicate that the specified term is accepted in the Event or Occurrence table, but preference is that they be recorded in the eMoF table to link with controlled vocabulary
+- Terms marked with 1 indicate that the specified term is accepted in the Event or Occurrence table, but preference is that they be recorded in the eMoF table in the measurementType column so they can be linked with controlled vocabulary
- For the Occurrence table, distinction is made if the term could be used in the core or the extension table
- - x/x = term can be used in either Occurrence core or extension
- - x/- term is recommended only for the Occurrence core
- - -/x term is recommended only for the Occurrence extension
-`r fontawesome::fa(name="download", fill="green", height="2em")` **Click here to download the checklist.**
+`r fontawesome::fa(name="download", fill="green", height="2em")` **Click here to download the checklist.**
-| Term | OBIS Required | Term's DarwinCore Class | Event Table | Occurrence Table (Core/Extension) | eMoF Table | DNA Table |
-| eventDate | required | event | x | x/- | | |
-| eventID | required | event | x | -/x | x | |
-| decimalLatitude | required | location | x | x/- | | |
-| decimalLongitude | required | location | x | x/- | | |
-| occurrenceID | required | occurrence | | x/x | x | x |
-| occurrenceStatus | required | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| basisOfRecord | required | record | | x/x | | |
-| scientificName | required | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| scientificNameID | strongly recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| DNA_sequence | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| env_broad_scale | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| env_local scale | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| env_medium | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| lib_layout | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| nucl_acid_amp | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| nucl_acid_ext | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| otu_class_appr | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| otu_db | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| otu_seq_comp_appr | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| pcr_primer_forward | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| pcr_primer_name_forward | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| pcr_primer_name_reverse | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| pcr_primer_reference | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| pcr_primer_reverse | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| samp_name | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| samp_vol_we_dna_ext | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| seq_meth | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| sop | recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| target_gene | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| target_subfragment | strongly recommended | dna | | | | x |
-| day | recommended | event | x | x/- | | |
-| endDayOfYear | recommended | event | x | x/- | | |
-| eventType | strongly recommended | event | x | | | |
-| eventRemarks | optional | event | x | x/- | | |
-| eventTime | recommended | event | x | x/- | | |
-| fieldNotes | optional | event | x | | | |
-| fieldNumber | optional | event | x | | | |
-| habitat | recommended | event | x | | x | |
-| month | strongly recommended | event | x | x/- | | |
-| parentEventID | required (if exists) | event | x | -/x | | |
-| sampleSizeUnit | strongly recommended | event | x^ | x^/- | x | |
-| sampleSizeValue | strongly recommended | event | x^ | x^/- | x | |
-| samplingEffort | strongly recommended | event | x^ | x^/- | x | |
-| samplingProtocol | strongly recommended | event | x^ | x^/- | x | |
-| startDayOfYear | recommended | event | x | | | |
-| verbatimEventDate | recommended | event | x | | | |
-| year | strongly recommended | event | x | x/- | | |
-| bed | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| earliestAgeOrLowestStage | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| earliestEonOrLowestEonothem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| earliestEpochOrLowestSeries | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| earliestEraOrLowestErathem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| formation | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| group | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| highestBiostratigraphicZone | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| latestAgeOrHighestStage | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| latestEonOrHighestEonothem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| latestEpochOrHighestSeries | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| latestEraOrHighestErathem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| latestPeriodOrHighestSystem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| lithostratigraphicTerms | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| lowestBiostratigraphicZone | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| member | optional | geologicalContext | x | x/x | | |
-| dateIdentified | optional | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identificationID | optional | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identificationQualifier | recommended | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identificationReferences | optional (required for imaging data) | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identificationRemarks | recommended | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identificationVerificationStatus | optional (required for imaging data) | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identifiedBy | optional (required for imaging data) | identification | | x/x | | |
-| identifiedByID | optional | identification | | x/x | | |
-| typeStatus | optional | identification | | x/x | | |
-| continent | strongly recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| coordinatePrecision | strongly recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | strongly recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| country | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| countryCode | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| county | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| footprintSpatialFit | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| footprintSRS | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| footprintWKT | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| geodeticDatum | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| georeferencedBy | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| georeferencedDate | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| georeferenceProtocol | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| georeferenceSources | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| higherGeography | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| higherGeographyID | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| island | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| islandGroup | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| locality | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| locationAccordingTo | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| locationID | strongly recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| locationRemarks | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| maximumDepthInMeters | strongly recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| maximumElevationInMeters | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| minimumDepthInMeters | strongly recommended | location | x | x/-| | |
-| minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| minimumElevationInMeters | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| municipality | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| pointRadiusSpatialFit | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| stateProvince | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimCoordinates | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimCoordinateSystem | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimDepth | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimElevation | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimLatitude | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimLocality | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimLongitude | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| verbatimSRS | optional | location | x | x/- | | |
-| waterBody | recommended | location | x | x/- | | |
-| materialSampleID | recommended | materialSample | | x/x | | |
-| measurementAccuracy | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementDeterminedBy | optional | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementDeterminedDate | optional | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementID | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementMethod | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementRemarks | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementType | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementTypeID | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementUnit | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementUnitID | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementValue | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| measurementValueID | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | x | |
-| associatedMedia | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| associatedReferences | optional | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| associatedSequences | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| associatedTaxa | optional | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| behavior | optional | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| catalogNumber | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| disposition | optional | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| establishmentMeans | optional | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| georeferenceVerificationStatus | recommended | occurrence | x | x/- | | |
-| organismQuantity (preferred over individualCount) | strongly recommended | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| organismQuantityType (preferred over individualCount) | strongly recommended | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| individualCount | recommended | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| lifeStage | optional | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| occurrenceRemarks | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| otherCatalogNumbers | optional | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| preparations | optional | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| recordedBy | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| recordedByID | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| recordNumber | recommended | occurrence | | x/x | | |
-| reproductiveCondition | optional | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| sex | optional | occurrence | | x^/x^ | x | |
-| associatedOccurrences | optional | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| associatedOrganisms | optional | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| organismID | recommended | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| organismName | optional | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| organismRemarks | optional | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| organismScope | optional | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| previousIdentifications | recommended | organsim | | x/x | | |
-| accessRights | recommended | record | x | x/- | | |
-| bibliographicCitation | recommended | record | x | x/- | | |
-| collectionCode | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| collectionID | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| dataGeneralizations | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| datasetID | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| datasetName | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| dynamicProperties | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| informationWithheld | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| institutionCode | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| institutionID | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| language | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| license | strongly recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| modified | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| ownerInstitutionCode | optional | record | x | x/x | | |
-| references | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| rightsHolder | recommended | record | x | x/x | | |
-| type | strongly recommended | record | x | x/x | x | |
-| acceptedNameUsage | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| acceptedNameUsageID | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| higherClassification | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| infraspecificEpithet | recommended | taxon | | x/x| | |
-| nameAccordingToID | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| namePublishedInID | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| namePublishedInYear | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| nomenclaturalCode | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| nomenclaturalStatus | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| verbatimIdentification | recommended | identification | | x/x | | |
-| originalNameUsage | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| originalNameUsageID | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| parentNameUsage | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| parentNameUsageID | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| phylum | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| scientificNameAuthorship | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| specificEpithet | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| subgenus | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| taxonConceptID | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| taxonID | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| taxonomicStatus | optional | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| taxonRank | strongly recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| taxonRemarks | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| verbatimTaxonRank | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| vernacularName | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| class | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| family | recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| genus | strongly recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| kingdom | strongly recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
-| order | strongly recommended | taxon | | x/x | | |
+| Term | OBIS Required | Term's DarwinCore Class | Event core | Occurrence core | Occurrence extension | eMoF Table | DNA Table |
+| eventDate | required | event | x | x| | | |
+| eventID | required | event | x | |x | x | |
+| decimalLatitude | required | location | x | x| | | |
+| decimalLongitude | required | location | x | x| | | |
+| occurrenceID | required | occurrence | | x|x | x | x |
+| occurrenceStatus | required | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| basisOfRecord | required | record | | x|x | | |
