Please study official Contact Mapping protocol:
More info at
Contact Mapping protocol short version:
All values are limited to Unicode Latin characters if stricter limits are not specified. This includes unicode blocks Basic Latin, Latin-1 Supplement, Latin Extended-A, Latin Extended-B, Latin Extended C, Latin Extended D, Latin Extended Additional, Diacritics. More info:
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<create> 1
<contact:create> 1 Attribute: xmlns:contact=""
<contact:id> 0-1 Contact id, optional,
string: ASCII letters, numbers, ':', '-' characters, no spaces,
max 100 characters,
generated automatically if missing.
<contact:postalInfo> 1 Postal information container
<contact:name> 1 Full name of the contact
<contact:org> 0 Org is not supported and must be blank or missing
<contact:addr> 0-1 Address container, optional
<contact:street> 0-3 Street name
<contact:city> 1 City name
<contact:sp> 0-1 State or province
<contact:pc> 0-1 Postal code
<contact:cc> 1 Country code, 2 letters uppercase, in ISO_3166-1 alpha 2
<contact:voice> 1 Phone number in E.164 format (e.g. +372.12345)
<contact:fax> 0 Fax is not supported and must be blank or missing
<contact:email> 1 E-mail
<extension> 1
<eis:extdata> 1 Attribute: xmlns:eis=""
<eis:ident> 1 Identifier
Attribute: "type"
"org" # Business registry code
"priv" # National identification number
"birthday" # Birthday date in format in YYYY-MM-DD
Attribute: "cc"
"EE" # Country code in ISO_3166-1 aplha 2
<eis:legalDocument> 0-1 Base64 encoded document
Attribute: type="pdf/asice/sce/adoc/asics/scs/edoc/adoc/bdoc/ddoc/zip/rar/gz/tar/7z"
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<update> 1
<contact:update> 1 Attribute: xmlns:contact=""
<contact:id> 1 Contact id, required
<contact:chg> 1 Change container
<contact:postalInfo> 1 Postal information container
<contact:name> 0-1 Full name of the contact
<contact:org> 0 Org is not supported and must be blank or missing
<contact:addr> 0-1 Address container
<contact:street> 0-3 Street name
<contact:city> 1 City name
<contact:sp> 0-1 State or province
<contact:pc> 0-1 Postal code
<contact:cc> 1 Country code, 2 letters uppercase, in ISO_3166-1 alpha 2
<contact:voice> 0-1 Phone number in E.164 format (e.g. +372.12345)
<contact:fax> 0 Fax is not supported and must be blank or missing
<contact:email> 0-1 E-mail
<contact:authInfo> 0-1 Required if registrar is not the owner of the contact.
<contact:pw> 1 Contact password. Attribute: roid="String"
<extension> 0-1
<eis:extdata> 0-1 Attribute: xmlns:eis=""
<eis:ident> 0-1 Identifier
Attribute: "type"
"org" # Business registry code
"priv" # National identification number
"birthday" # Birthday date in format in YYYY-MM-DD
Attribute: "cc"
"EE" # Country code in ISO_3166-1 aplha 2
<eis:legalDocument> 0-1 Base64 encoded document.
Attribute: type="pdf/asice/sce/adoc/asics/scs/edoc/adoc/bdoc/ddoc/zip/rar/gz/tar/7z"
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<delete> 1
<contact:delete> 1 Attribute: xmlns:contact=""
<contact:id> 1 Contact id
<contact:authInfo> 0-1 Required if registrar is not the owner of the contact.
<contact:pw> 1 Contact password. Attribute: roid="String"
<extension> 0-1
<eis:extdata> 0-1 Attribute: xmlns:eis=""
<eis:legalDocument> 0-1 Base64 encoded document.
Attribute: type="pdf/asice/sce/adoc/asics/scs/edoc/adoc/bdoc/ddoc/zip/rar/gz/tar/7z"
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<check> 1
<contact:check> 1 Attribute: xmlns:contact=""
<contact:id> 1-n Contact id
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id
Field name Min-max Field description
----------------------- ------- -----------------
<info> 1
<contact:info> 1 Attribute: xmlns:contact=""
<contact:id> 1-n Contact id
<contact:authInfo> 0-1 Required if registrar is not the owner of the contact.
<contact:pw> 1 Contact password. Attribute: roid="String"
<clTRID> 0-1 Client transaction id