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File metadata and controls

88 lines (66 loc) · 3.65 KB


Partial implementation of the XML DSig standard for Go. Can be used to manage certificates in .p12 format and generate signatures typically used with UBL invoice documents or similar local standards.

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  • Canonicalisation: at the moment is EXTREMELY limited. It'll handle missing namespaces on root elements, but you MUST ensure the Go structures (type struct) you intend to Marshal contain attributes in their canonical order: first namespaces, then regular attributes.

Usage Example

type SampleDoc struct {
	XMLName       xml.Name `xml:"test:SampleDoc"`
	TestNamespace string   `xml:"xmlns:test,attr"`
	Title         string
	Signature     *xmldsig.Signature `xml:"ds:Signature,omitempty"` // Add signature object!

func main() {
    doc := &SampleDoc{
		TestNamespace: "",
		Title:         "This is a test",
	// Using XAdES FacturaE example policy config
	xades := &xmldsig.XAdESConfig{
		Role:        xmldsig.XAdESSignerRole("third party"),
		Description: "test",
		Policy: &xmldsig.XAdESPolicyConfig{
			URL:         "",
			Description: "Política de Firma FacturaE v3.1",
			Algorithm:   "",
			Hash:        "Ohixl6upD6av8N7pEvDABhEL6hM=",
    data, _ := xml.Marshal(doc)
    cert, _ := xmldsig.LoadCertificate("./invopop.p12", "invopop")
    doc.Signature, _ = xmldsig.Sign(data,

    // Now output the data
    out, _ := xml.Marshal(doc)

Support is also included for using a Time Stamp Authority (TSA). Simply add the following to the Sign options with the URL of the service you want to use:

xmldsig.WithTimestamp(xmldsig.TimestampFreeTSA) // uses


Signing and certificates can be overwhelming. OpenSSL is the tool to use for clarifying what the situation is and this page has a useful set of commands:

This library requires certificates in PKCS12 DER format (.pki or .p12 extension). If you don't have something like that, use the OpenSSL tools to convert between X509 (.pem) format and PKCS12.

The order of certificates is important, the main certificate must come first. You can check order using the following command:

openssl pkcs12 -info -in keyStore.p12

It might be a good idea to try exporting and re-creating your existing PKCS12 files if in doubt. First extract to pem:

openssl pkcs12 -in invopop.p12 -out invopop.pem -nodes

Split the resulting .pem file into multiple parts for the key, certificate, and CA certificate(s) using your text editor. Then rebuild:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out invopop.p12 -inkey invopop.key -in invopop.crt -certfile


This project is developed and maintained under the Apache 2.0 Open Source license by Invopop.

Copyright 2021-2023 Invopop Ltd.