+| scientificName | required | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| scientificNameID | strongly recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| DNA_sequence | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| env_broad_scale | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| env_local scale | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| env_medium | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| lib_layout | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| nucl_acid_amp | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| nucl_acid_ext | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| otu_class_appr | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| otu_db | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| otu_seq_comp_appr | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| pcr_primer_forward | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| pcr_primer_name_forward | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| pcr_primer_name_reverse | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| pcr_primer_reference | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| pcr_primer_reverse | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| samp_name | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| samp_vol_we_dna_ext | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| seq_meth | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| sop | recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| target_gene | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| target_subfragment | strongly recommended | dna | | | | | x |
+| day | recommended | event | x | x| | | |
+| endDayOfYear | recommended | event | x | x| | | |
+| eventType | strongly recommended | event | x | | | | |
+| eventRemarks | optional | event | x | x| | | |
+| eventTime | recommended | event | x | x| | | |
+| fieldNotes | optional | event | x | x | | | |
+| fieldNumber | optional | event | x | x | | | |
+| habitat | recommended | event | x | x | | x | |
+| month | strongly recommended | event | x | x| | | |
+| parentEventID | required (if exists) | event | x | | | |
+| sampleSizeUnit | strongly recommended | event | x1 | x1| | x | |
+| sampleSizeValue | strongly recommended | event | x1 | x1| | x | |
+| samplingEffort | strongly recommended | event | x1 | x1| | x | |
+| samplingProtocol | strongly recommended | event | x1 | x1| | x | |
+| startDayOfYear | recommended | event | x | x | | | |
+| verbatimEventDate | recommended | event | x | x | | | |
+| year | strongly recommended | event | x | x | | | |
+| bed | optional | geologicalContext | x | x | x | | |
+| earliestAgeOrLowestStage | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| earliestEonOrLowestEonothem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| earliestEpochOrLowestSeries | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| earliestEraOrLowestErathem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| formation | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| group | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| highestBiostratigraphicZone | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| latestAgeOrHighestStage | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| latestEonOrHighestEonothem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| latestEpochOrHighestSeries | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| latestEraOrHighestErathem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| latestPeriodOrHighestSystem | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| lithostratigraphicTerms | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| lowestBiostratigraphicZone | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| member | optional | geologicalContext | x | x|x | | |
+| dateIdentified | optional | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identificationID | optional | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identificationQualifier | recommended | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identificationReferences | optional (required for imaging data) | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identificationRemarks | recommended | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identificationVerificationStatus | optional (required for imaging data) | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identifiedBy | optional (required for imaging data) | identification | | x|x | | |
+| identifiedByID | optional | identification | | x|x | | |
+| typeStatus | optional | identification | | x|x | | |
+| continent | strongly recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| coordinatePrecision | strongly recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| coordinateUncertaintyInMeters | strongly recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| country | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| countryCode | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| county | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| footprintSpatialFit | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| footprintSRS | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| footprintWKT | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| geodeticDatum | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| georeferencedBy | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| georeferencedDate | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| georeferenceProtocol | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| georeferenceSources | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| higherGeography | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| higherGeographyID | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| island | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| islandGroup | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| locality | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| locationAccordingTo | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| locationID | strongly recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| locationRemarks | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| maximumDepthInMeters | strongly recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| maximumElevationInMeters | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| minimumDepthInMeters | strongly recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| minimumElevationInMeters | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| municipality | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| pointRadiusSpatialFit | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| stateProvince | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimCoordinates | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimCoordinateSystem | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimDepth | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimElevation | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimLatitude | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimLocality | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimLongitude | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| verbatimSRS | optional | location | x | x| | | |
+| waterBody | recommended | location | x | x| | | |
+| materialSampleID | recommended | materialSample | | x|x | | |
+| measurementAccuracy | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementDeterminedBy | optional | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementDeterminedDate | optional | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementID | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementMethod | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementRemarks | recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementType | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementTypeID | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementUnit | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementUnitID | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementValue | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| measurementValueID | strongly recommended | measurementOrFact | | | | x | |
+| associatedMedia | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| associatedReferences | optional | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| associatedSequences | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| associatedTaxa | optional | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| behavior | optional | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| catalogNumber | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| disposition | optional | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| establishmentMeans | optional | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| georeferenceVerificationStatus | recommended | occurrence | x | x| | | |
