To get started using Predix* from GE IoT (, you must first setup your development machine. These instructions follow the "Development machine configurations and step-by-step to building Predix Application and Services" steps listed at
First, signup for a Predix* Developer account.
Follow the registration instructions.
If you already have an account, you can skip to the next step.
Now, install the Cloud Foundry* Command Line Tool.
Follow the installation instructions from the Cloud Foundry Downloads.
If you already have installed it, you can skip to the next step.
Now, install the Maven* Command Line Tool.
If you already have installed it, you can skip to the next step.
- Clone the predix-scripts repository
Use git to clone the Predix* repository that contains the setup scripts, as follows:
git clone
cd predix-scripts
- Edit the variables file
Use your text editor to open and modify the file /bash/scripts/
to enter your account's UAA configuration data for the following values:
# The username of the new user to authenticate with the application
UAA_USER_NAME="<enter your user name, same as your email>"
# The email address of username above
UAA_USER_EMAIL="<enter your email>"
# The password of the user above
UAA_USER_PASSWORD="<enter your password>"
# The secret of the Admin client ID (Administrator Credentails)
UAA_ADMIN_SECRET="<choose a password>"
# The generic client ID that will be created with necessary UAA scope/autherities
UAA_CLIENTID_GENERIC="<choose a client id>"
# The generic client ID password
UAA_CLIENTID_GENERIC_SECRET="<choose a password>"
For UAA_USER_NAME, UAA_USER_EMAIL, and UAA_USER_PASSWORD you must enter the same values that match those for your Predix account.
Note that for UAA_ADMIN_SECRET, UAA_CLIENTID_GENERIC, and UAA_CLIENTID_GENERIC_SECRET you should enter values of your own choosing, since those accounts will be created as part of provisioning your new app.
- Create application and services
Now you are ready to run the script that creates your Predix* application and all needed services. Run the following command:
./bash/ -cs
Once the script is done, it will have created the application in the Predix* cloud, and deployed all needed service. You can now obtain all of the information you need to connect your device to the Predix* service, by looking in the bash/log/predix-services-summary.txt
If you have followed all the steps above, you should now have all the information that your program needs to connect to Predix*:
- The UAA Client ID for your account
- The UAA client secret
- Which UAA URL to use
- timeseries zone id
- timeseries ingestion url
When running your C++ code on the Intel® Edison board or Intel® IoT Gateway, you will need to install the "websocketspp" client libraries, add the "USE_PREDIX_SERVICE" symbol, and create and use a run configuration with the needed parameters.
To install the "websocketspp" client libraries, follow the instructions at:
- From the main menu, select Project > Properties dialog box is displayed.
- Expand the section C/C++ General.
Click on the Paths and Symbols sub-section, and click on the Symbols tab. - Now click on GNU C++, and click on the Add button.
- In the Name field, enter "USE_PREDIX_SERVICE". Leave the Value field blank.
- Your new name symbol will now be displayed. Click OK.
Go to Run configurations and, in the Commands to execute before application field, type the following:
export PREDIX_UAA_CLIENT_ID="[uaa client id]"; export PREDIX_UAA_CLIENT_SECRET="[uaa client secret]"; export PREDIX_UAA_URL="[uaa url]"; export PREDIX_TIMESERIES_ZONE_ID="[timeseries zone id]"; export PREDIX_TIMESERIES_INGEST_URL="[timeseries ingest url]"
Click the Apply button to save these settings.
Click the Run button to run the code on your board.
When running your JavaScript* code on the Intel® Edison board or Intel® IoT Gateway, you need to use the WebSockets interface, by setting the client parameters in the Intel® XDK IDE. Add the following entries to the config.json file:
"services": {
"predix": {
"uaa_client_id": "<uaa client id>",
"uaa_client_secret": "<uaa client secret>",
"uaa_url": "<uaa url>",
"timeseries_zone_id": "<timeseries zone id>",
"timeseries_ingest_url": "<timeseries ingestion ur>l"
When running your Python* code on the Intel® Edison board or Intel® IoT Gateway, you need to use the WebSockets interface, by setting the client parameters. Add the following entries to the config.json file:
"services": {
"predix": {
"uaa_client_id": "<uaa client id>",
"uaa_client_secret": "<uaa client secret>",
"uaa_url": "<uaa url>",
"timeseries_zone_id": "<timeseries zone id>",
"timeseries_ingest_url": "<timeseries ingestion ur>l"
You can view data for debugging by using the Predix* Tool Kit.
Login to your account, using the "Login as Client" link. Enter the UAA URL, client ID, and client secret that you obtained when you created your Predix* application.
Click on "Time Series Query" link.
Select "Latest Datapoints Request" from the "Choose Request" dropdown. Enter the "predix-zone-id" that you obtained when you created your Predix* application. In the "Request Body" change the value "Compressor-2015:CompressionRatio" to "sensor-data".
Click on the "Submit" button, and the most recent data should be displayed.
You can delete your sample Predix* application using the following commands.
First, obtain the name of your application's "space" by running:
cf spaces
Determine which space name you want to delete. Then run the following command:
cf delete-space [name]
where [name] should be replaced with the name of the space you want to delete.
BE CAREFUL: deleting a space is permanent and your data cannot be recovered.