+| organismQuantity (preferred over individualCount) | strongly recommended | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| organismQuantityType (preferred over individualCount) | strongly recommended | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| individualCount | recommended | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| lifeStage | optional | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| occurrenceRemarks | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| otherCatalogNumbers | optional | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| preparations | optional | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| recordedBy | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| recordedByID | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| recordNumber | recommended | occurrence | | x|x | | |
+| reproductiveCondition | optional | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| sex | optional | occurrence | | x1|x1 | x | |
+| associatedOccurrences | optional | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| associatedOrganisms | optional | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| organismID | recommended | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| organismName | optional | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| organismRemarks | optional | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| organismScope | optional | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| previousIdentifications | recommended | organsim | | x|x | | |
+| accessRights | recommended | record | x | x| | | |
+| bibliographicCitation | recommended | record | x | x| | | |
+| collectionCode | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| collectionID | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| dataGeneralizations | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| datasetID | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| datasetName | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| dynamicProperties | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| informationWithheld | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| institutionCode | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| institutionID | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| language | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| license | strongly recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| modified | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| ownerInstitutionCode | optional | record | x | x|x | | |
+| references | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| rightsHolder | recommended | record | x | x|x | | |
+| type | strongly recommended | record | x | x|x | x | |
+| acceptedNameUsage | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| acceptedNameUsageID | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| higherClassification | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| infraspecificEpithet | recommended | taxon | | x|x| | |
+| nameAccordingToID | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| namePublishedInID | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| namePublishedInYear | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| nomenclaturalCode | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| nomenclaturalStatus | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| verbatimIdentification | recommended | identification | | x|x | | |
+| originalNameUsage | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| originalNameUsageID | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| parentNameUsage | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| parentNameUsageID | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| phylum | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| scientificNameAuthorship | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| specificEpithet | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| subgenus | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| taxonConceptID | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| taxonID | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| taxonomicStatus | optional | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| taxonRank | strongly recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| taxonRemarks | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| verbatimTaxonRank | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| vernacularName | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| class | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| family | recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| genus | strongly recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| kingdom | strongly recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
+| order | strongly recommended | taxon | | x|x | | |
diff --git a/docs/OBIS-termchecklist.csv b/docs/OBIS-termchecklist.csv
index 6031806..47b272e 100644
--- a/docs/OBIS-termchecklist.csv
+++ b/docs/OBIS-termchecklist.csv
@@ -1,203 +1,203 @@
- Term , OBIS Required , Term's DarwinCore Class , Event Table , Occurrence Table (Core/Extension) , eMoF Table , DNA Table
-eventDate,required,event,x,x/-, ,
-decimalLatitude,required,location,x,x/-, ,
-decimalLongitude,required,location,x,x/-, ,
-occurrenceID,required,occurrence, ,x/x,x,x
-occurrenceStatus,required,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-basisOfRecord,required,record, ,x/x, ,
-scientificName,required,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-scientificNameID,strongly recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-DNA_sequence,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-env_broad_scale,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-env_local scale,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-env_medium,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-lib_layout,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-nucl_acid_amp,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-nucl_acid_ext,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-otu_class_appr,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-otu_db,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-otu_seq_comp_appr,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-pcr_primer_forward,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-pcr_primer_name_forward,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-pcr_primer_name_reverse,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-pcr_primer_reference,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-pcr_primer_reverse,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-samp_name,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-samp_vol_we_dna_ext,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-seq_meth,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-sop,recommended,dna, , , ,x
-target_gene,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-target_subfragment,strongly recommended,dna, , , ,x
-day,recommended,event,x,x/-, ,
-endDayOfYear,recommended,event,x,x/-, ,
-eventType,strongly recommended,event,x, , ,
-eventRemarks,optional,event,x,x/-, ,
-eventTime,recommended,event,x,x/-, ,
-fieldNotes,optional,event,x, , ,
-fieldNumber,optional,event,x, , ,
-habitat,recommended,event,x, ,x,
-month,strongly recommended,event,x,x/-, ,
-parentEventID,required (if exists),event,x,-/x, ,
-sampleSizeUnit,strongly recommended,event,x^,x^/-,x,
-sampleSizeValue,strongly recommended,event,x^,x^/-,x,
-samplingEffort,strongly recommended,event,x^,x^/-,x,
-samplingProtocol,strongly recommended,event,x^,x^/-,x,
-startDayOfYear,recommended,event,x, , ,
-verbatimEventDate,recommended,event,x, , ,
-year,strongly recommended,event,x,x/-, ,
-bed,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-earliestAgeOrLowestStage,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-earliestEonOrLowestEonothem,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-earliestEpochOrLowestSeries,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-earliestEraOrLowestErathem,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-formation,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-group,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-highestBiostratigraphicZone,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-latestAgeOrHighestStage,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-latestEonOrHighestEonothem,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-latestEpochOrHighestSeries,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-latestEraOrHighestErathem,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-latestPeriodOrHighestSystem,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-lithostratigraphicTerms,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-lowestBiostratigraphicZone,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-member,optional,geologicalContext,x,x/x, ,
-dateIdentified,optional,identification, ,x/x, ,
-identificationID,optional,identification, ,x/x, ,
-identificationQualifier,recommended,identification, ,x/x, ,
-identificationReferences,optional (required for imaging data),identification, ,x/x, ,
-identificationRemarks,recommended,identification, ,x/x, ,
-identificationVerificationStatus,optional (required for imaging data),identification, ,x/x, ,
-identifiedBy,optional (required for imaging data),identification, ,x/x, ,
-identifiedByID,optional,identification, ,x/x, ,
-typeStatus,optional,identification, ,x/x, ,
-continent,strongly recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-coordinatePrecision,strongly recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,strongly recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-country,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-countryCode,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-county,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-footprintSpatialFit,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-footprintSRS,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-footprintWKT,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-geodeticDatum,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-georeferencedBy,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-georeferencedDate,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-georeferenceProtocol,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-georeferenceSources,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-higherGeography,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-higherGeographyID,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-island,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-islandGroup,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-locality,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-locationAccordingTo,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-locationID,strongly recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-locationRemarks,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-maximumDepthInMeters,strongly recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-maximumElevationInMeters,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-minimumDepthInMeters,strongly recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-minimumElevationInMeters,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-municipality,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-pointRadiusSpatialFit,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-stateProvince,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimCoordinates,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimCoordinateSystem,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimDepth,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimElevation,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimLatitude,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimLocality,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimLongitude,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-verbatimSRS,optional,location,x,x/-, ,
-waterBody,recommended,location,x,x/-, ,
-materialSampleID,recommended,materialSample, ,x/x, ,
-measurementAccuracy,recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementDeterminedBy,optional,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementDeterminedDate,optional,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementID,recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementMethod,recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementRemarks,recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementType,strongly recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementTypeID,strongly recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementUnit,strongly recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementUnitID,strongly recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementValue,strongly recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-measurementValueID,strongly recommended,measurementOrFact, , ,x,
-associatedMedia,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-associatedReferences,optional,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-associatedSequences,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-associatedTaxa,optional,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-behavior,optional,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-catalogNumber,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-disposition,optional,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-establishmentMeans,optional,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-georeferenceVerificationStatus,recommended,occurrence,x,x/-, ,
-organismQuantity (preferred over individualCount),strongly recommended,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-organismQuantityType (preferred over individualCount),strongly recommended,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-individualCount,recommended,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-lifeStage,optional,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-occurrenceRemarks,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-otherCatalogNumbers,optional,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-preparations,optional,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-recordedBy,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-recordedByID,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-recordNumber,recommended,occurrence, ,x/x, ,
-reproductiveCondition,optional,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-sex,optional,occurrence, ,x^/x^,x,
-associatedOccurrences,optional,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-associatedOrganisms,optional,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-organismID,recommended,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-organismName,optional,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-organismRemarks,optional,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-organismScope,optional,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-previousIdentifications,recommended,organsim, ,x/x, ,
-accessRights,recommended,record,x,x/-, ,
-bibliographicCitation,recommended,record,x,x/-, ,
-collectionCode,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-collectionID,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-dataGeneralizations,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-datasetID,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-datasetName,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-dynamicProperties,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-informationWithheld,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-institutionCode,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-institutionID,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-language,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-license,strongly recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-modified,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-ownerInstitutionCode,optional,record,x,x/x, ,
-references,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-rightsHolder,recommended,record,x,x/x, ,
-type,strongly recommended,record,x,x/x,x,
-acceptedNameUsage,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-acceptedNameUsageID,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-higherClassification,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-infraspecificEpithet,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-nameAccordingToID,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-namePublishedInID,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-namePublishedInYear,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-nomenclaturalCode,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-nomenclaturalStatus,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-originalNameUsage,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-originalNameUsageID,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-parentNameUsage,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-parentNameUsageID,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-phylum,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-scientificNameAuthorship,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-specificEpithet,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-subgenus,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-taxonConceptID,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-taxonID,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-taxonomicStatus,optional,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-taxonRank,strongly recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-taxonRemarks,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-verbatimTaxonRank,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-vernacularName,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-class,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-family,recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-genus,strongly recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-kingdom,strongly recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
-order,strongly recommended,taxon, ,x/x, ,
+ Term , OBIS Required , Term's DarwinCore Class , Event Table ,Occurrence Core,Occurrence Extension, eMoF Table , DNA Table
+ eventDate , required , event , x , x, , ,
+ eventID , required , event , x , ,x , x ,
+ decimalLatitude , required , location , x , x, , ,
+ decimalLongitude , required , location , x , x, , ,
+ occurrenceID , required , occurrence , , x,x , x , x
+ occurrenceStatus , required , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ basisOfRecord , required , record , , x,x , ,
+ scientificName , required , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ scientificNameID , strongly recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ DNA_sequence , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ env_broad_scale , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ env_local scale , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ env_medium , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ lib_layout , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ nucl_acid_amp , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ nucl_acid_ext , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ otu_class_appr , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ otu_db , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ otu_seq_comp_appr , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ pcr_primer_forward , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ pcr_primer_name_forward , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ pcr_primer_name_reverse , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ pcr_primer_reference , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ pcr_primer_reverse , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ samp_name , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ samp_vol_we_dna_ext , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ seq_meth , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ sop , recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ target_gene , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ target_subfragment , strongly recommended , dna , , , , , x
+ day , recommended , event , x , x, , ,
+ endDayOfYear , recommended , event , x , x, , ,
+ eventType , strongly recommended , event , x , , , ,
+ eventRemarks , optional , event , x , x, , ,
+ eventTime , recommended , event , x , x, , ,
+ fieldNotes , optional , event , x , x , , ,
+ fieldNumber , optional , event , x , x , , ,
+ habitat , recommended , event , x , x , , x ,
+ month , strongly recommended , event , x , x, , ,
+ parentEventID , required (if exists) , event , x , , , ,
+ sampleSizeUnit , strongly recommended , event , x1 , x1, , x ,
+ sampleSizeValue , strongly recommended , event , x1 , x1, , x ,
+ samplingEffort , strongly recommended , event , x1 , x1, , x ,
+ samplingProtocol , strongly recommended , event , x1 , x1, , x ,
+ startDayOfYear , recommended , event , x , x , , ,
+ verbatimEventDate , recommended , event , x , x , , ,
+ year , strongly recommended , event , x , x , , ,
+ bed , optional , geologicalContext , x , x , x , ,
+ earliestAgeOrLowestStage , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ earliestEonOrLowestEonothem , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ earliestEpochOrLowestSeries , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ earliestEraOrLowestErathem , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ earliestPeriodOrLowestSystem , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ formation , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ group , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ highestBiostratigraphicZone , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ latestAgeOrHighestStage , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ latestEonOrHighestEonothem , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ latestEpochOrHighestSeries , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ latestEraOrHighestErathem , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ latestPeriodOrHighestSystem , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ lithostratigraphicTerms , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ lowestBiostratigraphicZone , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ member , optional , geologicalContext , x , x,x , ,
+ dateIdentified , optional , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identificationID , optional , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identificationQualifier , recommended , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identificationReferences , optional (required for imaging data) , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identificationRemarks , recommended , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identificationVerificationStatus , optional (required for imaging data) , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identifiedBy , optional (required for imaging data) , identification , , x,x , ,
+ identifiedByID , optional , identification , , x,x , ,
+ typeStatus , optional , identification , , x,x , ,
+ continent , strongly recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ coordinatePrecision , strongly recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ coordinateUncertaintyInMeters , strongly recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ country , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ countryCode , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ county , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ footprintSpatialFit , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ footprintSRS , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ footprintWKT , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ geodeticDatum , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ georeferencedBy , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ georeferencedDate , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ georeferenceProtocol , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ georeferenceSources , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ higherGeography , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ higherGeographyID , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ island , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ islandGroup , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ locality , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ locationAccordingTo , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ locationID , strongly recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ locationRemarks , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ maximumDepthInMeters , strongly recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ maximumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ maximumElevationInMeters , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ minimumDepthInMeters , strongly recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ minimumDistanceAboveSurfaceInMeters , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ minimumElevationInMeters , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ municipality , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ pointRadiusSpatialFit , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ stateProvince , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimCoordinates , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimCoordinateSystem , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimDepth , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimElevation , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimLatitude , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimLocality , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimLongitude , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ verbatimSRS , optional , location , x , x, , ,
+ waterBody , recommended , location , x , x, , ,
+ materialSampleID , recommended , materialSample , , x,x , ,
+ measurementAccuracy , recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementDeterminedBy , optional , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementDeterminedDate , optional , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementID , recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementMethod , recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementRemarks , recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementType , strongly recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementTypeID , strongly recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementUnit , strongly recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementUnitID , strongly recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementValue , strongly recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ measurementValueID , strongly recommended , measurementOrFact , , , , x ,
+ associatedMedia , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ associatedReferences , optional , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ associatedSequences , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ associatedTaxa , optional , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ behavior , optional , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ catalogNumber , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ disposition , optional , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ establishmentMeans , optional , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ georeferenceVerificationStatus , recommended , occurrence , x , x, , ,
+ organismQuantity (preferred over individualCount) , strongly recommended , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ organismQuantityType (preferred over individualCount) , strongly recommended , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ individualCount , recommended , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ lifeStage , optional , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ occurrenceRemarks , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ otherCatalogNumbers , optional , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ preparations , optional , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ recordedBy , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ recordedByID , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ recordNumber , recommended , occurrence , , x,x , ,
+ reproductiveCondition , optional , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ sex , optional , occurrence , , x1,x1 , x ,
+ associatedOccurrences , optional , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ associatedOrganisms , optional , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ organismID , recommended , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ organismName , optional , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ organismRemarks , optional , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ organismScope , optional , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ previousIdentifications , recommended , organsim , , x,x , ,
+ accessRights , recommended , record , x , x, , ,
+ bibliographicCitation , recommended , record , x , x, , ,
+ collectionCode , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ collectionID , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ dataGeneralizations , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ datasetID , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ datasetName , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ dynamicProperties , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ informationWithheld , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ institutionCode , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ institutionID , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ language , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ license , strongly recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ modified , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ ownerInstitutionCode , optional , record , x , x,x , ,
+ references , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ rightsHolder , recommended , record , x , x,x , ,
+ type , strongly recommended , record , x , x,x , x ,
+ acceptedNameUsage , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ acceptedNameUsageID , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ higherClassification , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ infraspecificEpithet , recommended , taxon , , x,x, ,
+ nameAccordingToID , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ namePublishedInID , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ namePublishedInYear , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ nomenclaturalCode , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ nomenclaturalStatus , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ verbatimIdentification , recommended , identification , , x,x , ,
+ originalNameUsage , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ originalNameUsageID , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ parentNameUsage , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ parentNameUsageID , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ phylum , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ scientificNameAuthorship , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ specificEpithet , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ subgenus , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ taxonConceptID , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ taxonID , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ taxonomicStatus , optional , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ taxonRank , strongly recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ taxonRemarks , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ verbatimTaxonRank , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ vernacularName , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ class , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ family , recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ genus , strongly recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ kingdom , strongly recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,
+ order , strongly recommended , taxon , , x,x , ,